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-�� FILE: 02.7754 2.0 0 2 0 519 4 <br />EXlf1 BIT 'A" <br />Part of Lot Two (2), Mainland, and a part of Lot Three (3), island, all being in Section Eleven (11), <br />Township Ten (10) North, Runge Ten .(10) Weat of the 6th P.M., HAD County, Nehv"ka. iunre <br />particularly described as fullam: <br />Beginning at the North tluatier (y114) Section Corner of said Section Eleven (11); thence .P;KT17'54"%V, <br />alont; !tre,l upon the north line of said Lot Two (2), Mainland, a distance of Two hundrrd Sixt en an4 <br />Ninety 11irTe Wndr tlihs (216.93) .feet: thence S00*01'27'E. a dlslance of Nine Hundred forty ThjYv <br />(943 -0) rret: thence S75*25'45'W, o distaste of Three Hundred Four "sl T\v!rrty Une M- rrctretlthc <br />(304.21) fkt; thvnee S 10.05•'05 "W, o distnnee of Fmir Hundred Two and Scvcnty (ins <br />(402.71) feet; thence 52458'50 "E, a distance of Two fluudred FIRetu and Eight Six liunrirrd1110i (215.8fl) <br />feet to r point on the c*nterlint of a Thirty (30.0) toot wide easement for roast purpolses: thence <br />N50" V30 "E. along a-W upon said roadway casement centerllne, a distance cif tiix tlundrrd •1Nvrntyan(1 <br />Sixty Fine ..Hundredths (620.65) feet; thence NOII'S013 "E, a distance of Twly flundred 5ey.r,t�• Six ar•l <br />Thirty Fight Hundredthm (276-39) fret: thenrr. N79.16'03 "F, s distance at F leven and Sovent..n <br />Hundretitl,t (ll.l;) riot to a paint •►n the east line of said Lot Three (3), lslA.nd; thence N(N!"(W27'U, <br />along aoft upon 1-tie - pest lint of said Lot Three (3), Island and its northerly p1-914maotio)u, ;* di «t,�,trr �!f <br />Nine tl;indred Thirty One and Eighty Six Hundredths (931.86) feet to the point of heginninp <br />EXHIBIT D <br />