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200207661 <br />-_ Ir", of YcLnnkn _ __. _.. Spam 1h.. FIN, Line F., R- .,,ling D.I. <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(With Future Ad, mare Clmnsv) <br />Constnretion Security Agreement <br />I. DATE AND PAR I IFS. The dale of Ihis Dcaf of'fruxl (Seeuuly Instrmrl np is Jul 17, 2002 <br />and the panic, [heir, addresses and lax identrticatton numhel , if royuired, are as tAh) •s. <br />TRUSTOR: RODNEY J DIEHL and SUSAN C DIEHL, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />4239 SPRINGVIEW DR <br />GRAND ISLAND, HE 68803 <br />If checked, refer to the attached Addendum uworported heietn, for additional hu,lors. their signmme, and <br />mcknowlcdgmcnts. <br />TRUSTEE: <br />Earl D Ahlschwede, Attorney <br />BLNLPIC'TARY. <br />Equitable Federal Savings Bank of Grand Island <br />113 -115 N. Locust Street Grand Island, NE 68801 -6003 <br />organized and Existing Under the Laws of The State of Nebraska <br />2. CONVEYANCE. Fnr hood and valuable .rove. derati nn, the receipt and suflicicnev of which ix neknrndedeed- and m <br />,coat, the Secured Debt (defined below) and Trustor's performance under this Severity Instnmrenl. Trustor Irrevocably <br />2rarns. com cys and +ell, to Tastes i, tram for the bcuefit of Beueficimy, widr power of sale, the following, described <br />ra opel1y <br />LOT TWENTY (20), WESTROADS ESTATES FOURTH SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />The prnpetay i.a located in Hall at 4239 SPRINGVIEW OR <br />Ira _ <br />GRAND ISLAND .Nebraska 68803 <br />IAadraxa trllvl /TP (bac) <br />Togclhcr with all rights, easmuelts. appmteuauees, mpalt es, miueTal uyhts. oil and gas Tights. all vatel rld riparian <br />rights, ditches, and vvme, 'lock and Al exisYng and f nue improcemenm_ structures fixtures, and replacements that may <br />now_ of at any time in the fturq he part of The real e,rUe decr,b.l shoe, call referred To as "Properly' ). <br />3. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total lwr" pal muouut secured by this Security htatrumenl at auy one time shall <br />not exceed S $4,570. SO This limnalion of amm,lt does not nmfde rarest and other lees <br />an i barges vali ih rack pui ant to thin Seciinly hlsttvment Also Ibis limitation does not apply w achaace, made under <br />the (C11nS of this Securip Instrument m protect Beneficiap s se,rw, mull In perfolm all -.I the cocerant, coutmued nu this <br />Sc'.'ry Imtrum cart <br />. <br />4. SECT RED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVANCES llrc ten, "Secured Debt' is defined as follows: <br />A. Dcht incurred under the Icrmx of all promissory nnlc(s), coniracry s). Druertyl,) nr olhnr evidence of debt descnhed <br />bclom and all Iheir ext nsions, renea.als. modifications or suhstinnions'. 017'en rfaruciug d (da., L, luv a u <br />`......ael Mai I a i.. h, favTU aadT m harrouels' nanlu,, nut.. anunuu.,, min, ,I ru[r.t...... rr dabs, <br />A Promissory Note dated 07/17/2002 <br />NEBRASKA DEED OF TRUST. .art t.,vausc, 11 (pag¢iol at <br />is 4an 5K I r_ i 9]liAI '"' 1II- N11127 1- <br />�.C165(NE)teoe nl <oPo RTaaatroau s- '.a =:ev -rz5: <br />sa <br />T <br />2 D <br />�G, <br />a <br />O <br />G <br />r s <br />O' <br />v <br />-_ Ir", of YcLnnkn _ __. _.. Spam 1h.. FIN, Line F., R- .,,ling D.I. <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(With Future Ad, mare Clmnsv) <br />Constnretion Security Agreement <br />I. DATE AND PAR I IFS. The dale of Ihis Dcaf of'fruxl (Seeuuly Instrmrl np is Jul 17, 2002 <br />and the panic, [heir, addresses and lax identrticatton numhel , if royuired, are as tAh) •s. <br />TRUSTOR: RODNEY J DIEHL and SUSAN C DIEHL, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />4239 SPRINGVIEW DR <br />GRAND ISLAND, HE 68803 <br />If checked, refer to the attached Addendum uworported heietn, for additional hu,lors. their signmme, and <br />mcknowlcdgmcnts. <br />TRUSTEE: <br />Earl D Ahlschwede, Attorney <br />BLNLPIC'TARY. <br />Equitable Federal Savings Bank of Grand Island <br />113 -115 N. Locust Street Grand Island, NE 68801 -6003 <br />organized and Existing Under the Laws of The State of Nebraska <br />2. CONVEYANCE. Fnr hood and valuable .rove. derati nn, the receipt and suflicicnev of which ix neknrndedeed- and m <br />,coat, the Secured Debt (defined below) and Trustor's performance under this Severity Instnmrenl. Trustor Irrevocably <br />2rarns. com cys and +ell, to Tastes i, tram for the bcuefit of Beueficimy, widr power of sale, the following, described <br />ra opel1y <br />LOT TWENTY (20), WESTROADS ESTATES FOURTH SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />The prnpetay i.a located in Hall at 4239 SPRINGVIEW OR <br />Ira _ <br />GRAND ISLAND .Nebraska 68803 <br />IAadraxa trllvl /TP (bac) <br />Togclhcr with all rights, easmuelts. appmteuauees, mpalt es, miueTal uyhts. oil and gas Tights. all vatel rld riparian <br />rights, ditches, and vvme, 'lock and Al exisYng and f nue improcemenm_ structures fixtures, and replacements that may <br />now_ of at any time in the fturq he part of The real e,rUe decr,b.l shoe, call referred To as "Properly' ). <br />3. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total lwr" pal muouut secured by this Security htatrumenl at auy one time shall <br />not exceed S $4,570. SO This limnalion of amm,lt does not nmfde rarest and other lees <br />an i barges vali ih rack pui ant to thin Seciinly hlsttvment Also Ibis limitation does not apply w achaace, made under <br />the (C11nS of this Securip Instrument m protect Beneficiap s se,rw, mull In perfolm all -.I the cocerant, coutmued nu this <br />Sc'.'ry Imtrum cart <br />. <br />4. SECT RED DEBT AND FUTURE ADVANCES llrc ten, "Secured Debt' is defined as follows: <br />A. Dcht incurred under the Icrmx of all promissory nnlc(s), coniracry s). Druertyl,) nr olhnr evidence of debt descnhed <br />bclom and all Iheir ext nsions, renea.als. modifications or suhstinnions'. 017'en rfaruciug d (da., L, luv a u <br />`......ael Mai I a i.. h, favTU aadT m harrouels' nanlu,, nut.. anunuu.,, min, ,I ru[r.t...... rr dabs, <br />A Promissory Note dated 07/17/2002 <br />NEBRASKA DEED OF TRUST. .art t.,vausc, 11 (pag¢iol at <br />is 4an 5K I r_ i 9]liAI '"' 1II- N11127 1- <br />�.C165(NE)teoe nl <oPo RTaaatroau s- '.a =:ev -rz5: <br />sa <br />