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0181525 <br />3434ED156000 <br />200205897 <br />VA GUARANTEED LOAN AND ASSUNI iVrION POLICY RIDER <br />NOTICE: THIS LOAN IS NOT ASSUMABLE <br />OFT VOEARS ITS ARZE <br />VETERANS APPROVAL U fHOID <br />AGENT. <br />IBIS VA GUARANTEED WAN AND ASS a IPTIOI'l POLICY RIDER d nhdde Q1cs3e19Tied o amend <br />,f MAY, 2001 Iii'l <br />and supplement the Mortgage Deed of Trust or Decd to Secure rlo- ehereto sxurc tBurrollr's11Note1 to <br />of even dale herewith, given b.° the undersigned (hcrem "Bono er ") <br />WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC. <br />lOStrumcnt and located Hl <br />(herein "Lender ") aid covering the property desciibd in the Secw'ity <br />4259 VERMONT AVENUE, GRAND 19LAND, NEBRASKA 68903 <br />IP ropcn. AOda 11 <br />VA GUARAN'rEF,D LOAN COVENANII In addition to the c0,enauts and an_recments made in the <br />Security Insu'tuncu, Borrewe1 and [ coder further co,-cnmv and agree as follows. <br />United Statcs Code, such Tide <br />If the indebtedness socuod hereby he guaranteed or insured under Title 38, duties tad <br />and Regulations issued thereunder and in east on the date hereof s1t211 govcm the rights, <br />liabilities of Borrower and Lender Any provisions of the Security Instrument or other mstnlntems <br />c.necumd in connection with Sail indebtedness µ'hick am ineonsisteru with said "Ciilc or Regulations, <br />including, but 1101 Ihnifed m, the pro, is ion for 1"'m i of any sum in connection with prepayment of the <br />secured mdebteducss and the provision that the Lerida, may accelerate pa)'mcni of the seculed indebtedness <br />pursuant to C,,enam 13 of the Security h15VUnlcrlt, are hereby anoendM or negoteJ to the extent rlttesmry <br />to conform such 1nsmlments to said Title or Regulations. <br />MULTISIATf VA GUARANTEED LOAN AND ASSUMPTION POLICY RIDER <br />(01 53ER 19004).01 3199 <br />rage 1 of 3 <br />Initials ✓._ S(c -A <br />VMP MOR rGAGE FORMS - (0001521 -]291 <br />Zd /Od 'd ESEEKSZOp 'ON HbE OtW MH OC8b� SII3M 0 M11 Idd ZOOZ —[£ —Ad <br />