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`) rpm 7 n n <br />jjj D - m e o <br />D Z i i ��. r tv n <br />v <br />ry A <br />1 I e <br />,v 6 Q1 k 7s [fl C <br />° 'N F, 'can <br />Yk ° <br />" t <br />on 2 <br />DYAD OF TRUST <br />i <br />PARTIES: This Deed of Trust is made on 06202002 among the Grantor, NANCY KIRSCHBAUM AND , ( °Bori (A SINGLF <br />PERSON) <br />AREND R DAM SEE ATTORNEY, whose residence address is P_ O_ Box 790, Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska ( "Trustee"), and the <br />Beneficiary, HOME FLDI RAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOC:IATON DECEIVED ISLAND. a corporation organized and existing under the <br />lawn ofNFDRASKA whose address is 221 SOUTH LOCUST STREET, GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 ( "Lender "), <br />CONVEYANCE: For value received, Borrower irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the real propcny, of <br />which Borrower is lawfully seised, described below and all buildings, Farrow, and existing and future improvements thereon and all rights of <br />easements, rents, issues, pmBts, Income unemee , horoduaments, privileges and any appurtenances thereunto belonging (all called the <br />"persepy,) <br />PROPERTY ADDRESS[ 320 F SCENE, GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska 69801 <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION: <br />LOT FIFTY (50) IN BUENAV ISTA SLBDIVISION, AN ADDITION TO ILL U l Y OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />Located in Hall County, Nebraska <br />Tl'I'LE: lim rower consultant and warrants title to the property, except for <br />SECURED DEBT: This deed of trust secures to Lender repayment of the secured debt and the performance of the consensus and agreements <br />contained in this deed of trust and in any other docmn au Incamorded herein. Secured debt. as used in this deed of first, includes one amounts <br />Bon'owei owes to Leader under this deed of trust or under any instrument secured by this decd of trust, and all modifications. extensions and <br />nowwakthwe'd <br />The secured debt is evidenced by (List all Instruments and ab eereems secured by this deed of trust and the dates thereuf.): <br />® A PROMISSORY NOTE AND SECT RITV AGREEMENT DATED 0N202002 <br />® I artrc advances: Tltc above amount is Sacred even though all or part of it may not yet be advanced. Furore nhames are <br />contemplated and will be secured to the Same extent as if made on the date of this deed o1'mm is execul si. <br />❑ Revolving line of aeditagreenent dated _ with initial annual interest rate of <br />All amounts owed under this agreementare Secured even 0ough all amounts may not yet be advanced. future advances under <br />the ay rent Eire cnnmmpladed and will be secured to the same extent as if made (in the dam this decd of trust is executed. <br />Then aed obliged on is due and payable on June 20, 20071 r not paid earlier. <br />The total unpaid balance warred by this deed of trust at any one time shall not exceed a maximum principal amount of $6,710.50, plus <br />interest, plus any amounts disbursed under the terms of OF is deed of trust to protect the security of this deed of trust or to perform any of the <br />covenants contained in this deed of trust, with interest on such disbursements. <br />C1 Variable Rate: The <br />loantagremmontheining the forms under S Filth [he of trust may vary Sety 1% according terms deed of obligation, of <br />m copy pal loan agreement containing the taro undo which the inmtcsl foe may vary is attached to this decd of trust and of <br />made v patl hereof. <br />RIDERS: ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS <br />DESIGNATION OP HOMLSI CAP <br />polecat to the lmrm I Emestead Protection Act, designation of homestead iQuuchul nh this deed of trust and made a pert hereof has <br />I] been disclaimed; the disclaimer is Nrached to this deed ofh'ust and made a part hereof. <br />SIGNATURES: By signing below, Borrower agree to We terms and convenants contained In this deed of h t including those on page <br />2, and in tiny riders described Shove signed he BaF v <br />4.{ ' i, ,�A ' /1, 1 Estes <br />V NANCY KIRSC IRAUNI <br />t` <br />ACKNOWLEDGMENT: SGYIL OP NLBRASK A, CAT I COUNTY SS'. <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on 06/202002 <br />By NANC Y K IRSCHBAUM and ULhp t ch, S, to pt"Auska <br />III PENNY HOLLE <br />.M} commention expires cam^ MY Comm. fin - Way 10,2003 <br />Nnfart Public) <br />