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200206367 <br />Insurunce rindRepour Trustor shall maintain fire and extended coverage insurance insuring the <br />Improvements constituting part of the Tnrst Estate for such mrmlmt5 and nn such Iunns reasonahk <br />satisfactory to Beneticiarv. So long as die Properly is secured by a first decd of bust nr ounlgage, <br />compliance with the insurance requirements of the first decd of bust or mortgage shall be <br />sufficient to satisfy the requirements of this paragraph 3 relating to insurance. <br />Tmster shall promptly repair and replace the Trust Fsbdc mr any pan thereof so that, except for <br />ordmary wear and tear, the Trust Estate shall not dctcrioude In no event shall the Trustor commit <br />waste on or to the '1'mg Estate, or commit, suffer or permit arc acl Or be done in or upon the Trust <br />Estate in violation of any' law, ordinance or regulation. Tmstor shall pay and promptly discharge <br />at Truster s cost and expense all liens. encumbrances and charges levied, imposed or asscssut <br />against the Trust Estate or any part thereof <br />4. .I clionsd(fecnng Trust h stare Trustor shall appear in and conies( any aclinn or proceeding <br />purporting to affect the security hereof or the rights or powers of Rcncfrciary ar Treslcc, and stall <br />pav all costs and expenses, including cost of evidence of title and al Inmeys hers, . in any such <br />action or proceeding in which Beneficiary or Tnuger THAN appear. If Tmstor fails to make anv <br />payment or to do any act as and in the manner pnwided in anv of the Loan Instruments, <br />Beneficiary and/or Tmster, each in (heir ON, it discretion_ wiIlimit obligation so to do and without <br />notice to or demand it poll for star and wifront releasing Trustor from ariv obligation, may make or <br />do the same in such manner and to such extent as either may deem necessary to protect the <br />security hereof Tmstor shall, in Tocrin le1v upon demand therefor by Beneficiary, pav all costs <br />and expenses incurred by Rcndici2ry in connection with the exercise by Beneficiary of the <br />foregoing rights, including withou( butila(iun Lugs oCm idenee of title, court costs. appraisals. <br />survevs and atmmcvs fees. <br />5. 6Ynineni Dontallt IClhc Trust Estate, or any part thereof or interest therein, be taken or damaged <br />by reason of any public improvement or condenuemon proceeding. or in am' other rummer <br />including doed in lieu thereof ( "Condemnation' ). or if Tmstor receives nut' notice or other <br />information regarding such proceeding, Trustor shall give prompt written notice thereof to <br />Rencficiarv_ Ti stor shall be entitled to all compensation, awards and other payments or relief <br />(hereof and shall be entitled at its option to commence. appear in and prosecute in its own name <br />mop action or proceedings. Trustor shall also be entitled to make any compromise or settlement in <br />connection with such taking or darmige. <br />fi_ Appubrbnenr gJTuccecsnr 7m,we. Benefivary may, from time to time, by a written instrument <br />executed and acknowledged by Beneticiarv, nailed to'I'mstor and recorded in the County in <br />which the Trust Estate is located and by otherwise complying with the provisions of the applicable <br />law of the State of Nebraska substitute a successor or successors to the Trustee named herein or <br />acting hereunder. <br />T Slroee,o, and. l.sslgnu, This Second Deed ofl'msl applies to inures to the benefit of and binds <br />all parties hereto, Ihetr heirs, legatees, devisees, personal mprescmagivcs. successors and assigns_ <br />The term'Beneftciary shall mean the owner and holder of any pnuniss ry note given Io <br />beneficiary, [whether or not narned as Beneficiary herein.] <br />8. ilferRcr, Cansolidatun? .Sales or Leaxec Trustor covenmus drat Tmslnr will not sdL (ease or <br />otherwise dispose of anv of the Trust Estate In the event Thal Tmslnr sells_ leases or otherwise <br />disposes of anv part of tine Trust Estate, Beneficiary may or its aplian declare the Indcb(cdnuws <br />secured hereby immediateiv due and pavable, whether or no( any default exkK BeneGciary shall <br />consent to a transfer of the mst Estate to a third parry to the cxtcut such (bird parfi mu;ls the <br />requirements contained in, and assumes the obligations set faith in the Firs( Decd of Trust. The <br />covenants contained herein shall run with the Propenv and shall remain in full force and effect <br />until the Indebtedness is paid in full. <br />Y. 6ren(.s Of Dejault Any of the events shall be deemed an m'cnt of defaut hereunder: <br />(a) default shall be made in the payment of Indebtedness or any other sum secured <br />herebv when due', <br />J/ <br />
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