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I <br />200206770 <br />_y_ ' <br />H. To divide or distribute property in kind of <br />wholly or partly in kind, at such valuations as the Trustee <br />considers fair, and tc sell property for the purpose of making <br />division or distribution. <br />I. To receive additional property fromany - person by <br />will, give, additio. or otherwise. <br />J. To pay all taxes and all reasonable costs, <br />charges and expenses incurred in the administration of the <br />trusts hereby created, including compensation to the Trustee <br />and to its agent and counsel. <br />K. To purchase property from, sell property to, or <br />make secured or unsecured loans, to, or otherwise deal without <br />restriction with the executors, trustees of other representatives <br />of any trust or estate in which any beneficiary has any interest <br />even though the trustee hereunder be such executor, trustee or - <br />`representative, without liability for loss or depreciation <br />resulting therefrom. <br />L. To makepayments -of income and principal to <br />beneficiary under legal disability or who, in the opinion of the <br />trustee, is in any way incapacitated so as to be unable to manage' <br />his or her financial affairs, by making the same directly to the <br />beneficiary or to his or her legal representative or to a relative <br />or friend of the beneficiary for his or her benefit; or the Trustee <br />may otherwise apply any such .payment or payments for the beneficia <br />in such manner as the Trustee shall deem for his or her best <br />interests. <br />M. To exercise with respect to the continuance,' <br />management, sale or liquidation of any business or business <br />< interest I own at the time of my death, all the powers which I <br />myself could have exercised during my lifetime. <br />N. To perform any and all acts the Trustee deems <br />necessary or appropriate for the properiand advantageous <br />.management, investment and distribution of any trust or share <br />hereby created. <br />X <br />Lastly, I nominate,.. constitute and appoint my said <br />son, .Robert H. Krohq,.to be Executor of this, my Last Will and <br />Testament. ,My Executor, in the administration of my estate, <br />shall have all the powers hereinbefore provided for my Trustee <br />and I hereby specifically give to my Executors, full power and <br />authority, without order or license of any court, to sell and <br />'dispose of any real or personal property belonging to my estate, <br />at public or private sale at such times and upon such terms and in <br />:such manner as to the Executors shall seem meet, and to give good <br />and sufficient deeds for the conveyance of my said real estate, <br />and bills of sale, transfers of title, endorsements, conttacts, <br />or any other instruments necessary or convenient for the sale <br />and transfer of any real or personal property, and to compound, 1 <br />compromise, settle or otherwise adjust or dispose of any and <br />all claims, charges, debts and demands against or in favor of <br />,my estate as fully as Icould do if living. <br />IN WITNESS INHEREOF, I have hereunto sea my hand "and <br />seal this 22nd day of May, 1969. <br />� Testator <br />t <br />