<br />4. In the event Trustorls) fails to pay any liens, judgments, assessments, taxes, rents, fees, or charges or maintain any insurance on
<br />Beneficiary of any such amounts will in no manner limit the right of Beneficiary to declare Trustorls) in default or exercise any of Beneficiary's other
<br />rights and remedies.
<br />5. In the event Beneficiary is a party to any litigation affecting the propperty or the lien of this Trust Deed, including any action by Beneficiary to
<br />enforce this Trust Deed or any suit in which Beneficiary is named a defendant(including condemnation and bankruptcy proceedings) Beneficiary
<br />may incur expenses and advance payments for abstract tees, attorneys fees (to the extent allowed by law), casts, expenses, appraisal fees, and
<br />other charges and any amounts so advanced will become part of the principal indebtedness secured hereby, be immediately duo and payable and
<br />hear interest at the default rate provided in the hotels) from the data of advance until paid.
<br />6. Any awards made to Trustorls) or their successors by the exercise of eminent domain are hereby assigned to Beneficiary; and Beneficiary is
<br />hereby authorized to collect and apply the same in payment of any indebtedness, mature or unmatured, secured by this Trust Deed.
<br />]. In the event of default In the payment when due of any sums secured hereby (principal, interest, advancements, or protective advances), or failure
<br />to perform or observe any covenants and conditions contained herein, inthe hotels( loan agreement(s), or any other instruments, or any m eeedings
<br />is brought under any Bankruptcy laws, Beneficiary, at its option, may declare the entire indebtedness secured hereby to be immediately due and
<br />payable end the whole will bear interest at the default rate ea rovided in the notes) and Beneficiary may immediate)% authorize Trustee to exercise
<br />the Power of Sale granted herein in the manner provided in t�e Nebraska Trust Deed. Act, or, at the option of the Beneficiary, may foreclose the
<br />Trust Deed in the manner provided by law for the foreclosure of mortgages on reel property, including the appointment of a Receiver upon ex parte
<br />application, notice being hereby expressly waived, without regard to tha value of the property or the sufficiently thereof to discharge the
<br />indebtedness secured hereby or in the loan agreement(s). Delay by Beneficiary in exercising its rights upon default will not be construed as a waiver
<br />thereof and any act of Beneficiary waiving any specified default will not be construed as a waiver of any future default. If the proceeds under such
<br />sale or foreclosure are insufficient to pay the total indebtedness secured hereby, Trustor(sl do hereby agree to be personally bound to pay the unpaid
<br />balance, and B ... twiary will by entitled to a deficiency judgment.
<br />S. Should Beneficiary elect to exercise the Power of Sale granted herein, Beneficiary will notify Trustee who will record, publish, and deliver to
<br />Trusted.) such Notice of Default and Notice of Sale as then required by law and will in the manner provided by law, sell the property at the time
<br />and place of sale fixed in the Notice of Sale, either as a whole or m separate lots, parcels, or items and in such order as Trustee will deem expedient.
<br />Any pperson may bid at the sale me losing Trustorlsl, Trustee, or Beneficiary.
<br />S. Trustorls) hereby requests a copy of any Notice of Default or Notice of Sale hereunder to be mailed by certified mail to Trustorls) at the
<br />ruldna s(e O act forth herein.
<br />ib n
<br />o
<br />10. Upon tlefault, Benaticiary, either in person or by agent, with or without bringing any action or zed and en antl with or without regard to the value rr
<br />of the property or the sufency thereof to discharge the intlebtetlness securetl hereby. n aah sum and entitled c enter upon and take possession
<br />of the property in ns own name or in [he name of the Trustee and do any acts or expend any sums it deems necessary or desirable to protect or
<br />preserve the value of the propertW or any interest therein, or increase the income therefrom; and with or without taking possession of the property
<br />-s authorized to sue for or other Ise collect the rents, issues, crops, profits, and income thereof, including Nose past due and unpaitl, and apply
<br />the same upon any indebtedness securetl hereby or in the loan aggreemengsl.
<br />No
<br />r a n etly herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Beneficiary is 'intended to be exclusive of any other remetly herein or by law provided
<br />or permittetl, but each will be cumulative, will be in addition to every other remetly given hereunder or now or hereafter existing et law or in equity
<br />or by statute, antl may be exercised concurrently, independently or successively.
<br />11. Trustorls) acknowletlges tha[the tluties and obligations of Trustee will be tleterminetl solely by the express provisions of this Trust Deed or
<br />the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act antl Trustee will not be liable except far the performance of such d tiea end obI'gabon. as are specifically set forth
<br />therein, nd no implied covenants or obligations will be imposed upon trustee; Trustee will not be liable for any action by It in goad faith and
<br />reasonably believed by it [o be authorized or within the d retion or nghts of powers conferred upon it by this Trust Deed or state law.
<br />12. The integrity antl responsibility of Trustorls) constitutes a part of the consideration for the obligations securetl hereby. Shoultl Trustorlsl sell,
<br />transfer, or convey the ropparty described herein, without prior wntten consent oY eeneflciary, Beneficiary, at its option, may tleclare the entire
<br />debtedness immediate Py tlus and payable antl may proceed in the enforcement of it. rights as on any other tlefault.
<br />13. Assignment 0f Rents inclutling Proceeds of Mineral Leases. Trustorls) hereby assigns, transfer., and conveys [o Beneficiary all rents, royalties,
<br />bonuses, and delay moneys or ather proceetl. that may from time to time become due and yayable untler any real estate lease or under any oil, gas,
<br />gravel, rock, ur oNar mineral lease of any kintl inclutling geothermal resources now existing or that may hereafter come into existence, covering
<br />the property or any part thereof. All such sums so race g d by Beneficiary will be applied to the intlebtetlness secured hereby; or Beneficiary, at
<br />its option, may turn over and deliver to Trustorls) or their successors in interest, any or all of such sums without prejudice t0 any of Beneficiary's
<br />rights to take antl retain future sums, and without prejudice to any of its other rights under this Trust Deetl. This asa ape d will be construed to
<br />r a provision for the payment or retluction of the tleb[. subject t0 the Beneficiary s option as hereInbetore provided, independent of the lien on the
<br />property. Upon pa end in full of the debt and the rac0nveyanca of this Trust Deetl of record, this e.aignment will become inoperative and of no
<br />further force and effect.
<br />14. This Trust Deetl constitutes a Security Agreement with respect to all the property described herein.
<br />15. The covenant. contained in [his Trust Deed will be deemetl [o be severable; in the even[ that any portion of this Trust Deetl is determined to
<br />be void or unenforceable, that determination will not affect the validity of the remaining portions OY the Trust Deed.
<br />_,PH, InnitV
<br />Onthia _30th day of May 2003 .before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Sherry L. Gangwi sh
<br />Trusteelslfor Sherry L. Gangwish Living Revocable Trust Dated December 9.
<br />1996
<br />to me known to be the persons) named in and who onicur ed the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the same as
<br />her voluntary act and deed as such Trustee(sl far the purposes therein mentioned.
<br />(4(
<br />(SEAL)
<br />GENERAL NOTARY -Stab M NebN11N Edith M. Wicht
<br />EDITH M. WIGHT (Type name under signature)
<br />NN cimm. Ev.. June IL: Notary Public in and for said Count and State
<br />My commission expire y
<br />Ap #: 00308049; Primary Customer ID #: 00082296; CIF #: 86811 Legal Doc. Date: May 22, 2003
<br />FORM 5011, Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page 2
<br />