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NEBRASKA 200206367 <br />SECOND DEED OF TRUST <br />(HHA LOAN) <br />This Second Deed of Trust (I his °Sccond Deed of Trust'), is made as of JUNE 13, 2002 by and among DOUGLAS J <br />RUIZ ('Truster'), whose mailing address is 816 WEST I7TII S'f GRAND ISLAND: Commercial Fcdcral Bark A <br />Federal Savings Bank ( "Trustee "), whose mailing address is PO Box 1103 Omaha, NE 68101 -1105, and Nebraska <br />Investment Finance Authority (" Beneficiarn"). whose mailing address is 200 Commerce Court, 1210 O Street, <br />Lincoln. Nebraska 68508 -1402_ <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Toaster irrevocably transfers, conveys and assigns to Trustee, IN <br />TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALT, for the benefit and security of Beneficiary, under and subject to the terms and <br />conditions of this Second Dccd of Trust, the real propertNr . legally described on Exhibit A allached hereto and <br />incorporated herein by reference life "Property'). and <br />TOGETHER WITH, all reins, profits. nwallies, income and other benefits derived front the Propenv <br />(collectively, die' real's ), all bases or subleases covering the Property or am' portion lhcmof now or hereafter <br />existing or entered into, and all right, nil le and interest of Trustor thereunder, all right title and interest of Trustor in <br />and to any greater estate in the Properly Owned or hereafter acquired. all interests, estate or other claims, both in law <br />and in equity, which Trustor now has or may hcralflcr acquire in die Propenv, all casements, rights- of -oay, <br />tenements, hereditiments and appurlenanus Ihcrcofand thereto, all water rights, all right, title and interest of <br />Trustor. now owned or hereafter acquired . in and In anv land, lying within the right -of -way of any street or highwav <br />adjoining the Property, and an7 and all alleys and strips and gores of land adjacent to or used in conncclion with die <br />Property, and any and all buildings, fixtures and improverncnts now or hereafter erected thereon (the <br />`Improvements'), and all the estate, interest right, title or any claim or demand which Trustor now has or rnav <br />hereafter tcquire in die Propem', and ariv acid all awards made for the taking by eminent domain, or by run <br />proceeding or purchase in lieu thereof, of the whole or anv part of the Trust Estate, including without limilalion anv <br />awards resulting front it change or grade of streets and awards for severance damages. <br />The Property and the entire estate mid interest cornered to the Trustee are referred to collectively as die <br />"Trust Estate <br />For die Purpose of Securing <br />A. Payout of indebtedness evidenced by an7 promisson note of Trustor in favor of Beneficiary: <br />and <br />B. Paymmnn of all sums advanced by Beneficiary to protect the TroM Estate, with interest thereon at <br />the rate mfsixteen percent (16 %/ per annum. <br />The indcbtulnws described in paragraphs A and B above is referred to as' the "Indebtedness, <br />This Second Deed of Trust, am promisson' note of Toaster in tavor of Beneficiary and amp other instrument given <br />to evidence or further secure the pay Hirai and pcdormance of any obligation secured hereby arc referred to <br />collectiveh as the "Loan lasts incins'_ <br />Trustor cmvenants that (1) Trustor holds title to die I fast Estate rmd has lawful aulbonly to encumber the <br />I rust Esate, (it) the Tmst Estate is fret and clear of all liens and encumbrances except for etnemcnts, restrictions <br />and covenants of record and the Dccd of Tnlst from Trustor encumbering the Propenv data) on or about the date <br />hereof (the "First Deed of ruuf'), and (iii) Trustor mill defend the Trust Estate against the lawful claims of anv <br />person. <br />To Protect the Securitv of This Sccond Deed of Trust' <br />Payment ofindehrednecs. Trustor shall pav when due the principal of and the interest on, die <br />Indebtedness and all other sums as provided in the Loan Inslrumcnls. <br />Tares. Tmstor shalt pav each inst:dlmenl of all taxes and special assessments of every kind, now <br />ur hereafter levied against the fro, Estate or am part thereof before delinquency- without notice <br />or demand. <br />J 1 i� <br />