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200206987 <br />other fees the mature of access Autim y in this St Instrument charge a asmIfit fee to Borrower shall not <br />be construed is 1), - stroller on d 's chorI of such fee. Lender may Far charge fees that are expressly prohibited <br />by this Security I ourument or by Applicable <br />If the Loan Is subject to a law which sets maximum loan dm1Per, and that law Is finally interpreted an that <br />the interest or other loan charges collared or to be collected in warfare, with the Loan exceed the permitted <br />limits, then. (a) any such loon charge shall be reduced by the amount nwcssmy to switch Lee charge to the per <br />Loin, cod (b) any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded promised Iim16 will be refunded to <br />Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note arty making a <br />direct fashion to Borrower. If a rebind reduces principal, the reduction will be treated is a partial prepayment <br />violets ally prepayment h (whether - not ap pa e drugs is provided far und the Note) .Bo ors <br />cccpbune of my such mend made by direct payment to Borrower II tonianalte a waiver Of any Hart station <br />Borrower intent have arising nut Of such overcharge. <br />I5. Notices. All notices eiven by Borower or Lender in conneutton with this Security Instrument Ernst be <br />in writing At t toBrrtw connection wt l-_S'nty u.t -menu Slash be doomed t have been given <br />to fraorrat whe l filbel4sts rall crescent adjuallyciulfiverede Ii osition's ratileaddose if sent by prior <br />notice - Later to y are uOrostacr short consulate F Ice ID all Believers ioulew Applelohl, Law expreesly <br />q otherwise ill notice eldriall shall be the I pLxy Address unless Borrower has designated a alkaline <br />rice address b) notice to is tdul Borrower :hall collumpaly nosy I onder orlmr-nower s dringe. of address. If <br />I. coder spzcte. "p dury sourreparini B- change of if their t III talls p t'Lage <br />f' d Im.vs [[)touch that specuficd p I 'fbate may be m Iy n m d(oignate] notice address order this Security <br />Insrmmcnt at anv o e. Any notice to Lender shall he given by delivering it of by biting it by first class teed <br />to Lender's Futuresnstated herein unless Lender has designated -annthcr address by notice to Boro wn'. Any notice <br />in Ecedon with this `S -Y Instrument hallnotbei cl to have been given roLenderuntil actually received <br />by 1-crodcr, If notice rwp l ed by this Security mununaunt is also ifyinand under Applicable Law, the Applicable <br />L,w rrJU IIt a on I Se IT it I sas I C Cut -ospo hours caull I C In ch Ill I IS YbiaS It r l art craft <br />16. Governing Law, Severabil a); Rules ofComaticaturin In, : S ly fi stro me, usual] be govmmd by <br />federal law unit thu law at ho .tit' "Inch Property in located 11 rights and obligations contained in <br />fillp, S nalty InarlITHalt doe all IN y acturnmens Slid limitations OfAl pl'cable Law Applurablu LI might <br />explicitly or - IINpLriLy allow the lay-fics to agree by contrast or It modit be ''I t, but such : Atenm shall not be <br />a red as It prolubalmn again t annuitant by contract ". Ili thr that any provision or clause ofthis Security <br />lastrUllient Frills one rdfets with Applicable Law, last, coauthor shall oatiffectutherprovelax oflhis Security <br />instrument or he Note which can bu given effect without Ibe wnBlcfing provision. <br />As used In this Security Inswmcnt'. (a) winds of them rable Partner shall m. and include <br />rrzTooding Fetter wort, or words of the ran nine gentler, (b) words In the saga larshall mean and Include the <br />plural and vice votes and IF) flit word" may" gives sole discretion without any obligation to take any action. <br />17. Borrowers Copy. Borrower shall be given one copy ofthe Nomand offia Security Instrument. <br />J R. Transfer (,True Property or a Beneficial Interest to Borrower. As used in dire Section 18, "Interest <br />in the Property° means any legal orbcncfical musical in the Property, ineludlnP but not limited to, those beneficial <br />interests transferred In or bond for deed, contract for deed, Installment sales cennaa a roww averment, the Fiscal <br />of which is the uamfer of tide by Bon'oworat a finum date m a purchaser_ <br />If all or any pun critic Property or any Interest in the Property a sold or tianstnred (III If Borrower is nut or <br />nature] person and a beneficial literals in Borrower is sold or transferred) without I orders prior written consent, <br />troy ay require innnediate payment in full of all stairs secured by this Seemity, paramount However, fix <br />opton shall note exercised by fender if suds nation, is prolamiml by Applicable Law. <br />If Lender exorcises this option, Linder shall give Borrower notice of acceleranun.'I'hc notice shall provide <br />a period of art less than 30 days From the dew the acts Is given in d ce with SvcllrrFl 15 within which <br />Borrower trust p, all surig secured by dux Security Instrument. IfA falls In pay those sums prior rte the <br />zapiration of this pn'iod, Lewder n evoke any rnmatliw permitted by dais Security Insmtment without Fisher <br />Eav r <br />notice or demmnd on Borrower <br />19, B Right to Reinstate After ' Acceleration. If Burrovej iments; certain C Borrower conditions, <br />Tall usc the right IF enforcement of the Soloattv Instrument I: t edat my little Prior 10 Ile earliest of <br />(a) five day, before sale of the Property Project to any povL -of sale contained in this Security Instrument; (b) <br />such other period as Applicable Law (,tight atrocity for IIm termination ofHanov er's right to mfnsmte', or (c) entry <br />N6RRASIA- still, GS011 ,Fanme arms Frabormac CNHORMI.NSIRLINIFNT Form 30281101 <br />Dart IN" phN, 9 if 22 last <br />
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