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200206987 <br />f d judgment e f s ; this Security hatimican I'h d't ots are bar B -: (') pass Lcirder oil an ms <br />t ich then Is Id be due tinder thir Security flarridult and the Nine as'f oo seelclaill, had Ol IS) cotes <br />any default of any other covenants or iscurcuments. O pays all expenses lacri- d in mfiffula this Security <br />L sutnent, indud'nr, but not IlT'tcd to reasonable to nevi fors. property inspection and valuation f s, and <br />Other fees for the purpose of protecting Lender's ioneoeta In the final and rights under this Security <br />hlalullent nand (d) lakes such action as Leader may reasonably require to assure that Lenin's interest in the <br />f p rty cold t, under this 't Inetraidery, and Borrower's obine Con m Pay tile Sony seculed by this <br />Serrate Enric enr shall cuti h g LI. under iryiy require bar O paysuh It sand <br />expenses in e f f following f selected by I end O - cash, (b) } der, (c) turns <br />clieck, bank Check, Loccarch - r chock or cashier S check proemial ) cardi check is drawn upon institution <br />whose repr o r are carried by a feadmilh agency... nem lily e. e try; or (d) Yleclra hic Funds T l infer_ Lima <br />,ada mncut by 1lurro war, this stories, Instrument and obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective is if <br />tie welerhash had occurred liuweveq this right to r0tained shall not apply in dm case of acceleration under <br />Seet al 18 . <br />HI. sale of Notes Change of Loan Serval r, Notice of Frievancc. The Note or a partinl interest pre the <br />Note (together vrl this oceanic Instrument) can be Id one or more trams without prior _. t o to Borrower. A <br />Sale Illight train in Si ch oge nithcentm f I i TLLi_QII ScrvicLr ilkin ' IIcke Periodic Payments due under <br />the Nom and this Sew ity ma eel Slid perkart 11 al "lloogare learn scisicing oblipationt under the Note this <br />chunny Instrument, and Applicable Law There ll gib. one or onto changes f1 Loan SevaLir tnelated <br />It a stv oftho Note IfIloac is t' ic 'fine Loan sbvicte, Borrower wall be Given written acm, ofthe hands <br />which will xlam the name and addicts otthc new Last Savieef the address m which paymaa should he insiders.] <br />other mutual RESPA requires connection will a sties of transfer of Saviciny If the Not sold and <br />any cslu Conn <br />lbemaflertbt Loan it er will by o Loan Bartle other then the purchaser ed to Note tlR mortgage Inch <br />rvacr and aid <br />I I' f ass n A er all re with I L S- 6 1 0 f d t a ee.. Loan Servlccr and ores <br />not ir,mridd by the N h p i I OS otherwirc provided hry tie iviste ybrcicdmci <br />boiler Borower nor I elide' - e, join. or be p ted TO any ]tdr'I action (as uWmr an <br />individual hunignnt or the achi of a class) that arises floor tea other pony's Siemens punsimet to this Scantily <br />Instrument or that alleges that ere other party has breached am provision o1; or any duty owed by reason o[ this <br />Swurav Instrument. until Such Borrower or Lender has noti5od the other parry (with such entice Swan In <br />ompliance with the mquirc Bents of Section 19) of such alleged branch and rabo tied the olmr pmfy hereto a <br />reasonable period after the gWing of such notice to take corrective action. If Applicable Law provides a tinge period <br />when trust depois Take "t c - taken, th' [IFTEL isch Eld will be (learned to be for purposes <br />of this paragraph. fhe rude of acceleration end opportunity to Son 'entoPor 1 atlr Section 22 and <br />the of a ads n giv u borrower per o Section 19 fall be deemed to satisfy the nonce and <br />upporl lair conactive action provisions SIT tti Section 20. <br />21. Hazardous Substances. As used 't rh e Section 2C (a) Hazardous Substances are those subsmnces <br />defined as toxic orhaeerdomsubhmnces, pollutants. urwastcsby Environmunml Lawund the following sab.Smtmes'. <br />wsofine, Icuorscenc, othor fl fable or lone petroleum promon, prom toxic pesticides d bccrbirid latile solvent <br />itatudals Saratirw ashastos or for naldchyde and radioactive materials, (b)' EnVINHIFInutal Law' means f dcral <br />laws and laws of the Jansdmtion where the Porosity is located that retire to health, safety or v n meal <br />protection, O I nsirnallinual Cleanup' includes any response onto, rcalledual action, or removal Series'. as <br />cancer] In I nvirmalluntid Law, not ad) an eIzEscronansiltat Condti c t' Weans a condition that can cause, contribute <br />9bute <br />to or himcisenpggeran ider nmena ( <br />llesion_ x c <br />Borrower Shall tilt cat. se or permit OIn presence, use, disposal, storage, or fclase of any Hazardous <br />S ursknws, or threaten TO rcleaze any flazandous Substances, on arm the Pinney. Borrower shall not d4 nor allow <br />anyone else <br />m do, anything affecting the Prnpeny (a) Ihnt S in violation of airy Environmental I ace, (b) which <br />trader an Environmental Condition, al m (t) which, due m the presence, use, di release of sa Hazardous otapTance <br />rates r Condition eC, n or skomplu i ahee6 the value attack Property Tire of preceding Iwo sentences shill not apply to <br />the rmized t use, o appropriate on the Property Of smell and to maintenance fan'ce of ( Substances that are , but cognized m he eppropnnte Io n nasal retilem ial uses antl m meimrnence of the Property (including but tot <br />(anted m, hazardous substances In consumer prod neLe)� <br />honnowur had pacaraly avc Leader ' itten notice of O any sivestusation , I , chnand, lawsuit ar <br />Other action by any covermanchnnal or gdotory agency or pr Sate part) losectell o the P L'O and any If mrdous <br />NERRASKA- 90tE_1xr1y- Yennorno, adie Marl. NIFORMINSTRIINILNI Nnr'm J02B 1,01 <br />(P, g, m wz,r..y") <br />