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10/21/2005 6:06:05 PM
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20030'7152 <br />c. Land Use Restrictions <br />The Department of the Army has undertaken careful environmental study of the Property <br />and concluded that the highest and best use of the Property is limited by its environmental <br />condition to industrial /agricultural /commercial uses. In order to protect human health and the <br />environment, promote community objectives, and further the common environmental objectives <br />and land use plans of the Grantor, State of Nebraska, and Grantee, the following covenant/ <br />restrictions /reservations shall be included in this deed to assure the use of the Property is <br />consistent with environmental condition of the Property. The following covenant /restrictions/ <br />reservations benefit both the lands retained by the Grantor and the general public welfare and are <br />consistent with the State of Nebraska and Federal environmental statutes. <br />1. Industrial /Agricultural/Commercial Use Restrictions <br />(a) The Grantee covenants for itself, its successors and assigns, that the Property <br />shall be used solely for industrial, agricultural or commercial purposes and not for residential <br />purposes, the Property having been remediated only for industrial, agricultural and commercial <br />uses. Industrial, agricultural and commercial uses include, but are not limited to, <br />administrative /office space, manufacturing, warehousing, restaurants, hotels /motels, and retail <br />activities. Residential use includes, but is not limited to, housing, day care facilities, and schools <br />(excluding education and training programs for persons over 18 years of age), and assisted living <br />facilities. <br />(b) Nothing contained herein shall preclude the Grantee from undertaking, in <br />accordance with applicable laws and regulations, such additional remediation necessary to allow <br />for residential use of the Property. Any additional remediation will be at no additional cost to the <br />Grantor and with the Grantor's prior written consent. Consent may be conditioned upon such <br />terms and conditions, as the Grantor deems reasonable and appropriate, including performance <br />and payment bonds and insurance. Upon completion of such remediation required to allow <br />residential use of the Property and upon the Grantee's obtaining the approval of the Army Corps <br />of Engineers, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Nebraska DEQ and, if <br />required, any other regulatory agency, the Grantor agrees to release or, if appropriate, modify <br />this restriction by executing and recording, in the same land records of Nebraska, Hall County, as <br />this deed, a Partial Release of Covenant. Grantee shall bear the cost of recording and reasonable <br />administrative fees. <br />2. Enforcement <br />(a) The above covenant /restrictions /reservations shall inure to the benefit of the <br />public in general and adjacent lands, including lands retained by the United States, and, <br />therefore, are enforceable by the United States Government and State of Nebraska. These <br />covenant /restrictions /reservations are binding on the Grantee, its successors and assigns; shall <br />run with the land; and are forever enforceable. <br />el <br />
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