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200207049 <br />The Grantors covenant that this liike/Bike Path Easement shall amain in full force and <br />effect in perpetuity or until such time as use by the Grantee, its successors and assigns as a public <br />lineal park, commonly known as a I like /Bike Path is laminated and abandoned- The terms and <br />conditions set forth herein shall run with the land and be binding on the Grantors personal <br />representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. <br />Dated: lo I l i , 2002. <br />Racy $.n ders, Gtanlor Rae Ann Saunders, Grantor <br />S'I'.AI'L UP NRIIRASKA ) <br />J ss' <br />COUN'IYOl HALL ) <br />The Ibregeiag document was executed before me on _� Ie 1/ 2002, by Rey <br />Sauadersand Rae Ann Saonder's, husband and.vitc <br />Y �e9"C� X91 `�—IOLI�7 "LG/ e <br />NUlury Public <br />