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200205194 <br />,j.,F1LE: 02.7754 <br />. :nay .��... <br />EXHI BIT 'A* <br />" Part of Lot Two (2), Mainland, and a part of Lot Three (3), island, all Wng in Seelion Fteven <br />Township Ten (10) North, Range Ten .(10) Wcat of the 6th P.M., lift)) CO"Itty, Net wAA. Iuryre <br />partkirlorly described as follows: <br />"inninX, at tite North Quatler (Nt /4) Section Corner or said Section Eleven (11); thence .Nlty'i7'54" %V' <br />alonit anal upon live north line or said Lot Two (2). Mainland. a distance of TW41 hundred Sixto and <br />Ninety lliree ifendredihs (216,93) feet: thence Sfi4"01'27'E. a distance of Nine Hundred Fnrtr 7'hoYr <br />(943.0) lket; thence 1975125 *451W, a distance of Three Hundred Fvur auA 7%-..r►ty ()Tee 11,.n,4 rrAtt%c <br />fart; thence C10'OS'OS "W, a distance of Foty Hundtvd Two and Seventy (Inc <br />(402.71) fort; thence ti24'59'50 "E, r distance of Two ftuudred FiReeu and Fight 41x liundrr•lths ql-s- f.) <br />feet to r point on the centerilot of a Thirty (30.0) toot wide easement for roost purpose, thence <br />1450"Ol'""E. along xt)d %sputa said roadway easement centerline, a distance of $ix finntirril 'lNsimkyand <br />Sixty Fire Hundredths (620.65) feet; thence N00*50111E. a distance of Two) hundred Semity Six Arai <br />Thirty F,i1;ht Hundredth` (276:4) feet; t.henve N7446103 0F, a dixtsnce of Pleven and Sovent..n <br />Hundredtht (11.1;) f of to a paint on the east line of said List Three (3). 1 -00,4, then"* NI!Q"01'271V, <br />along e.".d upon ••rst line of avid W Three (3), Island and its northerly proimsa tine, 11ktnfiry Syr <br />Nine tlsondred Thirty One and Eighty Six Hundredths (931.56) feet to the point of hegin)%inR. <br />EXHIBIT D <br />