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200204918 <br />centerline of the south railroad track, and being Fifty Two and Twenty Four <br />Hundredths (52.24) feet west of (as measured along and upon said centerline of the <br />south railroad track) the east line of a parcel, surveyed and platted by Lee D. Wagner, <br />L. S. No. 557, dated August 28, 2001, and known as "TRACT NO. 22 ". <br />2. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR THE CENTERLINE OF A 30' WIDE <br />RAILROAD TRACK EASEMENT - CAAP TRACT NO. 22 (SOUTH <br />RAILROAD TRACK) <br />A tract of land consisting of a Thirty (30.0) foot wide easement which lies Fifteen <br />(15.0) feet either side of the centerline of an existing railroad track which is located in <br />a part of the Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4) of Section Twelve (12), Township Eleven <br />(11) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, the <br />centerline of said Thirty (30.0) foot wide easement being more particularly described <br />as follows: <br />First to ascertain the point of beginning, start at the southwest corner of said <br />Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4); thence running northerly, along and upon the west line <br />of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1 /4), a distance of Six Hundred Fifty Seven and Eight <br />Hundredths (657.08) feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning; thence deflecting right <br />89 052'30 ", more or less, and running easterly, a distance of Two Thousand Two <br />Hundred Ten and Forty Nine Hundredths (2,210.49) feet to a point on the east line of <br />a parcel surveyed and platted by Lee D. Wagner, L. S. No. 557, dated August 28, <br />2001, and known as TRACT NO. 22, said point being Six Hundred Seventy Four and <br />Eight Tenths (674.80) feet north of the south line of said Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4) <br />(as measured along and upon the east line of said TRACT NO. 22). <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all improvements, hereditaments, <br />appurtenances therein and all reversions, remainders, issues, profits and other rights belonging or <br />related thereto, either in law or in equity, for the use, benefit and behalf of the Grantee, its <br />successors and assigns forever. <br />II. GENERAL GOVERNMENT RESERVATIONS TO CONVEYANCE <br />This conveyance is expressly made subject to the following reservations in favor of <br />Grantor, and its assigns: <br />SAVE AND EXCEPT and there is hereby reserved unto Grantor, and its assigns, all rights <br />and interests that have been previously reserved to Grantor in any Patent(s) covering the <br />Property. <br />III. CERCLA COVENANT AND RESERVED ACCESS <br />a. Pursuant to Section 120(h)(4) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, <br />Compensation, and Liability Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. Section 9601 et seq. (CERCLA), the <br />61 <br />