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Farm Coach Services of America <br />TRUST DEED AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS <br />Trustorls): <br />SHERRY L GANGWISH, Trustee for SHERRY L GANGWISH LIVING REVOCABLE TRUST DATED <br />DECEMBER 9, 1996 <br />Mailing Address: <br />PO BOX 530 <br />SHELTON NE 68876 -0530 <br />This Trust Dead and Assignment of Rents is made Ma�22 1 , by and among the above named Trustorls) and AgriBank, FCB, " <br />mailing address is PO Box 64949, St. Paul, Minnesota 55164 -0949, and Farm Cretlit Services of America FLCA, Beneficiary. <br />address is 5015 S 118th SC PO Box 2409, Omaha NE 68103- 24091n cons) erabon o t e a vanes y arts weary e( the princ1 <br />below, the receipt of whl are iati anowIs gad, roster s Irrevocably transfers, conveys and assigns to Trustee, IN TRUST, <br />SALE, for the benefit and security of Beneficiary, Its successors and assigns, under and subject to the terms and conditions of <br />the property, located in Hall Countries), Stale of Nebraska, and described as follows: <br />The Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4) of Section Five (5), Township Nine (9) North, Range <br />Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.M. and the Southeast Quarter (SE1 14) of Section <br />Thirty -Two (32), Township Ten (10) North, Range Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.M., <br />all in Hall County, Nebraska, excepting Railroad R.O.W. in SE1 /4 of Section 32, <br />Township 10, Range 12, and excepting a 25 foot strip of land to the State of <br />Nebraska per Easement filed January 3, 1958, in Book 5, at Page 321, of the records <br />of Hall County, Nebraska <br />/r.v° <br />together with all Truitor's right, title, rid latera l in the Property, new or hereafter acquired, - eluding: all buildings, fixtures, crops, and <br />improvements es <br />now on or hereafter placed upon the property; all appurtenances, water, irrigation, and drainage rights: all rents, Issues, us, Income, <br />profits, and rights to possession; all oil, gas, gravel, rock, or other minerals of whatever nature, including geothermal resources; all personal property <br />that may integrally belong to or hereafter become an integral part of the real estate whether attached or detached, including any appurtenances and <br />accoutrements of any structure or residence secured hereby; easements and other rights and interests now or at any time hereafter belonging to <br />or in any way pertaining to the property, whether or not specifically described herein; all above and below ground irrigation equipment and <br />accessories; and all leases, w permits, licenses, or privileges, appurtenant or nonappurtenant to the property, now or hereafter issued, extended or <br />renewed by Torsions), any Slate, the United States, or any tlepartment, bureau, instrumentality, or agency thereof. The foregoing is collectively <br />referred to In this document as the "property." <br />It is understood and agreed between Trusterlsl and Beneficiary that this Trust Deed is given to secure the repayment In full of the following described <br />promissory rituals). and all future and additional loans or advances, protective or otherwise, which may be made by Beneficiary, at its option, at <br />the request of, and to or for the account of Trustorlsi, or any of them, for any purpose, plus interest thereon, all payable according to the terms <br />of the notelsl or other Instrumented modifying the same. <br />Date of Note Princi e <br />iST/a /I'f3150',{ 100 000 00 <br />04121/2000 240,00000 <br />05129/2001 60,000.00 <br />This Trust Deed will be due January 01 2023. <br />Trusfure) hereby warrants that Trustorlsi holds fee simple title to the above described property, that Trustorlsi has good and lawful authority to <br />deed and encumber the same, that the property is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except encumbrances of record, and that Trustorls) <br />will warrant and defend the property, at Thestudid expense, against all claimants whomsoever. Trustors) also hereby waives and relinquishes all <br />rights of dower, homestead, distributive share, and exemption in and to the above described property. <br />This trust deed secures more than one note. In the event of default under any note, all notes will be considered to be in default and the Beneficiary <br />may exercise the remedies provided herein in satisfaction of all notes. <br />Trusterlsl and each of them further covenants and agrees with Beneficiary ea follows: <br />1. To pay all liens, judgments, or other assessments against the property, and to Pay when due all assessments, taxes, rents, fees, or charges upon <br />the property or under any lease, permit, license, or privilege assigned to Beneficiary as additional security to this Trust Deed, including those in or <br />on public domain. <br />2. To Insure and keep insured buildings and other improvements including fixtures and attachments now on or hereafter placed on the property to <br />the satisfaction of Beneficiary. Such insurance will be approved by an deposited with Beneficiary, and endorsed with loss payable clause to <br />Beneficiary. Any sums so received by Beneficiary may be used to pay for reconstruction of the destroyed improvements or if not so applied may <br />be applied , at the option of Beneficiary, in payment of any indebtedness matured or unmatured secured by this Trust Deed. Such insurance will be <br />in an amount at least equal to the lesser oft loan balance, the actual each value of the collateral, or the replacement cast of the property, and <br />will at a minimum, cover losses caused by fire, lightning, explosion, riot, aircraft, vehicles, vandalism, civil commotion, smoke, windstorm, and hail. <br />Trustorls) will obtain and keep flood insurance in force to cover losses by flood as required by Beneficiary and by the National Flood Insurance Act <br />of 1968, as amended, and by regulations implementing the same. Trustorls) further agree that Beneficiary is not and will not be liable for any failure <br />by Tocantins) or by any Insurer, for whatever reason, to obtain and keep this insurance in farce. <br />3. To keep all buildings, fixtures, attachments, and other improvements now on or hereafter placed on the property occupied and in good repair, <br />maintenance, and condition and to neither commit nor permit any acts of waste or any impairment of the value of the property. Beneficiary may <br />enter upon the property to inspect the same or to perform any acts authorized herein or in the loan agreement(s). <br />Ap #: 00308049; Primary Customer ID #: 00082296; CIE #: 86811 Legal Doc. Date: May 22, 2003 <br />FORM 5011. Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page 1 <br />m, . <br />EX <br />c <br />On <br />Z <br />o <br />G <br />•� <br />�, � <br />�� <br />cn3 <br />o <br />N <br />N <br />CO <br />20030699E <br />o not wnle/fYYe abe�a <br />u Gne. or Gn9 purposes on y. <br />FOPM 5 011 11 -300]1 <br />RETURN TO <br />Farm Credit Services of America, <br />P.O. Box <br />250 <br />Edith Valejo <br />PREPARER: <br />Kearney, NE 68848 -0250 <br />18001454 -2039 <br />Farm Coach Services of America <br />TRUST DEED AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS <br />Trustorls): <br />SHERRY L GANGWISH, Trustee for SHERRY L GANGWISH LIVING REVOCABLE TRUST DATED <br />DECEMBER 9, 1996 <br />Mailing Address: <br />PO BOX 530 <br />SHELTON NE 68876 -0530 <br />This Trust Dead and Assignment of Rents is made Ma�22 1 , by and among the above named Trustorls) and AgriBank, FCB, " <br />mailing address is PO Box 64949, St. Paul, Minnesota 55164 -0949, and Farm Cretlit Services of America FLCA, Beneficiary. <br />address is 5015 S 118th SC PO Box 2409, Omaha NE 68103- 24091n cons) erabon o t e a vanes y arts weary e( the princ1 <br />below, the receipt of whl are iati anowIs gad, roster s Irrevocably transfers, conveys and assigns to Trustee, IN TRUST, <br />SALE, for the benefit and security of Beneficiary, Its successors and assigns, under and subject to the terms and conditions of <br />the property, located in Hall Countries), Stale of Nebraska, and described as follows: <br />The Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4) of Section Five (5), Township Nine (9) North, Range <br />Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.M. and the Southeast Quarter (SE1 14) of Section <br />Thirty -Two (32), Township Ten (10) North, Range Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.M., <br />all in Hall County, Nebraska, excepting Railroad R.O.W. in SE1 /4 of Section 32, <br />Township 10, Range 12, and excepting a 25 foot strip of land to the State of <br />Nebraska per Easement filed January 3, 1958, in Book 5, at Page 321, of the records <br />of Hall County, Nebraska <br />/r.v° <br />together with all Truitor's right, title, rid latera l in the Property, new or hereafter acquired, - eluding: all buildings, fixtures, crops, and <br />improvements es <br />now on or hereafter placed upon the property; all appurtenances, water, irrigation, and drainage rights: all rents, Issues, us, Income, <br />profits, and rights to possession; all oil, gas, gravel, rock, or other minerals of whatever nature, including geothermal resources; all personal property <br />that may integrally belong to or hereafter become an integral part of the real estate whether attached or detached, including any appurtenances and <br />accoutrements of any structure or residence secured hereby; easements and other rights and interests now or at any time hereafter belonging to <br />or in any way pertaining to the property, whether or not specifically described herein; all above and below ground irrigation equipment and <br />accessories; and all leases, w permits, licenses, or privileges, appurtenant or nonappurtenant to the property, now or hereafter issued, extended or <br />renewed by Torsions), any Slate, the United States, or any tlepartment, bureau, instrumentality, or agency thereof. The foregoing is collectively <br />referred to In this document as the "property." <br />It is understood and agreed between Trusterlsl and Beneficiary that this Trust Deed is given to secure the repayment In full of the following described <br />promissory rituals). and all future and additional loans or advances, protective or otherwise, which may be made by Beneficiary, at its option, at <br />the request of, and to or for the account of Trustorlsi, or any of them, for any purpose, plus interest thereon, all payable according to the terms <br />of the notelsl or other Instrumented modifying the same. <br />Date of Note Princi e <br />iST/a /I'f3150',{ 100 000 00 <br />04121/2000 240,00000 <br />05129/2001 60,000.00 <br />This Trust Deed will be due January 01 2023. <br />Trusfure) hereby warrants that Trustorlsi holds fee simple title to the above described property, that Trustorlsi has good and lawful authority to <br />deed and encumber the same, that the property is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except encumbrances of record, and that Trustorls) <br />will warrant and defend the property, at Thestudid expense, against all claimants whomsoever. Trustors) also hereby waives and relinquishes all <br />rights of dower, homestead, distributive share, and exemption in and to the above described property. <br />This trust deed secures more than one note. In the event of default under any note, all notes will be considered to be in default and the Beneficiary <br />may exercise the remedies provided herein in satisfaction of all notes. <br />Trusterlsl and each of them further covenants and agrees with Beneficiary ea follows: <br />1. To pay all liens, judgments, or other assessments against the property, and to Pay when due all assessments, taxes, rents, fees, or charges upon <br />the property or under any lease, permit, license, or privilege assigned to Beneficiary as additional security to this Trust Deed, including those in or <br />on public domain. <br />2. To Insure and keep insured buildings and other improvements including fixtures and attachments now on or hereafter placed on the property to <br />the satisfaction of Beneficiary. Such insurance will be approved by an deposited with Beneficiary, and endorsed with loss payable clause to <br />Beneficiary. Any sums so received by Beneficiary may be used to pay for reconstruction of the destroyed improvements or if not so applied may <br />be applied , at the option of Beneficiary, in payment of any indebtedness matured or unmatured secured by this Trust Deed. Such insurance will be <br />in an amount at least equal to the lesser oft loan balance, the actual each value of the collateral, or the replacement cast of the property, and <br />will at a minimum, cover losses caused by fire, lightning, explosion, riot, aircraft, vehicles, vandalism, civil commotion, smoke, windstorm, and hail. <br />Trustorls) will obtain and keep flood insurance in force to cover losses by flood as required by Beneficiary and by the National Flood Insurance Act <br />of 1968, as amended, and by regulations implementing the same. Trustorls) further agree that Beneficiary is not and will not be liable for any failure <br />by Tocantins) or by any Insurer, for whatever reason, to obtain and keep this insurance in farce. <br />3. To keep all buildings, fixtures, attachments, and other improvements now on or hereafter placed on the property occupied and in good repair, <br />maintenance, and condition and to neither commit nor permit any acts of waste or any impairment of the value of the property. Beneficiary may <br />enter upon the property to inspect the same or to perform any acts authorized herein or in the loan agreement(s). <br />Ap #: 00308049; Primary Customer ID #: 00082296; CIE #: 86811 Legal Doc. Date: May 22, 2003 <br />FORM 5011. Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page 1 <br />