<br />extent and only to the extent the same are valid and affect the property, and shall be considered
<br />as covenants running with the land and binding on all parties having any right, title or interest in
<br />the property, or any part thereof, their heirs, successors and assigns.
<br />a. Federal Facility Agreement
<br />The Grantee acknowledges that Cornhusker Army Ammunition Plant has been identified as
<br />a National Priority List (NPL) site under the Comprehensive, Environmental, Response,
<br />Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980, as amended. A copy of the Cornhusker
<br />Army Ammunition Plant Federal Facility Agreement (FFA), entered into by the United States
<br />Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region VII, the State of Nebraska, and the Department
<br />of the Army, effective September 1990, and a copy of any amendments thereto, are available for
<br />the Grantee's review at the Office of the Commander's Representative or public library. The
<br />Grantee, its successors and assigns, agree that should any conflict arise between the terms of the
<br />FFA as they presently exist or may be amended, and the provisions of this property transfer, the
<br />terms of the FFA will take precedence. The Grantee, its successors and assigns, further agree
<br />that notwithstanding any other provisions of this deed, the Grantor assumes no liability to the
<br />Grantee, its successors and assigns, should implementation of the FFA interfere with their use of
<br />the property. The Grantee, its successors and assigns, shall have no claim on account of any
<br />such interference against the Grantor or any officer, agent, employee or contractor thereof.
<br />b. Environmental Baseline Survey (EBS) and Finding of Suitability to Transfer
<br />(FOST)
<br />1. The Grantee has received the technical environmental reports, including the
<br />Environmental Baseline Survey for the Property dated 9 -20 November 1998, as amended by
<br />Amendment No. 1, signed April 2002, and the FOST for the property dated November 2002,
<br />prepared by the Grantor, and agrees, to the best of the Grantee's knowledge, that they accurately
<br />describe the environmental condition of the Property. The Grantee has inspected the Property
<br />and accepts the physical condition and current level of environmental hazards on the Property
<br />and deems the Property to be safe for the Grantee's intended use.
<br />2. If an actual or threatened release of a hazardous substance or petroleum product is
<br />discovered on the Property after the date of the conveyance, whether or not such substance was
<br />set forth in the technical environmental reports, including the EBS, Grantee or its successors or
<br />assigns shall be responsible for such release or newly discovered substance unless Grantee is
<br />able to demonstrate that such release or such newly discovered substance was due to Grantor's
<br />activities, ownership, use, or occupation of the Property. Grantee, its successors and assigns, as
<br />consideration for the conveyance, agree to release Grantor from any liability or responsibility for
<br />any claims arising solely out of the release of any hazardous substance or petroleum product on
<br />the Property occurring after the date of this Deed, where such substance or product was placed
<br />on the Property by the Grantee, or its successors, assigns, employees, invitees, agents or
<br />contractors, after the conveyance. This Subsection IV.b. shall not affect the Grantor's
<br />responsibilities to conduct response actions or corrective actions that are required by applicable
<br />laws, rules and regulations.
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