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200207661 <br />B_ All future sdvanies fort Rencficiap to Tnustor or olhct future obligations of Trustor to Beneficiary under any <br />piomi.,ory note. contract. gumauly, or other evidence of debt executed by Ilvstor In favor of Beneficiary execumd <br />after this Security Instnmment whether ,I not this Sccurily Instnanicat is ,peer Bcally referenced If more than one <br />per sign, In, Security Instrument, Each Tr ustor ainr , that If SecurAN Iu trument will secure all future advances <br />and future obligation., dmI are Riven toot incurred by any one or more l rustor, or any one car mitre Tlvsmr and <br />others. All future advances and other bout, ohhgadnn, arc secured by this Sccurily hnstrumein even though all or <br />part may not vet he advanced_ All hinue advances and other future obligations are secured as if made on the date of <br />This Security instrument Nothing in Ihis Secruily Ir"trunita t shall wnstihrte a commitment to make additional or <br />future loans of ach aa,e, in anv amount Any such comminnent must he 'greed to ba a separate writing. <br />C. All obligations I iustor owes m Reneficiay . which may later arise. Lo the cxlUnFmol prohibited by law, including, but <br />not limited to, habdines Ion overdrafts telmiug to any depoSu account agreement hetweeu I instor and Dcriefictary <br />D, All additional sums advanced and expenses incurred by Reneficiary for insuring, pnc'et'ing on otherwise piotectinR <br />the Property and its value and any other sums advati and expenses iucun ed by Beneficiary under the terms of hits <br />Sccurily lHI(ILrlllelll. <br />This Security Instnmlent will not secure am other debt if Reneficiary fails To give any required notice of the right of <br />reacissioa_ <br />5. PAN - -MEN I S. truster agrees that all papmems under the Secured Debt will be paid when due and in accordance with the <br />Terms ofihe Scented Debt and Ihis Security instomienl. <br />6. N'ARRANTI OF '1'1'1'LE. Trustor warren is That Trustor i, or will be lawfully aei,cd of the estate cum cued by this <br />Security Instrument and has the right do irrevocably giant. cu i,e)'. mid sell the Property to I its ,c' in trust_ w,lh potter of <br />sale. Trustor also wartmLLs that the Property is unencumbered, except for encum finance, of record. <br />7. PRIOR SE(I RI'I ) IN'I'TRES'1'S. 4Pdh regard to any other mortgage, decd of Trust. security agreaueul on other lien <br />do v,EOI Thal created a pill)' sceurity interest ur mmumbtanee ,it the Property, Tnntor agrees' <br />A. lb make all payments when due and top n limn or cuuiph s Tth all covejoe ts. <br />B. lb promptly deliver to Ruaeficia'y any notices That Trusrur rceci%, Isom [lie holder. <br />C. Not 61 alll)cr any modification It extension tit, nor to request any future advmmes under any note or agreement <br />secured by Ili, lien document withuul Bei efs,,uy's plior ,,illen consent. <br />X. It LAMS AGAINST TITLE. Truster will pay all lave, asses tt,ru, liens, encumbrances. (ease povmen¢. ground Icnts, <br />ituhhcs_ and other charge, relating to the Property when due Beneticiny may requite Trusor to prnvide m Reneficiary <br />Lopes of all notices 11111 undo mnount, are due and the receipts evidencing Truslor's paymcul. Trasl"i will detend title to <br />the Iinpelly against anv claims that would impair the lien of this Sccurily Instrument firstor agrees to assn,., to <br />Benctirinry. as ,quested by Beuefidarry, any right,, dams I detc11scs I r,,tor may have again.,t parties who supply labor <br />or materials to maintain or improve the Property_ <br />9. DIIE ON SALE OR EN( LMRRANCE. Beneficiary um, at its option, declare floc enure balance of the Secured Debt to <br />be immediately due and payable upon the crealTl)n of n' contract for the creation of. anv limn, encumbrance. transfer or sale <br />of the Property. This n-du is subject to the ne,tiiclions iinposcd by federal law (12 C.P.R. 591), as applicable. This <br />covenant shall rue willI the Property mid shall remain in effect wmtl the Secured Heft is paid in fill and this Security <br />Instrument is released. <br />10. PROPERTY CONDI I ION, AT PF.RATION'S AND INSPECTION. Trustor will keep the Property in good condition and <br />rink, all repairs that are reasonably noecessory. Trustor shall not Commit or allow any waste. unpainnent nr deterinrntion of <br />the Pna per ty_ l'IV Sus will keep the property free of noxious weed, and ,ra.,,E,. Trustor agrees that the i tme of the <br />occupancy mud use will not .substantially change w'rthwt Beneficiary" prior written consent ltu,lor will ant point arc <br />change in anv license, res'tricfive covenant or easement without Beneficiary's prior written consent. Traslor will notify <br />Beneficiary of III demands_ pr ,ceding,, claims. and actions against Trustor. and of uny loss or daniogc to the Property. <br />Beuefieimy or R neficimry s agents may, at Beneficiary's option, enter die Property at any reasonable time for the purpose <br />of inspecting the P,or,rty. Beneficiary shall in,e Trustor nolicc aI the lime of nt before tun inspe non spc<ifi ing u <br />reasonable puipo,c Ibr the inspection. Any inspection of the Properly shall he eafirch, for Banef"I yr " heneht End Trustor <br />will in no way rely on peneficiary%s insp¢ttnn. <br />IL Al1'I'11OR1'I'1 TO PERFORM. It husmr fails to pinion, any duly or mry of the coven uts contained in this Securih' <br />LTSn'ument Beneficiary may, without nolicc penforn or cause the, to be penbrried Trustor appoints Beneficiary as <br />ulluruey in tact m sign l7uslor's name or pay any amount nece,ary inn pertnr,auce. Beneficiary's right to perliam lot <br />Iustor shall rim creme an oblu non to pcnonn. and Beneficiary's failure to penb loo w111 not preclude Beneficiary fro, <br />emreistng auy of Beudiaiary's other tights under the Inv or this Securif, In,tnnnent It any construction on the Property its <br />disconliuued or not cnnicd on in a reasonable manner Basficiaq mny take all steps nuecsary to paned Reneficiar_v's <br />security mtere,l to the Property_ ,eluding completion of the "ensues loo. <br />12. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES AND RRNTS. Trustor uoc,ocably prams conics, and sells to Tru,ce. iu Rust for the <br />henefil of Beneficiar, as addinunal security all the right title and interest in turd t" anv and all existing or tuture Iea,es_ <br />subleases, and anv other written In verbal agreements for the use and occupancy of any portion of the P roper ly_ including <br />am estcnsmns_ nun vials, modit std ns or substitutions of such atmcmcnts (all iclbncd to as "Leases) said tents, issues <br />and nolits (111 r Icnrd to as "Rents' ). Trustor a;d] promptly provide Beneficiary' uIth hire and vireo copies of all <br />cusl,g and future 1 eases. Trustor may collect receive aa)o)' and use the Rents so long 1' Tnnsmr is not in default undcr <br />the terms of this Seavuy hisn'ument. <br />Iinstor ackno,I ed gee Thal this a,.,iLameut is p,n2e[Ed upon it,, recording of this Dced of Trust and that Bene fie in, is <br />entitled to nutily any of 'I rats', tenants to make payment of Rents due or to become due to Beneficiary. Ilowever. <br />Beneficiary agrees that only on default will Beneficiary notify Tntstor and Trustor' Icnanis and make demand that all <br />fumrc Ron(, he paid rh red lv to Beneficiar,. On receiving notice of default. Tnrsrur still mrdo,e and deliver to Beneficiary <br />any payurent of Reels in Trust n possession and will receive any Rents in trust for Be iefictaiv and will not Comm tuff, the <br />Rents with any other triads_ Any amomits collected will be applied as provided in this Sccurily Inslrumca . Trustor umrait s <br />That nn default r"'t, order the Lease; or mny applicable Imndlmdteuant late Tmstot also agrees to maintain and require <br />mry levant to comply with the teens of the Leases and applicable Inc <br />17. I.EASEIIOI.DS; It ONDOMIN'1IAIS; PLANNED UNIT DEN ELOPMEN'PS. Trustor agrees to comply with the <br />provisions of mry lease if this Security Instrument is on a leasehold. II the Property includes a unit in a condominium or a <br />Planned 111111 developnaeut l7usror ,gill perform all of Tni,tor, , duties undm' the col' Rut ntq by -lows, or rcgulm nuns of the <br />oondn,inium or planned unit devclop,atl. <br />, (page 2 f 4) <br />i)T 'tlore_ors. 1 j —M a,._ 11 nREE7 NELat7 _ ��� a7l,_ <br />(0-CI6,(NE) saner• <br />