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a ry <br />200206770 <br />_3. <br />4. At the death of any of said son's children <br />without leaving issue surviving, then that child's trust remain,.... <br />ing shall be divided equally among and added to the trusts of <br />the other said children then surviving, said addition shall <br />be disposed of in all respects the same as the trust, or trusts <br />to which so added. <br />VIII <br />In no event shall any trust or share thereof continue <br />to be held in trust after the twenty first anniversary of the <br />:death of the last survivor of a group consisting of my said wife, <br />,my said son and his decendants living at the time of my death. <br />- At the expiration of twenty one years from the date of death of <br />the last survivor of said croup, all trusts and shares shall <br />immediately terminate and shall be distributed outright to their <br />respective beneficiaries. <br />IX, <br />With respect to any and all .trusts and shares at any <br />time existing hereunder, including vested shares withheld from <br />distribution, and subject only to the limitations heretofore <br />expressly set forth herein, the Trustee shall have the following <br />powers in addition to those vested in it else where in this <br />instrument or by law: <br />- - - -A. To retain as an investment, without liability <br />by reason of such retention, all securities and other property " <br />owned by me during my lifetime, or in its discretion to dispose- <br />.. of all or any thereof and in that event toinvest, reinvest, and <br />keep invested the proceeds in such common and preferred stocks, <br />debentures, bonds, and other securities and property, including <br />interests in real estate, as the Trustee shall deem for the best <br />interests of the trust, without being limited to legal investments <br />for trustees. <br />B. To manage , - sell, contract to sell, grant options <br />to purchase, convey, exchange, transfer, abandon, improve, <br />repair, insure, lease for any tern even though commencing in <br />the future or extending beyond tine term of the trust, and <br />otherwise to deal with all property, real or personal, in such <br />manner, for such considerations and on such terms and conditions <br />as the trustee shall decide, and all without order or license <br />of any court being required. <br />C. To compromise, contest, arbitrate or abandon <br />claims, demands and rights, all in its dia^- etion. <br />D. To have with respect to the trust property all <br />rights of an individual owner, including the power to give <br />proxies, the participate in voting 'trusts, mergers, <br />consolidations, fureclosures, reorganizations and liquidations <br />to exercise or sell stock subscriptions or conversion rights. <br />E. To hold securities or other property in the name..' <br />of the Truste,s or its nominee, with or without disclosing to <br />third persons the .trust relationship. <br />F, The trustee shall receive .reasonable compensation <br />for his services and may employ agents and counsel when the , <br />Trustee deems necessary, and pay them reasonable compensation. <br />G. To decide how and in what proportions receipts <br />and disbursements of all kinds shall be credited, charged or <br />apportioned as between income and principal. <br />i <br />