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200205741 <br />[Spare Below This Line For Acknowledgment] <br />STATE OF Nebraska ) <br />) 55: <br />COUNTY OF Ilan ) <br />1, Sherri L. O'Callaghan , a Notary Public in and for said county and state, do hereby <br />certify that tern M Pierce 11 and Tumothv I Pierce as husband and wife.__ <br />personally appeared before me and is (are) known to me h7 be the peison(s) who, being informed of the contents of the <br />foregoing instrument, have executed same, and acknowlcdgcd said instrument to be their , free and voluntary act <br />Ihls, her, their) <br />and deed that they CxcCated said instrumcm for the purposes and uses therein set forth. <br />f hc. .vim. Ihcrt <br />Witness my hand and ofkial seal this 29th day of Mme_ , 2002 <br />My Commission <br />SHERRI L. O'CALLAGHAI <br />My COMM. Erp. Sept 28, 2007 <br />'Phis inslnlmcnt was ar Jliecd Im <br />NEBRASKA Siuglu lSnik Flnnle Nellheddie Mae UNIFORM INSTRUMENT I'urm3028 1 /01 (page 8 of 8 page., <br />4754 cv nN21 1;11 =51 <br />Wro(ow22 AN) <br />