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200309657 <br />On June 17, 2003, a copy of the Notice of Trustee's Sale was <br />mailed to the Trustor and all interested parties by certified mail, <br />return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the addresses shown <br />on the Affidavit of Service dated June 17, 2003, which Affidavit <br />was recorded on June 18, 2003, in the Office of the Register of <br />Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, as Document No. 0200307669. <br />All applicable statutory provisions of the statutes of the <br />State of Nebraska and all provisions of the above - described Deed of <br />Trust have been fully complied with as to the acts to be performed <br />and the notices to be given. <br />The above - described real property was sold at public auction <br />at the time and place of said sale as set forth in the Notice of <br />Sale above described, to the above Grantees, they being the highest <br />bidders at said sale, for the sum of $39,492.60. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, JOHN M. CUNNINGHAM, Grand Island, <br />Nebraska, Successor Trustee, has executed this Trustee's Deed Upon <br />Sale on this 24th day of July, 2003. ------� <br />our c cssc�r 1rusLee <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />) ss. <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />On July 24, 2003, before me, a notary public in and for said <br />county, personally appeared JOHN M. CUNNINGHAM, Grand Island, <br />Nebraska, Successor Trustee, to me known to be the identical person <br />who executed the foregoing Trustee's Deed Upon Sale, and <br />acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and <br />deed. <br />Ej6EJNERAL NOTARY-State of Nebraska <br />REGINA R. OLSEN <br />My Comm. Eq. Oct. 21, 2003 got V, y Pub 1 i c , <br />-2- <br />