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^ <br />2 D <br />n m <br />i� m tT rn <br />W N N O <br />200207662 <br />_ - -.. -- Stain of Nenraskn — If— Abme This Lmc 1; Nit mrdin-, lint. <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(With I nture Advance Clanse) <br />Construction Secudiry Agreement <br />1. DATE AND PARTIES. the date of this Deed of Tnist(Secuitty lashumcnq is Jul 17, 2002 <br />and the parfics, then and ma idamhcatton a..... e. it required are as fnllowe: <br />TRUSTOR'. BURL L JANZEN and KAY A JANZEN, HUSBNAD AND WIFE <br />2207 DEL MAR AVE <br />GRAND ISLAND, HE 68803 -6314 <br />II checked, infer to the attached Addendum incorporated herein- for additional Triioois, their signatures and <br />acknoudedgmrnts- <br />IRUS11 -1' <br />Earl D Ahlschwede, Attorney <br />BENEFICIARY: <br />Equitable Federal Savings Bank of Grand Island <br />113 -115 N. Locust Street Grand Island, NE 68801 -6003 <br />Organized and Existing Under the Laws of The State of Nebraska <br />2. CONVEYANCE. For good and vnluahle cnnsideratinn. On, reccipi and sufficicucy of [,Lich is acknowledged, and to <br />secure the 5e ared Dcht pleGncd hell).. ) and 'fmator's peBotmancc under this Security Instrument, Trustor irrevocahly <br />grant,, conveys and cii, to 'Trustee, in trust for the benefit of Beneficiary, with power of .sale, the following described <br />property. <br />LOT THREE (3), BLOCK SIX (6), KAY DEE SUBDIVISION, GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA <br />'the pniperly is located in Hall at 2207 DEL MAR AVE <br />rbani,l <br />GRAND ISLAND Nebraska 68803-6314 <br />Indd„•.,i of ,,, a.m( oal) <br />'together with all rig,,, easemcok, appurtenances. ioyallics. mineral rights, oil and gas rights. all water mid riparian <br />rights, ditches- and wmer stock and all existing and imprnceineuts, stiectures, fixto es, and ieplacmnen, that may <br />now, of at aip time in the future, be part of the real estate descrihed ihovc (all rcfi n d to as "Properly'). <br />3. MNOMCM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal aniouid secured by this Security Instrument st any one time shall <br />not exceed $ $7, 570.50 This limitation of amount dots not include inteiest and other fees <br />and chargcv validly made pursuant to this Security Instnnnent. Also, this limitation does not apply to advances made under <br />the ternss of this'i"a"fv Instrument to protect Benchciary's security and to perform any of the covenants cons ioed to this <br />Sccruity Inst niment. <br />4. SECURED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVANCES. The tenn "Secured Debt" is defined as tbllows_ <br />A. Debt ......tied under the terms of all promissory nom(e I. enntiacf s). guaranty(,) or other evidence of debt described <br />below and all theii exten,dous, rencwaks, modilications of suhstituttons- Oily,,, " rhr d. his M.... it h <br />VIIy�C1'1Pr) 1har. .... .... udi i 111111 fucG u. 7 nu.1 .iutr6 anti unl otatnl inrc"co -ell[ n"", 7w u.. et..l <br />A Promissory Note dated 07/17/2002 <br />NEBRASKA DEED OF TRUST Nt,1 it,RFNMA rNUn M (page i of 4) <br />(. o-'— S." ..s-o. 1or "til F Rror111 27 17 <br />® C165(NE) '..... of F roam 11': 21 72t V/I <br />