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200207048 <br />To Protect the security of this second Deed or Trust <br />1. Paymentof&delpednnss. Tmaror shall pay when due the principal of, and the interest on the <br />indebtedness and all sums as provided in the Lear Instruments <br />. <br />faxes. Tmstcr shall pay each installment ofall taxes and special assessments of every kind, <br />now or hereufier Ievi,d against the Trust Estate or any part thereat, before delinquency, <br />without notice or demand. <br />3. InsuruncI, and Reports. Toaster shall maintain fire and extended coverage insurance warring <br />the Improvemenlc Constituting Part of tile Ttrial Estate for shah amounts and on such terms <br />reoccur saint factory to Benelic let y- So long as the Property is started by a first deed of <br />mush or mortgage, rnnnphance with the hsoranue requirements of first deed of trial or <br />morl,vne shell be sufficient to satisfy tin requirements Of chic paragraph 3 relation to <br />Truster shall promptly repair and replace the TmNt Estate or any pan thereof so that, except <br />for ordinary went and tear, hire frost Fade shall not deteriorate to no event shall the Tmstor <br />commit waste on or to the lover Estate, or Commit, trffar Or permit any act to be done in or <br />upon the Trust Estate in violation of any law, ordinance or regulation. Traitor shall pay and <br />In earthly discharge at'Irarof's test and armada all liens, enatnbmnces and ehmgas levied, <br />imposed or assestcd against the Trust F.mte or any pan thereof, <br />4. Article, lifeaeng Prusr Enure. Trustor Shall appear ill need rainiest any action or proceeding <br />purporting to affect the security, oncofor the rights orpowefs of Beneficiary or Tiretee, and <br />Shull pay all cost, and expenses, including cost of evidence of title and attorneys' fees, in any <br />such action or proceeding in which Beneficiary or Trustee may appear. If rwtor falls to <br />make any payment or to do any act as and in Ilse manna provided In any of the Loan <br />brsrumcnts, Beneficiary and/or Tms ce each in their own discretion. without obligation eo to <br />de and without notice to or demand upon Tmaror and dido rt releasing truster from any <br />obligation_ may make or do l he same in such manner and to Stich extent as eithennay deem <br />occos,ary to protect the wic a y hereof. Tmstor shall, immediately upon dernoal horror by <br />Beneficiary. pay ullco.vtt and expenses Incurred by Beneficiary in Con -hwlththe <br />se by Beneficiary of the foregoing rights, including without limitamm costs id evidence <br />of title, court Costa, appraisals, surveys mid attorneys' fees. <br />f Torment Pnmain. [fine Trial Estate, or any pan thereof or inmre.I dicacin, be taken or <br />damaged by reason of any public improvement or condemnation proceeding, or in any other <br />including deed In lieu thereof I' ( c ndemaatlon^I, or ifTmsmr receixea any notice or <br />other in fill illation regarding Stich proceeding, Tmemr Shall give prompt written notice (hereof <br />m RanCFlClary. Treanor shall be entitled to all covrpcntation, awards mid other paymema or <br />relief thereof and shall be entitled it its option ro ummhame, appcaf in and prosecute in its <br />own tie any action orprTruant eedinga. Trunt Shall also be entitled to mnke ally condromise <br />orsatlement in connection with such taking or damage <br />fi_ Alrlminrmunr of Successor Darsru: Beneficiary may. from time to time, by a centaur <br />instrument exaewed and acknowledged by Raneficiery, mailed m truster anti minded in the <br />County in which the'(ru�t Grate is loualed and by nthcrwite Complying .vitL the previsions <br />of the applicable law of the state of Nebraska substitute a successor or successors to the <br />Trustee named herein or acting hereunder. <br />Successors and Assigns. This Second Deed of Trost applies to, overly to the benefit of and <br />hinds all panes hereto, their heirs, leganet. devisees. Personal represenwtives, successors and <br />siens. "I he tern `Betehciary" xhal l mean the owner and holder clans promissory none <br />given to beneficiary. [whether or not named as Beneficiary herein]. <br />