THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 1,2 .4 day of July, 2002, by
<br />and between the following persons as First Party, whether one or more: Opal M. Linden,
<br />single; Donald E. Linden and Loretta Linden, husband and wife; Arnold L. Linden and
<br />Virginia Linden, husband and wife; Sheryl D. Zeckser, single; and Judith A. Christensen, �! `
<br />single and Second Party, namely Ellen C. Romans, single. C
<br />A. The First Party is the owner of real estate in Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, described as: The Northerly 80'% Feet of Lot One (1) in Block One Hundred
<br />Forty Eight (148), Union Pacific Rafteed Company's Second Addition.
<br />P.;towI
<br />B. The Second Party is the owner or contract buyer of real estate described as
<br />The Southerly 51 '/2 Feet of Lot (1), in Block One Hundred Forty Eight (148) of Union
<br />Pacific. Raikead Company's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />C. The two tracts of real estate described above abut each other and along the
<br />common property line between the two properties there exists a joint driveway and
<br />garage.
<br />D. The parties' garages are attached to each other as a common building and
<br />they want to make provision for upkeep and maintenance thereof.
<br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and
<br />each party relying upon the other, it is agreed as follows:
<br />1. Mainrannnca of Driveway Appproach. The parties hereto agree to maintain
<br />the respective driveway improvements approaching the garage in a usable, neat and
<br />uniform manner, so that the overall appearance of the said driveway improvements is that
<br />of one driveway. Each party will stand the expense of upkeep and /or replacement of their
<br />respective driveway. If either party should create damage to the other's driveway, the one
<br />causing the damage should stand the expense of repairs.
<br />2. Gnrapp Maintenance. First Party and Second Party agree to maintain their
<br />respective one -half of the common garage in good condition and repair at all times. Each
<br />party shall confer with the other regarding painting, roofing, and other repairs so as to
<br />make their respective portion of the common garage compatible in appearance and
<br />structurally sound at all times. First Party shall be responsible for the cost of the
<br />maintenance of that part of the common garage situated on First Party's real estate and
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<br />200207967
<br />THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 1,2 .4 day of July, 2002, by
<br />and between the following persons as First Party, whether one or more: Opal M. Linden,
<br />single; Donald E. Linden and Loretta Linden, husband and wife; Arnold L. Linden and
<br />Virginia Linden, husband and wife; Sheryl D. Zeckser, single; and Judith A. Christensen, �! `
<br />single and Second Party, namely Ellen C. Romans, single. C
<br />A. The First Party is the owner of real estate in Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, described as: The Northerly 80'% Feet of Lot One (1) in Block One Hundred
<br />Forty Eight (148), Union Pacific Rafteed Company's Second Addition.
<br />P.;towI
<br />B. The Second Party is the owner or contract buyer of real estate described as
<br />The Southerly 51 '/2 Feet of Lot (1), in Block One Hundred Forty Eight (148) of Union
<br />Pacific. Raikead Company's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />C. The two tracts of real estate described above abut each other and along the
<br />common property line between the two properties there exists a joint driveway and
<br />garage.
<br />D. The parties' garages are attached to each other as a common building and
<br />they want to make provision for upkeep and maintenance thereof.
<br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and
<br />each party relying upon the other, it is agreed as follows:
<br />1. Mainrannnca of Driveway Appproach. The parties hereto agree to maintain
<br />the respective driveway improvements approaching the garage in a usable, neat and
<br />uniform manner, so that the overall appearance of the said driveway improvements is that
<br />of one driveway. Each party will stand the expense of upkeep and /or replacement of their
<br />respective driveway. If either party should create damage to the other's driveway, the one
<br />causing the damage should stand the expense of repairs.
<br />2. Gnrapp Maintenance. First Party and Second Party agree to maintain their
<br />respective one -half of the common garage in good condition and repair at all times. Each
<br />party shall confer with the other regarding painting, roofing, and other repairs so as to
<br />make their respective portion of the common garage compatible in appearance and
<br />structurally sound at all times. First Party shall be responsible for the cost of the
<br />maintenance of that part of the common garage situated on First Party's real estate and
<br />