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200205741 <br />VA GUARANTEED LOAN RIDER <br />Foir usieraith FNMAAPHLMC tmfanninstrtminni <br />U.S. Dcpartmmtd'Veter a Affairs°+aTantcedla <br />This VA GTIARANTEED LOAN RIDER is made this 29th day of May 2002 <br />and is incorporated into and shall he deemed to amend and supplement Mortgage, Deed of'I'rust or Deed to Secure Debt (herein <br />"security inn mncut ") dated of even date herewith, given by the undersigned (herein "Borrower ") to secure Borrower's Note to <br />United Nebraska Bank (herein <br />"Lender ") and covering the Property described in the security instrument and located at 908 W 5th Grand Island NE 68801 <br />VA GUARANTEED LOAN CUVBNANL In addition to the covenants and agpeements made in this security instrument, <br />Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree us follows- <br />If the indebtedness sc a o,d hcrcby be guaranteed or insured under Title 38, United States Code, such Title and <br />Regulations issued thereunder and in effect on the date hereof shall govern the rights, duties and liabilities of Borrower and <br />Lender, Any provisions of tlw security instrument or other instruments executed in connection with said indchtulncss which are <br />inconsistent with said Title or Regulations, including, but nut limited to, the provision for payment of any sum in connection with <br />prepayment of the sc toed 'mdebtulness and the provision that the Lender may accelerate payment of the secured indebtedness <br />pursuant to Covenant 17 of the security io,a nen4 are hereby amended or negated to the extent necessary to conform such <br />instruments to said Tide or Regulations. <br />IN WITNESS W IIfRFOF, liouor vcr hers executed this VA Guaraanntte /fed Loan Rider. <br />Jerry fierce II <br />6 , ) Q� <br />9� <br />r.o.— Tamnthy J Pie <br />aiRoacr <br />e000wrr <br />5-- <br />V A GII A RAN IRl11AIAN aNIP- [to 41`ath l'( INMNI9I-A ICUN1I ARM INSTRLMLNI(USnaN \aIM4NTOYVII II TRANS Al I AIRS APPRMhU) 12552 81 <br />Isffi CT Plus 11111, <br />Iio 11111ra, Wq <br />