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I'AR'1'S: This' Decd of Trust is made on ran <br />05/03/2002 among, the Control, ERIC 1 HANSEN AND VICKI S HANSEN, HUSBAND AND <br />WIFE fH:Bortower'). <br />ARFND It BAACK, ATTORNEY, whose residence address is P. O. Box 790, Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska ( "Trustee "), and the <br />Beneficiary. HOME FEDrR AI. SA V INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA'I ION OF (iRAND ISLAND, a corporation organ17ed and existing under the \ <br />laws cf4BRASKA wlmse address is 221 SOUTH LOCUST STREET, GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 ( "Lender'). � <br />CONVEYANCE: For value received, Borrower irrevocably grants and conveys to 'Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the real property, of <br />which Borrower is lawfully seised, described below and all buildings, fixtures, and existing and future improvements thereon and all lights -of- O <br />wa), easements, reels, Issues, profits, income, tenements, hereditamcnts, privileges and any appurtenances thereunto belonging (all called the <br />'property "). <br />PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2303 W OKI.AI IOMF AVI., GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska 6XX03 <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION: <br />LOT FIVI4 (sl IN BLOCK SEVEN (7), IN PARKHILL SECOND SUBDIVISION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL CO(:N T Y. NEBRASKA_ <br />I.eiated in Hall Count,, Ncbmska. <br />TITLE: lormwer cnnvenants and warrants title to the property, except for <br />SECURED HER, : "Phis decd of trust secures to Tender repayment of the secured debt and the performance of the convenants and agreements <br />contained In this deed of trust and in any other doalmeat incotpomted herein. Secured debt, as used in this deed of trrsl, includes airy amounts <br />Borrower owes to Lender under this deed of trust or under any instrument secured by this deed of trust, and all modifications, extensions and <br />renewals thereof <br />The secured debt B evidenced by (List all instruments and agreements secured by this deed of trust and the dates thereof -I: <br />M A PROMISSORY NO'I'IL AND Yt I:Rl I A( I21.LMIiN'1' DA I I Dus 417/20112 <br />Future advanms: The above amount is secured even though all or pan of it may not yet be advanced. Future advances ore <br />contemplated and will be secured to the sane extent as if made on the date of this deed oftrust is executed_ <br />❑ Revolving line ofereditagreercradated , with initial annual interest rate of <br />All anionic, owed under this agreement are secured even though all amounts may not yet be advanced. Future advances under <br />the agreement are conemplated and will he secured to the same extend as it made on the date this deed of trust is executed. <br />"fhcabeve obligation is due and payable oil November 20, 2006 if not paid earlier_ <br />the total unpaid halance secured Ey this deed of trust at any one time shall not exceed a maximum principal amount of $7,18213. plus <br />imc,c ,plus any amounts disbursed under the terms of this decd of tmst to protect the security of this deed of trust or to perform any of the <br />covenants contained in this deed oftrust, with interest on such disbursements. <br />Variable Rate; The inlereA role on dm obligation secured by this deed.(huA may vary according to the terms of that obligation_ <br />A copy of the loan agreement containing the terms under which the interest rate may sap( is attached to this deed oftmst and <br />made a part hereof. <br />RIDERS: %`,rK NMY NI'OF'R[ -NI'S <br />DESIGNATION OP HOMESTEAD <br />Pursuant to the Farm I lumcstcad Protection Act, designation of homestead idttaehed to this deed oftmst and made a part heieofhas <br />71 beendisclaimed; the disdzimer is attached to this deed oftmst and made a par t hereof <br />SH:N.A I'11l iS B, signing below, Burrower agree to the terms and cnnvenants, contained in this deed of trust, including those rot page <br />2, and in any rider s descrrhed`a b. Led by Bon'ower. <br />f RI(.I HAN EM1✓ VICKI S HANSEN <br />A('. KNOW LLDGMIi N I': SI'Al'If, OF NFAURASKA- II AI.L('OUN I Y SS: <br />The foreuoing insb umenl was acknowledged belbrc me on 05/03/2002 <br />13p ERIC I I IANSEN and VICKI S I I ANSI PN, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />%1, a ...... fission expires: <br />Notary Public) <br />III GB4EPAE NOTAKY -State of Nebraska <br />CHRIS L. KASKIE <br />-- 81'COmm. Epp. Oec. 29, 2004 <br />C, <br />T <br />m <br />V <br />T <br />Q <br />o <br />m <br />C <br />~ <br />N <br />Z <br />O <br />HELD OF TREET <br />I'AR'1'S: This' Decd of Trust is made on ran <br />05/03/2002 among, the Control, ERIC 1 HANSEN AND VICKI S HANSEN, HUSBAND AND <br />WIFE fH:Bortower'). <br />ARFND It BAACK, ATTORNEY, whose residence address is P. O. Box 790, Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska ( "Trustee "), and the <br />Beneficiary. HOME FEDrR AI. SA V INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA'I ION OF (iRAND ISLAND, a corporation organ17ed and existing under the \ <br />laws cf4BRASKA wlmse address is 221 SOUTH LOCUST STREET, GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801 ( "Lender'). � <br />CONVEYANCE: For value received, Borrower irrevocably grants and conveys to 'Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the real property, of <br />which Borrower is lawfully seised, described below and all buildings, fixtures, and existing and future improvements thereon and all lights -of- O <br />wa), easements, reels, Issues, profits, income, tenements, hereditamcnts, privileges and any appurtenances thereunto belonging (all called the <br />'property "). <br />PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2303 W OKI.AI IOMF AVI., GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska 6XX03 <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION: <br />LOT FIVI4 (sl IN BLOCK SEVEN (7), IN PARKHILL SECOND SUBDIVISION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL CO(:N T Y. NEBRASKA_ <br />I.eiated in Hall Count,, Ncbmska. <br />TITLE: lormwer cnnvenants and warrants title to the property, except for <br />SECURED HER, : "Phis decd of trust secures to Tender repayment of the secured debt and the performance of the convenants and agreements <br />contained In this deed of trust and in any other doalmeat incotpomted herein. Secured debt, as used in this deed of trrsl, includes airy amounts <br />Borrower owes to Lender under this deed of trust or under any instrument secured by this deed of trust, and all modifications, extensions and <br />renewals thereof <br />The secured debt B evidenced by (List all instruments and agreements secured by this deed of trust and the dates thereof -I: <br />M A PROMISSORY NO'I'IL AND Yt I:Rl I A( I21.LMIiN'1' DA I I Dus 417/20112 <br />Future advanms: The above amount is secured even though all or pan of it may not yet be advanced. Future advances ore <br />contemplated and will be secured to the sane extent as if made on the date of this deed oftrust is executed_ <br />❑ Revolving line ofereditagreercradated , with initial annual interest rate of <br />All anionic, owed under this agreement are secured even though all amounts may not yet be advanced. Future advances under <br />the agreement are conemplated and will he secured to the same extend as it made on the date this deed of trust is executed. <br />"fhcabeve obligation is due and payable oil November 20, 2006 if not paid earlier_ <br />the total unpaid halance secured Ey this deed of trust at any one time shall not exceed a maximum principal amount of $7,18213. plus <br />imc,c ,plus any amounts disbursed under the terms of this decd of tmst to protect the security of this deed of trust or to perform any of the <br />covenants contained in this deed oftrust, with interest on such disbursements. <br />Variable Rate; The inlereA role on dm obligation secured by this deed.(huA may vary according to the terms of that obligation_ <br />A copy of the loan agreement containing the terms under which the interest rate may sap( is attached to this deed oftmst and <br />made a part hereof. <br />RIDERS: %`,rK NMY NI'OF'R[ -NI'S <br />DESIGNATION OP HOMESTEAD <br />Pursuant to the Farm I lumcstcad Protection Act, designation of homestead idttaehed to this deed oftmst and made a part heieofhas <br />71 beendisclaimed; the disdzimer is attached to this deed oftmst and made a par t hereof <br />SH:N.A I'11l iS B, signing below, Burrower agree to the terms and cnnvenants, contained in this deed of trust, including those rot page <br />2, and in any rider s descrrhed`a b. Led by Bon'ower. <br />f RI(.I HAN EM1✓ VICKI S HANSEN <br />A('. KNOW LLDGMIi N I': SI'Al'If, OF NFAURASKA- II AI.L('OUN I Y SS: <br />The foreuoing insb umenl was acknowledged belbrc me on 05/03/2002 <br />13p ERIC I I IANSEN and VICKI S I I ANSI PN, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />%1, a ...... fission expires: <br />Notary Public) <br />III GB4EPAE NOTAKY -State of Nebraska <br />CHRIS L. KASKIE <br />-- 81'COmm. Epp. Oec. 29, 2004 <br />