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COVENANTS 200206910 <br />1. Payments. ffilup agrees to make III puyntuas an the secured debt when due U I SOnmverand Lender agree glo rwieu uw paymaus Lender receive. from <br />Bmmwer or for Onnoaide a bandit will be applied fim m any hall Bonowcr owes on the secured dybl.. elusive of inlertl or pdnelpaI, sxoM an nal and If son to <br />principal. 11 partial p meynal of the secured debt occurs l. ..... reason , It will notes dm, M,ewuc any vchedudd payment until the eautsldbt is paid ix fall. <br />E. Claim, Against Title Horgeoff will pay all date. assessments, said other charges atuilffig c to the property when dui and will defend title o she pmprnY against <br />any elabm which w,Old imam, the lira of this dcd of wsL Lender may None SMIM r to region any rights, claims or de$nws Which Bor mvermay haul agdmt <br />parties who supply labor or generous to Imp e, ormcinui, Ne"Perry <br />9. Insurance. BLME will keep the Pmpmy Insured Manor (ems acceptable to lmdE (Borrower's expense and for lender a benefit. All hm'umnco III mim.[all <br />incledea standard montage clause n favor at Uyl Leader will he named as loss payee or as the;mnad on Lay such mmmmm pill,, Anyiintral ptoccalg may he <br />appaul. within I Emnk, dimedoy to mmvme r¢mmtion or repair of damaged property or to the secured debt, If 4naa req..if¢ tttotTgoge Imwume goal <br />agreec to maintain such mnrrz ferns long., Irndu iwuhes <br />4. Pmpctlp Bortwa w -0I keep the Pmpmy In good condition uulunke all teen ire renmwhle WE <br />S. Eper," B,l amcm to pay all Lender's expenses, including mu'mvble monad feq If Borrower bunks any smoking in this deed of Mot or in cry <br />obligation sccud by this dmtl nfhmt Bomm, will pay tam, amounts to Leanderm pmndW a Covenar t9 nfron dead of cost. <br />fi. Prier Semama. Intarmse 1.11I Borrawa For obtain, Lender women rnmext Bomh will not I or Wmat any changes to any prior swommy "Ants <br />postal will perform oil of BormwcT a obligations underane, phormongaga, did of ties( ormher sommy a8.mnmt or 1, ing Bofmwc, s Insurance to make payments <br />when due <br />). Assignment of Reins and Profits. Borrow,, a, ih m m Linder the rcnta and pmfiu of the pmpmy. Umua f3imml and tender have assail otherwise in writing, <br />Bonuwp any coueol and main me rents as long as Harm Is not In defwlt. If from", diumulu, Iell lender's agent. or a wan appointed .weber may take <br />p n am g imp rmy ord collect rent. Any sL drwlla.,i ul III Lay[ h - ilanin gh.l l molndig court water and <br />y,�fcca, ownergeon, to rental agents and any other iwonsary related eice r n ining Mal of congs until me ppl payment, ,i tiesacud debt as <br />pm.,iaed in Cmmanr I <br />S. Lexaeboldm cndominlxmr Planned Unit Development. Ramlygives mcomPly with the 0ulacns of Mal lease if this JeW Of wet a nit berebold. If this <br />days of wet is on a unit ins nntmomion, era planned unit developmml. Bmmwer wits ban,,, all of fln.mwrr i dares undo the mvmrmq by laws, or rerculmmns of <br />the um1mom a or planncA anh devehryment. <br />9. Authority at Lanier to Perform for Rnrmwer. If Bonowcr do is to perfmm, any of Boom, A r a union under this deed of test Under may perlbrm Nc duties or <br />ac min to be perfirtnM Lender may slim Bmmor s In or pay mrs,m wt if na'usary Nr performance. If any construction on me pmpmy is discontinued mnor <br />carried on in a rmammblo.unripe lender may do whatever is namaary lu pmrxt Iender`s aIv or y inmwI in the pmpmy. 'I his may include cnmpitting the wastes..¢ <br />Linda's failoieill permit will um ptwludc I E from exercising any oI it' udmr Islas Ml the low calls deed offiall <br />Any nmoams ryild by Under o pel Ladd, ssecunty interest will bcsavml by this decd If team soon amounts will be due on denaod and will bear Interest firm the <br />date OfNCpaymrnt.. rill paid in loll at the Imaest ate in bloM on thcacemN debt. <br />10, Befouls cad Ae..lemlimn If BOnever fails to make any paymwt face tire m break, any covenants under WS decd of (rest or any obligation seemed by this deed of <br />over a, m Lie, ma thsal orM of awl. Leal may Mwovicte them mnI of the srurW debt and demand immai'mte payment and may Invoke the power of sale and <br />any MIWE mndies pmminN by appllmblc low. <br />11. Hegxmt for Notice of Default. It is hucby iequeaed that enfdesef the notices ofh: deftload sole be sent tomach pl who 6 a laity hamq at the nddmcrof each <br />a¢h penim, ax set Forth heart <br />¢, Prover of Sale. If amwor rvokn the powanfsde byTmame shall first vymd1in the office of the rcgisterof dcces of path county wherein the trust tomotyor <br />some pep or pmeel themfis L=and a notice of default ammmalf The all Meal by law- The Laurie ahol elm mail copies of the notice of default to !ha <br />Bnrrowa. to each ptnon who h a pony heat ni to other persons as pmsrnbW by applicable Inw. Not Ipso than nmc month alts tire Tiger mconis is, ",ties ffid,efiguit, <br />ouTlm it the until pmpmy is not in any inwRmaled city or village and la mod In forming operations mmN on by the uuI the Tock" xhall give ankh, notice of <br />nlmo me peanns mid In me marine, piss Td by applicable lay. Tmstrai without dmwnd oil Pouower. ,her sell the pmpmy at public auction to the highest bidder. If <br />required by the Faw Hmusevd Pmtmtlam Act Trustee Intl oifa the manage an two aepamte sales as ruryi rd by applicable law. Trustee any Imgpnne sale of all or any <br />parcel of the pmpany by public aMOUMcmma at Lie fare Rod placed any mh....lyaohMUlN Snlc. I ad,,orits did ignee may purcMSC the pmpmy at era umale <br />Upoa.¢ lips of broment of the price bid, Tmrlu'- shelf deliver to the parties .Trustee s deed conveying Ibe pmpmy- The recounts comn;nd io Tmacc's dull 4ma11 be <br />I fare Less . - 1 Ile Mal If h contained draprover T rMs, slash apply the eed of the sale in the miloyinger order, (') so Ell loop If the ydeE <br />- eluding, horror limited to, re onml T s csfee, era l aFo,,ry5s heeled reinstatement leas, lb) In nit I's secured b> ht deal of mat ard (c) the balance. if <br />uL, m We persons gnarly entitled m redo'c It <br />IS wreclosnre. At Leader 's option, Nis M.Al of trust "lay be forcelnaed In me manner pmvidW by applicable law for fermlmnre of mnpga8es oo col pmpmy. <br />14. lospepiun. Lander many mr, by mal to hasped it If larder areas Borrower notice beNMmmL Itic notice must slate she reasonable cause for Lender's <br />mspettinn. <br />15. Condemnation. Bomwvu ensigns m Leader the Loading of any award or claim for damage, comenN with a mlemmdon mocha wkin5 of Al o. euy part of We <br />pmpmy. Such prMods will be III at provided in Covenant 1. in, oaimanent Is sublet to the times of any once secuAry uancmcet. <br />Ifi. Nelver. By exocinng any maned. MaiMle to Lml Lender does not glue nn any Lights to late use any other rLmWy. By not verMa age city Ionedy upon <br />BUnowu s deNult I endeTdnes not waive anv right to laarwoaidd me event o defndtifit haancns..pie. <br />19. Joint and Several LialdipgC- tlgnon; Successors and All Beund. All dmieg older this deal of cost are joint and IMEM Are Bonowu' who co signs this <br />does l of (lost but does not Sian the mduly,re debt iearn mmtar does so only to Vint also convey first Bmmwv s hnermt in the lnumary, to she Tmaee under the temm <br />of this dead of unit In addit ion, such a BMOvwy agree' that the lmduand any ether Bonn we, order thin deed of cost may extend, modify or make may other changes In <br />the loom of this dead of trust or the secured debt without hat Bmm,el s emmwt and mohom hying To Bmmwu' from mctdms of de ,)fwet <br />Thc duties and hostae It this deed at Shall bind and bought tle successors and a ... m fg of lendor and Bormear <br />18. Notice. Vines otherwise raloiMI by law, my wtice to Bonowo shall he given by delivering it or by muiling'a by om med mail addri to Bortcwef at the <br />property addo. or any other address; that BOlmWCr lots given to Lender . Bmrox will g ve ,,, ,since to krughtur by eadfiM insair to L ka a haddrigh on page Iofthis <br />dead of(rest,usn n....fa.' address, which leader has design W. Any other Tutu m Lede shall be Deal '. -arldm— as rated ' pose l oil' di of mail <br />Ail not,,, hall M1edmm,d m lave bran given to Hortnwer or Lender when given in Ncmwua anted above. <br />19. T .... far of the Pmpmy or a Beneficial Interest In the Mm..... ( faller... pan a tirl pmpmy many interest in it is sold orlmnsferrW without Lou l.mde, <br />poor water emu.I Leader .ley demandnnma Late payment of the eauptl debt Larder many ol,, demand fmEmE room on if the BmmwI, is not a mama! person and <br />a bcndinal interest In the BUrtowcr iscold uniwierred, .under may net demand pe anLm me above situation, if it is prohibited by fulcml law as of lFc date <br />of thin &,s Ernst <br />30. Rmnnveyenee. When she oMotor scoured by this li l of full no, bmu paid, and Lerida has no further obligation to make udvanacs writs the innnunnes or <br />agrtv ... by this dead Ofall the IL ee shall , upon Tnqunt by the I MI vry the mot pmput- The Ludo shall ddiv o the bnnnxer, or to <br />Bonnwe4 emcurpor its Interest. me wel dad and the note or other eoidmce of the obligation so coviu+l. Boowetshvll any ney rewNon'.m memo <br />21, micewwrTaur,Inte m,...�Erlorapn may mmnvcl'mstec and appoint a Severe urwmcc by aaLmailing a color of its aolrabudnnofimgtee as repined <br />M aMlicable law, and m by fit ' ... g Else substitute, f: f - M ill the fi f PO replace of deed f each county in which th treat mria o' active par <br />Fal s a,mill . Tile ancrov lbalance."Ithout corroydril fE,PopeuY Shall st coal to all the power not... Mdo tt and s0c of MOI me, nom, ,n the deed of <br />tend and of any successor InE <br />