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:T <br />RE-RECORDED t <br />BALLOON RIDER 20030725Q <br />(CONDMONAL MODIFICATION AND E.XZENSION OF LOAN T:R.-YM <br />THIS 3ALLOON PMMt is made tb)3 19 day of_�g � <br />=o pommd mw ww Sad shall be deened to amend and str L== the MottgAgG Dead Of Trttst; or Decd to Scout: Debt (the "Sec=7 <br />Insaz=r-) af:he same date given by the tmdersigned (tltc "Baavwe l to sees d-e Bo"o, -='s , Tote to Rank n f <br />D n n i n h a n ( the 'Iandee� of die same daft: ad cavc=g the ply dc=bed in the sects w <br />Iastr==c =d 6c=ci ere <br />2515 Mill River Road, Grand Island, ICE 68801 <br />[perry Addr=I <br />The rue starmd on the Note is called the "Vogt F=r-" The dare of due Note is called the "Note Date." I undt;sasmd dx <br />Lende may tzazzsiss the Nate, Sw=ty Tnsttvtnent Sad this Rider. The Lstdw or r7we who mks the Nagy the Se =y Iru�uaxat and <br />this Rader by xtr_saa and who is mtided to m=ve payments under ncc Nate is ellcd die''Nom Moiler. <br />ADDMONA.L COVENA,NIS. In addition to the cov== and agt: == m the Se=tY Borrower and Lain <br />fiatfier —v—= -d agree as f0110ws (&Spire aaytbi 3g M the eomtrned in tbe S,==vy Tamtmxnt or the Note): <br />L CONDMONA,L MODIFICATION AND EXTENSION OF LOAN TERMS <br />At tbc manaity date of the Note and S==ty bw== (the Nara MAY Datel, I will be able to extrnd the <br />Note M:aaity Dare to J u n e 1 � (� 'SV=ded Da„) and <br />modify tiro Note Rage to th- 'VocHad Noe Rao" d===d in =Ord= with Section 3 bciaw if all the candidotrs <br />provided is Sccdcas 2 and 5 below are met (the "Co� and Vision Optiodj. Iftbose conditions art: <br />not MM I undc=md that the Note Holder is under oo obUg=cn to rt E=='be N. Cm or to modify the Note, ,=t the Note: <br />Ratr or =z and ttie Nate vb=ty D=c, and that I w111 have to m;ay the tiatr Jmm mY own msaarc:s or find a Irnda <br />will>ng to tend me the money to repay the Note <br />2. CONDMONS TO OPTION <br />If I wam to ccarcise the Conditional Modification and E=asiaa <br />Optitx, catgut mndidaro trust be ma as of the <br />"ccc V Date These conditions err r (aj I mast stsla be the awne nerd a �z< of the propaty sobjat to the Srx�ity <br />InSCtmzvrs (the "PrcPcV/1; (b) I roust be tztt = is my monthly Paym== sad canoat ha-V beat mote dtaa 30 days ]ate on <br />zaY of the 12 X&-dulcd mt ddY P=Ytnerstz hmu�y M=dinr fire Nate tit==Y Date; (c) there are no fiats, defects, or <br />against the Property , or other adverse =umm aff==g title m the Pznpetty (ctc.-pt for traces and sp,=jl <br />a=sset= not yct duc and payable) arising after tuts S=wty b=== was r=xdai; (d) the Modified Note Rant: cannot <br />be more Juan 5 pac=gc points abovz the Nat- Rate; and (e) I must =r = a wtirtca =qucst to the Note Holder as <br />provided = Section 5 b& w. <br />3. CALCULATING THE MODMM NOTE RATE <br />The Modified Ntrtc Rats: will be a fixed rarr of im -test equal to ft Fcckml Home Loan Mc tgdge Corporapon's <br />regained trrt Yield for 30-Y= fixed rate mm%aga subicct to a 60-dry ma %La dciN v caotcaitmat, phn one-half of <br />oaa pc: s (050/6), rotmded to the nearest on*- eightft of erne parart (0.1=%) (dx "modified Note Rate'. The lequaed <br />net yield shan be the applicable net yield in effects on the date sad bate of day that I notify the Note Holder of my election to <br />cuetc= the Cmiitionnl Modificztion and Extension Option. tf this rt:gttacd act yield is not available, the Note Holder wail <br />deter the Modified Notc Rate by using compatible ia8ota>=wL <br />4. CALCULATING THE- NEW PAYMENT AMOUNT <br />Provided the Modified Note Rea as catcrlated is S=oa 3 above is nee gexte: than 5 pat:,. - range points above the <br />Keno R= 30d all antler wnd== rti gmrted is Sc=on 2 above are - "cFcd, tux Note Holder will den- troine the aanount of <br />the ==biy paM= tbat will be suffi=ent to tegay is fU (a) the trapmd grmegaL phi (b) ac=,d buts urtpaid intattst, plus <br />(c) all eater M= I will owe under the Now and Swumy Iasutrtr.Crt an the Nett: V=muy Dze (assuming cw >m=�'Y <br />PzYm= earn = ==t, as required under Sect= 2 above), ova the tattaiautg =ceded term at the Modified Notc Ratc <br />M -P-1 mcudrly Pwlnx= The result of this calculation will be the new =ct= of trry principal and =cant payr= <br />C "c taonrh until we Nast: is fully paid. <br />WMTITTArL ULLOON ArDCtt (MoriGeAera Ad tXarb.)..Siwya Pswdri..L4 Mr RNMOR M r"SM1j :4xNT lots 3170 L'Ol /pas•. I af: pageq <br />
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