COVENANTS 200205491
<br />I. Payments. Donowu agrees to make all payments on the secured debt when due Inlets linrmwer mW L ader sg,, otherwise. Imy pn art, Lender reaches from
<br />Bmrnver or Ill, BOnnw r, henefit will be applled first to any amounts Borrow ar owes on tic secured debt exclusive of interest r principal, second to interest, and then to
<br />principal, If partual p psalms I of the seen cd debt N,ra, for in, r a will I I n l 'ease onv sel lea payment illifil the rescind delit is paid in Iml.
<br />2. CLaims Agale,I'I Irte. laonuwer will pay all taxes. aAa,m ems, and other charges m unsubmlc to the property when due and will defend tide m the property against
<br />claims conch xx net d 1, per Ihi It I of in is deed of rmst 1 enter nol i s R in assign y bbl t; claims or defenses whale thrower . anay la%c ar list
<br />panics who ouD01y labor or metcnal, to improve or himuca n the property -xx
<br />3. Insurance. Bmhmwer will keep the property Insnad under cons aceeptable to Lender at Borrower r expense and Ior I older's benefit. All ho -lance policies shall
<br />include u standard mortgage clause in fit ore f Lender l -coder sell l , ri , W as h , ax the u - d ,uuh nourtual,i, pmliuy_ %I t, autumnal, proceeds may be
<br />applied, within Lender', discretion, to either the resmratide or repair of the damaged propcny or to the secured debt If Lcndcr requires mortgage insurance. Borrower
<br />u to Ill 'I W i.1 such insurance for as 11.11 as l ender ayn ill
<br />_
<br />a_ 1-r.1peto. Bumswer will keep the propcny in good condition and make all reports reasonably tacesser,
<br />5. Expenses. Borrower agrees to pay all tender , ex,m,s. I,,,India, reasonable attorneys' Res. it Burnoose, breaks any cu wants In this aced of drub, or In al,
<br />obligafien secured w fhb deal oftrust. Borrower will pay these amounts fe Lcndcr as provided in COVwam 9 el this deed el nun.
<br />6. Prior Serumn, Interests. Unless Buoswur firn obtains Icnder's written contest Bormwcr will nor make or permit any changes to any prior security interests
<br />Borrower —11 pcafonp all of linrmwer', ohllgnl'mns under any prior montage deed of m¢tor other security miscount including Borrower's cm'enant In make payment
<br />when due.
<br />1. Alagmalelft of Rents and Profit. lam .f signs In I ender the tans and Froths ol' the propcny. Ilnless Rom and I order ]live reed wherx - or harp,
<br />Borrower my collect and ream the rents its long as Horner is wt in default If Bur r defaults, LuWea I ofer Borrower
<br />a court appointed rc e take
<br />ples—si n nna manage the property and cnllea the rams. Any rents Ledder collects shall be applied first to the costs of managing the property, including court cost and
<br />attorneys too ns to renal agents, and, y th arro, reflect cinese, The coming tmoud rl [,a,, will mall applyInrya f: tie seethed debt as
<br />provided in Covcnaft hlI
<br />S. L—sholds;Imalommiems; Planned thin Developments. Borrower marts to comply with the provisions of any lease if this dead of lrua, is r.1l ahsellon If this
<br />deed of tmst is Oil a hilit in a onallmonalme apt,altldevelplied. Bosco'"' 11 ullnuar all of mrowO,r sthlu andfir thn w,ntr, by la—, or ronshlboul of
<br />the cnndmnioium or planned unit doelopment.
<br />9. Atithorn, of Lander to Perthmn fur Borrower If Istaroscr cils to 1 adorn, nis of Brioneci 's duties finder this deed of trust, Lcnd i pertain the duties or
<br />cause them to he performed. lender may sign Borrower s name or pay any remount if accessary for performance If any construction on the property is thscontinted or rim
<br />carried an iu c masowble III 1 order may do wherever is neceaan to protect Lender's security interest in the property. this may Include complcling the construction
<br />Leader's fallnrem perform will nor preclude Lender from exercising any of its otherrights underline law orthis decd oftrust.
<br />Any amours paid by Under to pnncet Lwders sectors interest, 11 be secured by Niu deed of tot Smdu summits will be due ern denuauuit and will bear interest loom the
<br />date of tile paymou until paid In full at the interest rate In effect on the second debt.
<br />III. Defank and Acceleration. If Borrower tails m make she pa,ment h,a due ormeaks any cowherds under this deal of trust err any obligation secured by this decd of
<br />List i env prior nmr4,age or decd of trust. Lcndcrmax aeecicratc the maturip of the secured debt and demand Immediate payment and may Invoke the power of sale cod
<br />any other remedies aoratted by applicable law
<br />11. R,,rho a for Notice nl'Befault It is hereby connected that cubic, Of the notiws or 'd Y'ault and sale b': I t, w' ch person win, is a party hereto, at the address of each
<br />such I, set Rtlh then,in.
<br />12. Poseno( Sri,. I f the Lender Invokes the power of sale the Trustee shall first record in the office of the rapkterof dead, Ill cad, county wherein the trust pmpeny or
<br />some part or bareel thereof is situated u norn, II default 'nothing the ',la nab on qul,f by Inw. Tile Tittles shall t oft cupie, or ti e ounce of del n it to the
<br />Ii to each person who Is a pang hereto. and of other persons as prewenbcd by applicable law. Not less than one month after the trustee rccurds the notice of defauR
<br />or teen momhs if ILIOI pmpeny Is not in any incorporated cq or village and is used in farming operations carried on by the drustoq Ih, Tamer shall live public now, of
<br />sale to the persons and In the manner proscribed by appLuablc lax.. Tmstcy wNnmt demaod ern Bumnwue shall sell the pmpeny at public antenna to the highest bidder. It
<br />retained by the farm Ilmn send Protection Act, 'I rus,ce shall offer the propcny in two simple sales as required by applicable law. Trustee may postpone sale of or any
<br />pwcel of ']I' by puhlc aim "'enrol a If, Iran and place ofow - pnrinnslyrl Iled sole. I order or its lsi„ ,purchase the, pnoperts at an, sole.
<br />Upon Kempf Of payment of the price hid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed eonvcy'mg the property. The recitials contained hi I mace's deal shop be
<br />pen ciao vJn If Nc cult e.fine stxdneL hied there' T ,tee shall allly le lmeeds f (f, ely in the 111 rda.(u)I'al"'On nfIn, cote.
<br />melmdmg bill hot rented to, reasonable look,' lit reasonable abortion , less I I statement leas. (to Ill ad sons secured by this deed of trust, and (c) the balance if
<br />y, m the persons Iclally rallied to receise it
<br />13. Foreclosure, VIander'snpdon. tho deed of trust may he foreclosed in the manner pro Ided by applicable law for foreclosure of montages on real pmpeny.
<br />IL Inspection. I.cmcr are, outer tho pmperty to Lopvt a if 1 iodw trun, Bon — .1utice bick—ha rd I lie notice olost studs hie reasonable cause for Tender
<br />nsPection.
<br />15. (ondemnution. Borrower reams It Lamer the pmoea6 or any award err claim for den ages cunneeded with a condemnation or other taking of all or any pan ofthe
<br />pmpafv. rich Pmeeedb will be applied a, provided in covenant I [his a„icnmemissubject to me terms lfany prior security alrcemxnl
<br />16. N'aiser. by exercising any truistic available to Lender, lender dots not give lip any rights to later use any other remedy. Ily not exorcising any remgly upon
<br />Bmnw'er's detculk, Icnderd, I welvc airs r,III 1 1, consider tile event adcfahlf If it "pun .
<br />17. .hunt still Sneral Liao fly ( signers: Successors and Assigns Bound. All enter nder this decti of trust are joint and several. A ty Borrower who w -signs this
<br />deed uf(nil( but does Let a, -slgn We undi rig debt inmunsntgs) duns so ouly W g,,at and umhvey (flat Bunmvers interest in the property to the 'I rustre under the terms
<br />of Nis decd of rent. In addinc,t such a Borrower agrees that the Ladder and any other Borrower under flux decd of trust may extend, madifs or noke :my other rlmn_ecs al
<br />(III wo¢If(f'. t (lend Oftlast a d ..aireA debt ill htthat hot rowel _ consent and eithout orearice that R e, from tie terms of Nis decd of must.
<br />The dmv, and benefit, of this deed oftrust shall hind not benefit the successors and assigns of I adder and Rorrowcr
<br />18. Notice, Unless otherwise totalled by Imv. set, house to Borrower shall be fixed by dclivcung it or by mailing it by certified mail adul to connect at the
<br />Intuitions, atiss or av uther uldressr bbaf Rorrooci has rych putni coil gs, an, notice to L,utpr by couned,ail to Lender's address ern page l of N6
<br />,lead mttru:. or In aux other dJ _. xah,ch I crude, lies d ...... aled A., ,,her notice to lender shall be sec to Tender saddress as stated on page l of this deed ofnust.
<br />At Is on (fx hall 1 Ismael n _ o ill lie a or I old g 11 In tile amaircr sword ahuvw
<br />19. 'Transfer of the Property or a Beaeftclal Interest in the portion or. II all or any part or the properrs or any imcrca In II is sold or tmnsfnaed without are lenders
<br />fillorift entIcndm rule d liremelt p_mcm of (fc —rand dcbLl Carter vats) Jetmrd -mmedee psymem if the Borrower is not a mural person and
<br />abc,ercial - terest"n the BO , sold or transferred Ifto,ever, Lcofthr h,not demand payment in the fbo'e situations fl's prohibited by faleal law at fine date
<br />offblsdead Iffmm.
<br />211. Ron rvevanat Whc, tile e bla ho n eccened by this died of fort has been land. and I scan he , im uhhher olhiveannin to so, sills der the imtornb 1s or
<br />wa d by Nis del (t fins(, 1ho Tnu,ftc 111111, upon wren uduen by ill, lc, Uer re c ede trust property I lie Loader shall delver (I, llorrowea or to
<br />U rows an intense. the (cast Jose and the rote or Other =d uc ufN, riblui,tion so satisfied . Turnover shall) rev ins , crollition costs
<br />21. Successor I rushee. Tender, at lenders option. may remove '1onee and appoint a successor trustee by first, Inching a copy of lbe subsonat ou oftruu¢co, required
<br />is, low, ond then, byfl'n III, uh,trulion oNOSbeefo record in tile office ONTO _ire,ofJ 1 (11 coal coands in wGdn the toil propcny. or won pan
<br />thtrtof, IS situated _'I he successor trustee, without conveschro, of the property. shills red to all the fewer, duce samr, and title of mi, Inurace armed in the deed of
<br />Imsl aria 11 acv successor trustee.
<br />