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200204918 <br />RESERVING, however, to the Grantor, the existing monitoring wells and access <br />across the property for the purpose of continuing monitoring and/or removing the <br />existing monitoring wells. The Grantee, its successors and assigns shall allow ingress <br />and egress of all equipment necessary to accomplish the same. <br />RESERVING, however, to the Grantor, perpetual and assignable easements and <br />rights -of -way, thirty (30) feet in width, in, on, over, and across the property for the <br />installation, operation, use, repair, replacement, and maintenance of a railroad, <br />railroad tracks, ballast, and associated railroad facilities, as shown on Exhibit "A ", <br />and as more particularly described as follows: <br />1. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR THE CENTERLINE OF A 30' WIDE <br />RAILROAD TRACK EASEMENT - CAAP TRACT NO. 22 (NORTH <br />RAILROAD SIDING TRACK) <br />A tract of land consisting of a Thirty (30.0) foot wide easement which lies Fifteen <br />(15.0) feet either side of the centerline of an existing railroad track which is located in <br />a part of the Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4) of Section Twelve (12), Township Eleven <br />(11) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, the <br />centerline of said Thirty (30.0) foot wide easement being more particularly described <br />as follows: <br />First to ascertain the point of beginning, start at the southwest corner of said <br />Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4); thence running northerly, along and upon the west line <br />of said Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4), a distance of Six Hundred Fifty Seven and Eight <br />Hundredths (657.08) feet; thence deflecting right 89 °52'30 ", more or less, and <br />running easterly, a distance of Forty Eight and One Hundredth (48.01) feet to the <br />ACTUAL point of beginning; said point being a point of curvature; thence running <br />easterly, along and upon the arc of a curve to the left whose radius is 404.17 feet, a <br />distance of Seventy Seven and Ninety Eight Hundredths (77.98) feet (long chord = <br />77.86', long chord deflecting left 05 °31'46" from the previously described course) to <br />a point of reverse curvature; thence running easterly, along and upon the arc of curve <br />to the right whose radius is 404.17 feet, a distance of Seventy Seven and Ninety Eight <br />Hundredths (77.98) feet (long chord = 77.86', long chord deflecting right 00 °00'00" <br />from the chord of the previously described curve) to a point of tangency; thence <br />deflecting right 05 °31'46" from the chord of the previously described curve and <br />running easterly, a distance of One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty One <br />Hundredths (1,800.3 1) feet to a point of curvature; thence running easterly, along and <br />upon the arc of a curve to the right whose radius is 404.17 feet, a distance of Seventy <br />Seven and Ninety Eight Hundredths (77.98) feet (long chord = 77.86', long chord <br />deflecting right 05 °31'46" from the previously described course) to a point of reverse <br />curvature; thence running easterly, along and upon the arc of curve to the left whose <br />radius is 404.17 feet, a distance of Seventy Seven and Ninety Eight Hundredths <br />(77.98) feet (long chord = 77.86', long chord deflecting left 00 °00'00" from the chord <br />of the previously described curve) to a point of tangency, said point being on the <br />3 <br />