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1 11 11\. L.1 . VLJGJ.. jL• "fe-A 1 I <br />NU. OYU P. 42/72 <br />200204237 <br />If the Index is no to 990573 ex <br />r "able, tbll Note Holder WM choose a nevi index that is based upon <br />compgrable Wformatian. 'Ihe Note Molder will give me notice of this choice. <br />(C) Calculation of Changes <br />Before each Chan ge Date, the N older ' <br />Note waII calculate my new interest rate by adding <br />ills ..................... ........percentage paints (..., §;375........ %) to the Current Index. <br />The Note Molder w4l then round The result cif Ibis addition to the nearest one - eighth of one <br />percentage point (0.125°/x). Subject to the limuit& stated an Section 4(D) below, this rounded amount <br />will be ray new interest rate until the next Cb=oe Late. <br />'file Note Holder will then det=mine the 41uount of the ruoatlxly payment that would be sm %dent <br />to repay the unpaid principal that I arm eVectad to owe at the Change Date in full on the maturity <br />date at my new interest rate in substan%Uy equal payments. The result of this calculation will be <br />the new amount of ray monthly payment. <br />R Limits an Interest Rate Chahges <br />The interest rate I am required to <br />3.37 o � paY at the fast Change date will. not be greater than <br />...R .............. /o or less tlan ...,9:37k .......%, 'hereafter, my interest rate will. never be increased or <br />decreased single t y o c <br />on au�r gl Change Date b more than .��,le....11,... ..,... ..,...., .............. <br />..... .......... <br />percentW points (. ...... <br />,.... .......'gyp) from the We of interest I have been paying for the receding <br />Six mon�t�lu- MY interest rate WM never be greater t ., J 5 AT ........ %. 1VIy interest rate will never <br />be leap than . %. <br />(9) Effective Date of Changes <br />My new inu't rate will become effscive on each Change Date, I will pay the amount of nay new <br />monthly payment berg on the first monthly payment date after the Change Date until the <br />amount of ray monthly payment Change$ main. <br />M Notice of Changes <br />The Note Molder w4l deliver or mail to me a notice of arty ehan845 in my interest rate and the <br />amount of my monthly payment before fbc effective date of any change. The notice will include <br />information required by law to be given me sad also the title and telephone number of a person <br />who will answer any guesucm I rmy have regarftg t e notice, <br />B. TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY OR A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN BORROWER. <br />Uniform Covenant 18 aflheASecw ty b54=eat is -a=aendedlo -sad as'folloyn- <br />TraONfer -of the Property or a Bmef'icW Ietaut in Ek0ower. AP used in this Section 18, "interest <br />in the Property" means any j� or beneficial interest its the pro pe�y, including, but not limited to, <br />those beneficial interests tr c=d in a bond for deed, contra4 for deed, mgta]]ment sales contract <br />ar escrow agreement, the intent of which is the tra,n*r of title by borrower w a future date to a <br />P =. <br />If all or any part of the Property or any Interest in, the Property is sold or transferred (or if a <br />Borrower is not a natural person and a beneficial interest ir>l borrower is sold or tra ferred) <br />without Lender's prior written consent, sender may require immediate payment in full of all corns <br />Mul- TISTATE APJUSTA6Lg RATE RI01jR - W13OR INDEX • single Family Form pies 1/o1 r=c1asL. Rpv. 11/1+4/PP <br />Frmdie Mac insirumenl <br />