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200207239 <br />As a result of these agreements, Lender, rely purchaser of the Nom, another insurer, any minsurcr. <br />any other troy, or any affiliate of my of the foregoing, may receive (directly or mariners) amounts QeH <br />derive from for might he charactenmd as) a portion of Borrower's payments for Mortgage Insnrance, in <br />exchange for sharing or modifying the mortgage in risk, u educing hisses- If such agreement <br />insurers <br />pronouns that an the insurer, of Lender tykes a share of the insurer's rusk s exchange Pot a share of the <br />pre n mx paid m the roller, the mill not of is often tamed is that reinsurance h s agreed (it) <br />ia Any such agreements will not affect the amounts that Borrower has agreed to pap for <br />Borrower Insurance, or any ether terms e, the Loan. ill n agreements will not increase the amount <br />Burrower will uch for Mortgage ill not rce, and they will ur entire Borrower m with h refund. <br />(b) s In such agreements will not affect the rights Act of Burrower has - it any -with respect ri the <br />Mortgage de then right under the receive ertain Protection Art a est n any other law. These the <br />may include the right to re rive ortgag disclosures, to request and nhtvly cancellation of the <br />Mortgage Insurance, to have the Mortgage s that e e unearned at the time of and /ca to re <br />refund of vuy Mortgage Insurance premiums that were ovenrned at the time of each cancellation or <br />termination. <br />I I. o Assignment dshall at nd to Lender <br />Proceeds; Rurfuhtrc. All Miscellvtenuv Proceeds are hereby <br />assi?It r e and shall be data ge Lender. <br />It the Property is damaged, ration such repair economi Proceeds shall d Lender' m restoration is i or repair of <br />Nc During Property, If the restoration or repair hs ever shall have eearibTi need Lender's security to nor lessened. <br />u tit such repair and reommrtun period, Lender shall have are right hold such Miscellaneous Proceeds <br />Lea Lender has had an provided opportunity m inspect such Property eta ensure the work Lees been completed it) <br />Lender's (atissnomfl provided Nat such disbursement shall a antler a t promptly. means may pay for due <br />repairs and resrnratinn n Is I side in ement o of progress payments be the work h <br />completed. G iless ee agreement is made to e required or Applicable taw requires any interest o m he paid o such <br />Miscellmreous Proceeds, Lender shell not be required to pay Borrower any Interest o miear t such <br />be lessened, t Proceeds. If the resrnratinn or repair is Out to the aims secured Lender it security would <br />be lessened, the Miscellaneous he excess shall y, applied m the sums Such by this Security Idsm all be <br />whether or nor then rev with the excess, if any, paid m Borrower. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall we <br />applied in the unbar provided for to g cation uc <br />In the Shall he of i mml taking, sdestruction, <br />cured by is loss by undue of tom Property, the heir d lanwna <br />Proceeds chair he applied to the sums severed by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with <br />the excess, if any, paid to Borrower_ <br />In o the event of a panted raking, before the p or loss in value of the Property in which the sir marker <br />value of the Property immediately of the bcfec ed partial Security deamudimn ur buss In vain is ether ar or <br />greater than the amount of the alms secured ur this Severity der other ise agriein writing the partial <br />taking, induction, this Se or lass st velar, nnlcse Burrower and Under otherwise agree in venting, the sums Ill <br />seamed by this Security g Instrument (ball be twinged by the e amount <br />suns se the Miscellaneous Proceeds <br />tumid <br />multiplied by the following loss tin: value the total omtinnr of the sr slue of Immediately meth the <br />dental taking, dl adult, destruction, or Ices in value divided by the sir marker value of the Pmpeny immedinmly <br />belerc the partial of ag, al takng. de loss to value. Al A balance shall be paid m ill which In the evcm of a palter eking, fore th tea, m roue in value or the Property in which the sir than value of the Property immediately <br />cured immediately mly before the re the eking, destruction, ur lass o value is less than the <br />amount of the rums secured e agree before the pariah Miscellaneous destruction, orri shall or Was in value, sums <br />Rormwcr and Lender y Instrument agree to wrong, the Mtrns art Put. shall we applied m the sums <br />leaned by thia Seemly Iretmmcnt whether Boor not the sumo rte then due. <br />It the Perry (as Is abandoned by entmwer, to if, t lark van a rd I seal m Burrower that the <br />Opposing Party (aa pond t in the next sentence) s offs m make area •arc to settle a dntm for damages. <br />Borrower and ap respond the m Under )lane within ce 30 days her the dam the notice is given, Icndcr is or 10 zed <br />m collect and apply the city Inlaneoac Proceeds either m restoration due. or repair of the means it m the <br />ees BJ by Nil Segnriry Miscellaneous Proceeds whether or flit not then use. " Opposing Borrower Ir means due third parry <br />that sed to Borrower us Proceeds. <br />Proccctls or the party against whom Buanwen hoe n right of action in <br />regard or o ter s a shall Proceeds. <br />Borrower shall be in result n any action t he Pro ieg whether in or (railroad, nxu is began that, In <br />L.terest i The Prop wood result lv forfeiture of the Property o other internal re such a d of lender's <br />interest in dm Property or rights under this Security Instrument Borrower can core such a default find, if <br />(M 6(NE) 10005' I"hs j� � Form 3028 1/01 <br />