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200308268 <br />WHEREAS, one subject of the lawsuit involves a dispute over the ownership and <br />use of the property located generally on the boundary where the Best's property adjoins <br />the Wieland property and <br />WHEREAS, Wieland has raised, as an affirmative defense in that lawsuit, inter <br />alia, a claim of adverse possession to some of the property generally along and near the <br />boundary of the Best's property and the Wieland property and <br />WHEREAS, the Best's have entered into a contract of sale of the their property <br />and Wieland's claim of adverse possession creates an impediment to Bests title <br />preventing a the sale of that property, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: <br />1. The parties agree that the boundary line between the Best's property and <br />the Wieland property is the surveyed lot line. See exhibit "A" attached hereto and <br />incorporated herein by reference. <br />2. Myrl L. Wieland agrees to withdraw any and all claim of title to any <br />property owned by the Best's by virtue of adverse possession, or otherwise, and will <br />remove any structures, trellises or any other item within five feet of surveyed lot line in <br />conformity with existing City of Grand Island code. <br />4. The parties agree that the Best's, or their successors in title, will be <br />primarily responsible for the maintenance of the evergreen and blue spruce trees located <br />inside the boundary line between the Best's property and the Wieland property, on the <br />land owned by the Bests, as per the attached survey. <br />5. Wieland, or his successor in title, agree to allow limited access to his <br />property for the sole purpose of maintaining the aforesaid evergreen trees and the ground <br />immediately below their branches. <br />6. Wieland specifically reserves any right he may have under Nebraska law <br />to trim branches of the spruce trees draping three feet above the ground or less, to the <br />extent that these branches may extend onto his property. <br />7. Wieland specifically agrees to sign any other documents which may be <br />required in connection with the sale of the Best's property to a third party. <br />8. Wieland acknowledges that the lawsuit pending between the parties will <br />not be dismissed as the result of this agreement. Wieland and Bests acknowledge that the <br />purpose of the agreement is to allow the Bests to sell their property to Marris Carda <br />without any encumbrance of title by virtue of any filing made by Wieland. <br />� a <br />j <br />I <br />