<br />B. All future ad, nice, from Beneti,,ery to Trustor or other future obhgatons of I Iunha to Benehuary under any
<br />Iron"""y n ttc contract. Tueranly, or other evidence of debt executed by I it stor tit favor of Beneficiary esecwed
<br />after this Securily Instrument whether or nor this SeCUL rty Instrument is speci field I re I crenoed. If more Ihau one
<br />Pcmou ,signs this Security In,sh'ument each Fl ustor alo ee. that this Security hmtrumeut will secure all furore advances
<br />and future ohhgmunt, that are given to or Lima Ied by mry one or more I I uder, or any one ..r more T moon and
<br />Aliens, All future advances and other future obligations are seolred by this Securily instrunhcnt esen though all or
<br />part may not yet be advanced- All future advances and other future obligation., are secured as' if made on the date of
<br />this Se,mlIN Irhstmment. Notting in this Semrrty hotnnueut shall constitute a commitment to erase additional or
<br />future loans or adverse., in any amounl. Any such commitment must he agreed In in a separate writing.
<br />C All obligations l rusnv owes to Beneficiary_ which may late, trial, to the extent not prohibited by Imr including, but
<br />not limited to, liabilities not overdrafts rcdtline to any repeal accent ogreenent between frnsmr and Beneficiary_
<br />D. All addilrunal suum advanced and expenses incurred by Beneficiary Tor insuring, pmsm"ll, or otherwise protecting
<br />the Property and its value and any other sums advanced and expenses iu,mied by Bcru fidary under the terms lit Ibis
<br />Securely dn,n'umcnt.
<br />Thus Security Inslrumenl will not secure any other debt if Beneficiary fads to give any required notice of the right of
<br />ielcr NN,mt.
<br />5. PAYMEN" FS. linstor agrees that all payments under the Secured Debt will be paid when due and in accordance with the
<br />[erns of the Secured Deht and this Seavity Instrument,
<br />6. AYARRAN "I Y Of 'TITLE. I u.,l,)I tvauants that frost.., is wtl he lawitdly ,cued of the estate o,ne,ed by Ibis
<br />Scx;u b, instillment and has the right to irrevocably grant, convey, and sell the Properly to I I ..bec, in trust, with power of
<br />sale. I nistor also warrants that the Property is unencumbered. except but encumbrances ofreculd.
<br />7. PRIOR SF.CI:RELY INTERESTS. With regard to airy other mortgage decd of trust, secutih agteenleut or other lien
<br />docantent that created a prior scnuitv interest or encumbrance on the Property. Trustor agrees:
<br />A I o Make all pa anent, often due and to pet'ttrm nr comph, with all covenants.
<br />B. 'Ie ,I..ngrtly dch, I ut Benetcary any ataic e, ,tat I ru tot receives hour the holder.
<br />C. Not to allow airy nnodification tr extension of nor to request any future advances under airy note or agreement
<br />secured by the lien document withrnn Renefr,uu,'s prior written consent.
<br />S. CLAIMS AGAINST T1'H.E. Iruslor will pay all taxes, asscssmenk. licus. euam,brances. lease pavments, ground rents .
<br />utilities_ and other charges rclaling to the Property when due. Beneficiary may require llusror to provide to R,neficiap
<br />copies of all notices ,rat such amounts are due and the receipts evidencing Trustor', payment. Trustor will defend title to
<br />the Property against any clarets That would impair the lien of this Securily Instnnmeht. Trustor agrees to assmn to
<br />Bcnehaaly as tepr,smo {hy Beneficial,. any rights, claims or defense, trust,, may have against parties who supply labor
<br />or materials to maintain or improve the Plepetty
<br />9. DUE ON SALE OR EN( LMBRANCF.. Basliciary stay, at its option, declare the entire balance of the Secured Debt to
<br />he ItnmIXlralely due and payable npoa the U2ahon M ,, Contract for the Cleatmlt Of, rmv hen, moo mbrmrce. transfer or Sale
<br />of Ile Property. This light is suhju[ to the test'..,ion, rmponcd by lateral law (12 ( .F.R. 591), as applicable- His
<br />covenant shall run ,uh the Property and ..hall remain in effect until the Secured Debt is paid m fill and this Security
<br />Instrumcnl is rd eased .
<br />10. PROPERTY CON DI'I'ION, ALTERATION'S AND INSPECTION. "I Iusna will keep the Property in good Condit..... and
<br />..take all I par is that are I ssor.hly' necessary. Tr a .,tor shall not commit or altos,' any waste_ Impertinent, lit' deters tart t on of
<br />the Property. Trustor will keep the Property Gee of noxious 'ecds and grasses_ Trustor agrees that the nature of the
<br />occupancy and use will not substantially Chang, without Bcnefrcraty's prior written consent. "truster will not permit any
<br />chance in any Ir ,o,c, rc,tr,ct,,c anulanl or casement without Bencficraty's prior' written consent Trustor will ..ot,(,
<br />Ben, icuu, of demands, pr coding,. claims and aliens agar list Trusrtn, and ofany to : ur damage n the Pm1wit,
<br />Beneltciluv or Renefie arys agolua may, at Beneficiary's option, enter [he Property at any reasonable time (or the purpose
<br />A f inspecting the Property. Bahell,iury shall Cure Trustor nolue at the tune of or hefiuc an inspection specifying a
<br />reasonable purpose for the inspection. Any uvpLnon of the Property shah] be entirely for Beneficiary's benefit dud Trustor
<br />aril in no way rely on Bemfsrafy' n ia.spection.
<br />11, AUTHORITY TO PERFORM. It linstor falls to perform any duty or any of the covenants contained in this Security
<br />Instnnnrnt 13eneficraq may without notice, perform or cause them to be performed. 'Itusror appoints BeneticinN as
<br />allonu,v in fact to sign Trustor s umue or pay any amounl necessmy for performance. Beneficim,s s right In pennon for
<br />'burin shall not create an obligatrou to Perham, lad Bruct"'my's failure to persons will not preclude Beneficiary from
<br />exe'cising any of Benehcim"s other rights under the lag. or this Seeumy Instrmnent. If anv cvnshvcti..n on the Property is
<br />discontinued ur not carried ou in a reasonable manner. Beneficiary ahnv take all steps necessary m punted Bcndlciary'e
<br />security rntcrest in the Pmpetty_ in Ind mg contplclutr of the construction.
<br />12. ASSIGNME:N "I OF LEASES AND RENTS. linstor rrrevocahIv grants, conv,vs and sells to Trustee. in trust for the
<br />benefit of Benelicn") ,, additional "'In ly all the right, title and interest in and to any and all eximng or fntare leases,
<br />subleases and anv usher ..olden or verbal agree.. rents for the use and ..caupancv of any portion of the Property, , net ad ... g
<br />any' extensions, ocjcaals. modnctuati ha, or sul:timttons of such agreements tall referred to as "Lease.,) aad rents, issues
<br />and profits fall referred to as Rentti'I_ Ire ter will prontpdy plo rdc Beneficiary wish tore and correct copses of all
<br />cxrstmg and firmle I.cascs_ Trustor may collect. I'ecene, enjoy and use the Rents so long as Trustor rs not in default under
<br />the Isar" of this Set uity Instmment.
<br />'Iruslor acknowledges that tills assignment is pertected upon the recording of ttra Decd of Trust and that Beuchcrap is
<br />entitled its uotity any of Irmo 's tenants to make payment of Rents die r ti become due to Beneficiary_ Ilowever_
<br />Beneficiary agrccs that only on default will Benetermy not.P, Trustor and pistol , tenants and ..hake demand that all
<br />future Reels be paid clueetly to Beneficiary . On receiving nnt.ce of default Trustor will endorse and deliver to Beneficiary
<br />any payment of Rents to Trustor', possession and will reemr c any Rents in trust for Beneficiary and will not commingle the
<br />Rears with anv other funds. Any mnounts collected will be applied as provided iu this Se vasty Issn'ument. Trustor warrant,
<br />that nu default cxrsts under the Leases or any appheahle landlord /tenant law. Trustor also agrces to umiatma and spurt,
<br />any tenant to couhply with the terms of the Lwnen and applicable Imt_
<br />13. LEASE:IIOLDS; CONDOMINIUMS, PLANNED LNIT DEVELOPMENTS. Tmntor agrees to comply with the
<br />provruons of anv lease if Ihr, Security Instrument is on a leasehold. If the Properly includes a unit in a condominium or a
<br />planned unit dnclopnhcut. I lastor will perfinnn all of msnn's duties under the covenants, by -laws, or regulations A the
<br />condom r ni out or planned unit development
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