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200306897 <br />for sale at public auction, and did sell the same to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc. for the sum of <br />$68,460.01, it being the highest bidder therefor. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc. has assigned all of its <br />right, title, and interest in and to such bid to Grantee. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the sum of $68,460.01 so bid and <br />paid as aforesaid, I, Eric H. Lindquist, Successor Trustee, do hereby grant and convey unto said Grantee, its <br />successors and assigns forever, all the estate, right, title and interest of which the said Elias Zamsrripa <br />Gallegos and Pamela S. Zamarripa, husband and wife, and their successors in interest, were seized or <br />possessed at the time said Deed of Trust was given, or at any time thereafter, in and to the premises sold as <br />aforesaid, to -wit: <br />A tract of land comprising all of Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11), Block One (1), Dodd <br />and Marshall's Addition to the City of Wood River, Nebraska, and a part of the street <br />right of way lying East of and adjacent to said Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11), said part <br />of the street right of way being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the <br />southeast comer of said Lot Eleven (11); thence N 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds <br />East (Assumed Bearing) along and upon the easterly line of said Lots Eleven (11) and <br />Ten (10), a distance of One Hundred Fifty (150.0) feet to the Northeast comer of said <br />Lot Ten (10); thence S 88 degrees 16 minutes 51 seconds East, along and upon the <br />easterly prolongation of the northerly line of said Lot Ten (10), a distance of Ten and <br />Ninety Five Hundredths (10.95) feet; thence S 08 degrees 16 minutes 21 seconds East,a <br />distance of One Hundred Fifty Two and Sixteen Hundredths (152.16) feet to a point on <br />the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of said Lot Eleven (11); thence N 88 <br />degrees 17 minutes 11 seconds West, along and upon the easterly prolongation of the <br />southerly line of said Lot Eleven (11), a distance of'rhirty Three (33.0) feet to the point <br />of beginning. <br />To have and to hold said real estate, with all the appurtenances thereto belonging to said Grantee, <br />its successors and assigns forever. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this �l day of April, 2003. <br />Eric H. Lindquist, S essor Tmstee <br />STATEOFNEBRASRA ) <br />) ss. <br />COUNTY OF DOUGLAS ) <br />nri <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this aJ day of April, 2003 by Eric H. <br />Lindquist, Successor Trustee. <br />GENERAL NOTARY - State of N9gf11Ml <br />JENNIFER A. STANDER <br />My (,0N0. Exp. Aug. 26, 2008 <br />My Commission Expires: <br />JRZ /186391.1 <br />No Public <br />
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