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200205897 <br />LATE CI- LARGE: Al Lender's option, 13orro,,cr will pay a'late charge" not exCCeding ftmr per cnucnt <br />(h`,G) of the overdue payment when paid leave than tlttecu (15) days after the due date thereof to cover the <br />kola eapn)se inVOIVCd in handling delinquent paymcn zt . but such "late charge liall not be pat >blu out of <br />the proceeds of any skin mode to satisfy the indebtedness secured hereby, VTc <br />sufficient to discharge the entire indebtedness and all proper costs and expenses srcured hurcby. <br />GUARANTY: Should the Department of Veterans At 'fairs fail or refuse to issue its eoannty in full amouoe <br />within 60 days from the date that this loan Would nompoly become eligible for such guaranty aruunilied <br />upon by the Depnrunent of Veterans Affairs under the pmvivons of Title 35 of the U.S Code "Volcrarrs <br />Benefits ." ells Mo[tgagec may declare the indebtedness hereby secured at once due and 1'ablc and u)aY <br />foreclose immediately or may exercise any oihcr Eights hcreundcr or take any other proper adum as by law <br />provided. <br />TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY. This loan may be declared imnsdlMCly due and payable upon erknster <br />of the property searr'mg such loan to any transferee, unless the acceptability of the assumption of the low) <br />is established pursuant to Section 3717 of Chapter 37.'1'Itic 35. Uniled State, Code. <br />An authorized tIDnsfer ('bssnmption,) Eli the property shall also be subject to addltionrd envenents and <br />agreements is sct forth below <br />ASSUMMON FUNDING FEE: A fee equal m one -half of l percent (.507) of the ball of <br />this loan as of the date of rrwl, c, of the property shall be payable at dtc )into of transfer to the loan holder <br />or its sttlhoriud agcau, as trustee for dte Departnacne of Velcrwls Affairs. If die assumer falls to prry this <br />fee at the time of transfer, the lee shall eonstimte an additional debt to (Ilkalready lh5"on"ie by f tills <br />instrument, 1ho11 hear interest at the rate herein provided, and. Option <br />indebtedness hereby secured or any traust"Oe thereof, shall be itmnediVely due and payable- 111" 1'ee is <br />aulomwically waived if The assumer is exempt under the provisions of 38 U.S C. 3729 (c). <br />(b) CssII NIPTION YROCFSSING CHARGE: Upon application for approval to allow assumption of <br />for determi <br />this loan. a processing fee may be charged by the loan holder or its authow,:d ngeut ning the <br />creditworthiness or the assumer and subseryucutly rcvtsing the holders ownership records when w <br />approved tr.msfer is completed. The amount of this charge shall not exccod the macunum esn+blishrd by <br />the Department of V ucran, Affairs for a loin to hicit Section 3714 of Chapter 37. 1160 36, United Slates <br />Code applies. <br />(c) (ASSUMPTION INDIIMNITY LIA13111'I Y' If this obligation is assumed_ then the assmmcr here y <br />agrees to assume all of the obligations of the Ieteran under the term = -- of the instruments aching and <br />of Veterans Affairs <br />seeming the loan. The assurner to Cher agrees to indemnify the Department m the <br />extent of any claim payment arising from the Euaranry or insurance of the indebtedness crend by this <br />instrument" <br />narlA _� <br />538R 199061.01 Pager 2 of 3 S�5l <br />H12 'd EKeKROb `ON Wd OLN MH OMUA S-MM Wd bb:ll MA d00Z- [E -AOW <br />