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RE- RECORDED <br />20030'7250 <br />S. MROSING THE CONDMONAL IMODMCATION A. \D M'E,4SION OpnON <br />The Note Hold= will notify me at lc= 60 calendar drys m advanco of the Note <br />M9ta,rity Date and advix me offie <br />Pr=,Pal. accrued but unpaid iawrest, and all other sumo I am expecmd to omc as dare NoW NUn jty Datz. The Note <br />Holder also will Fist: me that I m=y ex=== the Condmami Fusion OPtion if dx conditiom in <br />Section 2 above are met The Note Holder will provide my paym —rd vTf= cm. tagedw witfi the aanx, carte and <br />addttss of the person rcpresersbng the Mott: Holder that I muse noa.'y in order to -=cite dare Conditional Modification and <br />F r>sioa Optioa if I tneee the co:tdirions of Soctiott Z above, I may emrcm tt- Caadtiacsai Nfodificatioa and Ex=== <br />Option by noti{ying the Now Holdcr no earlier tbsn 60 calendar days and no h= than 45 aleadar days prior to the Now <br />M=mty Date The Now Holder will calailm 6. taxed Modi ,-%am Rue based upon d%- Fcdaal Home Loan MortpV <br />Corporation's aPplicabic published tegttitvd net }ield in eft ~ on the dam and = of day votifiu:etion is received by the <br />Noes Holder and as rticWzwd m Sectiota 3 about_ I will that have 30 calendar dsya to Avvide the Moto Holder arirh <br />at tic Proof of my ttquraed oamaship, o=urpancY znd proPat r ties . — S the Noce 1�Iaartiry Daze the Noce <br />Hoick -M advise me of the new immest tare (thc Modified Nom ',R=), me r maaduty payer aanuua and a dare, time <br />and place at which I must appear to sign any doaunrnu toqu=d to cornple w the . -zq=zd Note Rxe modincadon acrd Now <br />MznaitY Date =mnsion. I undessrand the vote Holder will caatgc me a m' w =ooasing f= � the cosy associated with <br />:fie e� =C= of:t�e Coadizonal Modificaion and Fxt mm Option, mcludurd = mor ;im:rr~i to the cost of updating the dde <br />imsmmcc policy. <br />By SIGINILI,7G EF OW, BORROWER =ep(S and ague`s to the tan`s and anwm as �n sis Balloon Rider. <br />ri A. H e a tBi " Boaow=r <br />na M. Heath _ <br />(Seal) <br />- Boauwm <br />!sgn GInginal O�ui] <br />'IftX=TATZ aat,to(W nmrA (hadmad....d eL..v..p.Fingk Wgnuy— rrfrui. M.e U.MFOAM thaTaCCrr F. m Jl" U0I / 10(: par") <br />