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<br />JOHN M. CUNNINGHAM, Successor Trustee, does hereby grant,
<br />transfer and convey, without covenant or warranty, express or
<br />implied, to DOYLE L. WINFREY and VIOLET B. WINFREY, husband and
<br />wife, as joint tenants with right of survivorship and not as
<br />tenants in common, hereafter called "Grantees ", the following
<br />described real property:
<br />Lot Two (2), D & V Subdivision, in the City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures, accessories
<br />and appurtenances thereto belonging.
<br />To have and to hold the above - described property unto the
<br />Grantees, their heirs, devisees, personal representatives,
<br />successors and assigns.
<br />That on or about May 2, 2003, John M. Cunningham, 222 N. Cedar
<br />St., Grand Island, Nebraska 68801, was appointed Successor Trustee
<br />under the Deed of Trust executed by Steven L. Kortum, a single
<br />person, as Trustor, in which Doyle L. Winfrey and Violet B. Winfrey
<br />are named Beneficiary, and Ticor Title Insurance Company is named
<br />Trustee, dated January 7, 2002, and recorded January 8, 2002, as
<br />Document No. 0200200273 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, and that said Substitution of Trustee dated
<br />May 2, 2003, was recorded May 2, 2003, as Document No. 0200305535
<br />in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />This conveyance is made pursuant to the powers conferred upon
<br />the Successor Trustee by a certain Deed of Trust dated January 7,
<br />2002 and recorded January 8, 2002, as Document No. 0200200273 in
<br />the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, to
<br />secure the principal sum of Forty -Three Thousand Six Hundred
<br />Dollars ($43,600) and interest as therein provided.
<br />Default has occurred under the terms of said Deed of Trust and
<br />the obligations secured thereby, as more particularly set forth in
<br />the Notice of Default recorded May 5, 2003, in the Office of the
<br />Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, as Document No.
<br />0200305625.
<br />On May 7, 2003, a copy of the Notice of Default, with the
<br />recording data shown thereon, was mailed to the Trustor and all
<br />interested parties by certified mail, return receipt requested,
<br />postage prepaid, to the addresses shown in the Affidavit dated May
<br />7, 2003 and recorded on May 9, 2003, in the Office of the Register
<br />of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, as Document No. 0200305840.
<br />After the lapse of not less than one (1) month, JOHN M.
<br />CUNNINGHAM, Grand Island, Nebraska, Successor Trustee, in
<br />consequence of the Notice of Default and in compliance with the
<br />terms of the Deed of Trust, did execute a Notice of Trustee's Sale,
<br />stating that the above - described real property would be sold at
<br />public auction to the highest bidder for cash on the first floor of
<br />the Hall County Courthouse in the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, on July 24, 2003, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. The
<br />Notice of Trustee's Sale was published in the Grand Island Daily
<br />Independent, Grand Island, Nebraska, a newspaper having general
<br />circulation in Hall County, Nebraska, with the first publication
<br />being on June 13, 2003, and thereafter on June 20 and June 27, July
<br />4, and July 11, all 2003.
<br />