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200207239 <br />9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Ptnpeny and Rights Under this Security Instrument. It <br />(a) Borrower fails to perform the coverurns and agreements contained in this Security Instmmanq N) there <br />is <br />a legal proceeding that might significantly affect Lender's interest in the Property and/or rights under <br />this ripme Secants f a lie Instrument which b n logical pri priority y ovapmy, probate, for rumens onto or forfeiture, for <br />refo¢emem or a lieu which may chain priority over this en Lender r may dm or to enforce <br />whatever /eve or <br />regulations), of (c) Borrower has abandoned the Property, they Lender may do and pay far is Security <br />ie <br />notionable n appropriate ri protect and/ Lender's theca ie the Property and rights under this Sceurity <br />Instrument, including preparing <br />unions and/or include. assessing the valve cede Property, old scouring and/or repairing <br />Olin which has . Lrity o actions can include, but are not li>Ntcel to: (a) paying any smns secured by a able <br />which has priority over min Security Instrument; (h) appearing in court; Security (c) paying masrnoNc <br />is attorneys' <br />ure foes to protect <br />in its interest in the Property and/or rights under this robs, Instrument. including <br />its ring the position li a bankruptcy a e t proceeding. s, Scanning the Progeny includes, windows, is not limited ter <br />from pi the Property to make repairs, change Indus, ns or replace or hoard conditions. dnrrc ana windows. drain water <br />ftnm pipes, eliminate nder m t omen code violations dangerous edos ot ha have utilities an wined <br />on or off. Although Lender may take anion under this Section Under incurs Leader does not have to do so due Is not <br />under any duty ed obligation to ,r so_ It is agreed that l,entl¢ incurs no liability for nut Inking any ur all <br />actions authorized under this Section d 9. <br />Am amounts disbursed Ins/ by Lender under this Section 9 shall interest amt additional ,fro of Borrower <br />secures me this d shall a payable, these s t amounts shall bear imerest ai en Vote rare room the date of <br />payment, <br />end shall be payable, with swat interest, upon notice from Lender m Borrower requesting <br />paymIf <br />11 Wrs rynaer y quires fee is on a leForeca, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of unless <br />leans If Bees to mere fee tide m the Property, the leasehold and the fee title shell not merge unless <br />Lender agrees m ge merger in writing. <br />10. Mortgage he premiums If Louder required Mortgage Mortgage as a condition effect. moving the Loan, <br />the Mort shell pay nc� prom me required m maintain the Mortgage I ilablo fr m the It, for any reason, <br />me previously r Insurance h insurance required by under as ceases ir be available from the mortgage dasher that <br />previously provided such iMortg a and Borrower was required ad [o make separately es ge designated payments <br />toward me premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Insurance shall pay the teenagers vat rennin, m obtain <br />coverage substantially the cos equivalent er the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect, c u cost substantially <br />n alternate <br />equivalent ns the cost to Borrower of the Mortgage Lrwranee previously it effect, co an eleis not <br />mortgage Borrower shall i nt Lender. t Underithe mountlof Mortgage Insurance <br />tuna m cmgc is not <br />were due Mud tare shall ante coverage to gay e Lender the amount of the separately designated term lu Nse <br />were due when rho In cmgc c e in li be in Mortgage e tad will accept, use and retain these <br />payments a e noo-amuanding the reserve in lien of Mortgage radiation in _ Such loser shall be <br />- refundable, notwithstanding n y in the t or that me Ivan is ultimately paid In full, and Lender shall not loss <br />require ro pay Burrower any interest Insurance overage on each lass t and . rondo can nt longer require loss <br />reserve l by so if Mortgage d by li der age (iv the amount and for the pined, than /seer requires) <br />separaed by i selected l by LeMcr again hncnmce Mortgage is obtained, area Lauder ravings <br />htsur <br />separately as igvaad ion of s inward theoamind for Mortgage require t If make se required Mortgage <br />lnaermse as a condition pr of making the Ivan and Rance, Borrower was shall a make eemium y equired to <br />paynrems ortga the surancele f e Mortgngc Insurance, or-re shall pay the serve, until require to <br />muire Mortgage Insurance in effect, or c dnce t - refundable loss agreement inter Leader's <br />an der pro for Mo r Such 1prallo ti suds in accordance on i any woven Appli bl between Nothing in and <br />Lender providing for such mr obligation or until interval t (Is required by Applicable Law. Nothing iv this <br />Section 10 lines gIn Borrower's ogenseGuu n pay, inseam at entity rem purchase In me Ram. <br />Mortgage Insurance does not ere Lender (or any ennry that purchases the Note) for otile losses e <br />Insu incur If Burrower dace not repay the Logo as aamd. Borrower is not Ferry ro me Mortgage <br />Insurance Mort <br />Mto agreements insurers evaluate their total ask on all quell insurance in force from time to time, and may <br />enter into agrecmcon with romm panics that share rote eery their risk or reduce losses. These agree cots <br />are on terms and Thaitiova em as satisfactory to the mange insurer insert :rod the a ntr parry ng panics) ce <br />at fu ds thatcthe These agreements may ave require <br />red the a (whic a y in lu include s plagued from any souse aske <br />of funds that me mortgage insurer rmty have available (wheat may include funds nhminrd ftnm Mortgage <br />Insurance premiums). <br />-6mEl moon Pause m u Form 3828 1109 <br />
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