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200207967 <br />Second Party shall be responsible for the cost of maintenance of that part of the common <br />garage situated on Second Party's real estate. Neither party shall structurally alter, <br />demolish or remove their respective one -half of the common garage without the consent <br />of the other nor shall either party interfere with the other party's rightful use of the garage. <br />3. ragiialty Damaaa. If the common garage is damaged or destroyed by fire, <br />wind or other casualty loss, the parties agree to repair or rebuild the common garage and <br />each party shall bear the cost of their respective one -half of the common garage. <br />4. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their <br />respective heirs, personal representatives, devises and assigns. With regard to the First <br />Party, the binding effect of this Agreement shall be jointly and severally. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement the day and <br />year first above written. <br />FIRST PARTY: <br />Opal <br />Do Id E. Linden <br />Loretta Linden <br />a sz <br />Arnold Linden <br />Vir 1 i Linden <br />Sheryl WZeckser <br />a <br />JuMith A. Christensen <br />SECOND PARTY: <br />Ellen C. Romans <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />) ss. <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />e for going Agreement was acknowledged before me this 1,,�day of <br />, 2002, by Opal M. Linden, single and Judith A. Christensen, <br />single, f the rposes therein stated. <br />������ Notary Public <br />