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n oN � N <br />° e z In M O <br />CD N <br />M CD <br />-0 I 1 <br />Z � va,' � � J�► <br />CrJ t46 O <br />0c) '° cc <br />CA <br />200204993 <br />* This Space Reserved for Register of Deeds * <br />SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT <br />THE VILLAGE THIRD SUBDIVISION <br />(Lot 1 through 29, inclusive, and Outlots A, B and C) <br />In the City of Grand Island, Nebraska <br />The undersigned, Thayer Family, L.L.C., a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, <br />hereinafter called the Subdivider, as owner of a tract of land comprising all of Lot One (1), The <br />Village Second Subdivision, and all of Lots Four (4) and Five (5), Woodland Second Subdivision, all <br />in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot One (1); thence running <br />northerly along the west line of said Lot One (1), on an Assumed <br />Bearing of N00 °00'29 "E, a distance of Seven Hundred Ninety Two <br />and Twenty Two Hundredths (792.22) feet, to the northwest corner of <br />said Lot One (1); thence running N89 °59'31 "E, along the north line of <br />said Lot One (1), a distance of Seven Hundred Ninety Seven and <br />Seventy Nine Hundredths (797.79) feet; thence running N89 °59'00 "E, <br />and continuing along the north line of said Lot One (1), a distance of <br />Two Hundred (200.0) feet, to the northeast corner of said Lot One <br />(1); thence running S00 °00'02 "E, along the east line of said Lots One <br />(1) and Five (5), a distance of Four Hundred Fifty Eight and Thirty <br />Six Hundredths (458.36) feet, to the northeast corner of said Lot Four <br />