<br />D. ACTIONS APFECTING TRUST ESTATE. Tmstor shall appear in and contest any action or proceeding purporting to
<br />affect the security hereof or the rights or powers of Beneficiary or Trustee, and shall pay all costs and expenses, including
<br />ost of evidence of title and anomey's fees, in any such action or proceeding m which Beneficiary or Trochee may appear.
<br />Should Trusmr fail to make any payment or to do any act as and in the manner provided in any of the Wan marannents,
<br />Beneficiary and /or Trustee, each in its awn discretion, without obligation an to do and without notice to or demand upon
<br />Truster and without releasing Trusmr from any obligation, may make or du the area in such manner and m such extent as
<br />either may deem necessary W protect the security hereof. Tmstor shall, immediately upon demand therefor by BeneftcarrY
<br />pay all cents and expenses incurred by Beneficiary in connection with the exercise by Beneficiary of the foregoing rights,
<br />ncluding without limitation, costs of evidence of title, court casts, appraisals, surveys and stmmeys fees. Any such
<br />costs and expenses not paid within ten days of written demand shall draw interest at the default rand provided in the Note.
<br />E. EMINENT DOMAIN. Should the Trust Estate, or any part thcrcof or interest th .did, be taken or damaged by reason of
<br />any public improvement or ondementirm proceeding, or any other manner including decd in lieu of condemnation
<br />( "Condemnation"), or should Truster receive any native or other information regarding each PrnccediV, Tmsmr shall give
<br />prompt written notice thereof to Beneficiary Beneficiary shall be entitled W the smaller amount of all unpaid amounts
<br />under the Loan Instruments or all compensation, awards and other payments or relief therefor, and shall be entitled at its
<br />option to commence, appear in and proacem, in its own name any action or proceedings. Beneficiary shall also he entitled
<br />to make any compromise or settlement in continuation with such taking or damage. All such compensation, awards,
<br />damages, rights of action and proceeds awarded W Truster (the "Proceeds ") are hereby assigned W Bcndiciary and
<br />Trvstm agrees to execute such further assignations ofthe Preeeals as Beneficiary and Trashed may require.
<br />F. APPOINTMENT OF SUCCESSOR I KUSTFE. Beneficiary may, firm time in time, by a written instrument executed
<br />and acknowledged by Beneficiary, mailed W Truster and recorded in the County in which the Trust Estam is located and by
<br />otherwise complying with the provisinns of the applicable law of the Stall of Nebmsby substitute a suwessm or
<br />successors to the Trusrec named herein or acting hereunder_
<br />G, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS- This Deed of Trust applies to Inures 10 the benefit of, and binds all parties herein, their
<br />heirs, legatees, devisees, personal representatives, Successors and asdmv, The term "Beneficiary" shall mean the owner
<br />and holder of the Note, whether or not named az Beratici ny herein.
<br />IT INSPECTIONS. Beneficiary, or its agents, representatives or orkmen, are authorized W enter at any reasonable time
<br />upon or it any p n of the Trust Estate for the purpose of inspecting the same and for the purpose of performing any of
<br />the acts it is authorized to perform under the temss of any of the Loan Instruments, upon not less than 24 henna notice to
<br />Tranar.
<br />I. EVENTS OF DEFAUCC Any ofthe following events shall he deemed an event ofilcmult hereunder:
<br />Trustor shall have failed to make payment of any principal and/or interest installment becoming due hereunder
<br />by more Nan 10 days after the due date thereof, or
<br />There has secured a breach of or default under any term, covenant, vgeement eondiam, provision,
<br />representation or womanly contained in any writhe Wan lummu ants.
<br />J. ACCELERATION UPON DEFAULT, ADDITIONAL REMEDIES, Should an event of default occur,
<br />Beneficiary may declare all indebtedness senator] her to he due and payable and the Same shall thereupon become due
<br />and payable without any presentment, demand, protest or notice of any kind. Thereafter, Beneficiary may:
<br />I. Either in person or by agent, with or without bringing any action or loundeding, or by a receiver appointed by a
<br />nun and without regard to the adequacy of its security, enter No and take posse ,ion of the Trust Estate, or
<br />any pan thereof, in its awn name or in the time of Trustee, and do any acts which it deems necessary or
<br />desirable W preserve the value, marketability or mutability of the Trust Estate, or pan thereof or interest therein,
<br />increase the income thetofom or protect the security hereof, and with or without taking posscasion of the Trust
<br />Estate, sue for tar otherwise collect the rents, issues and profits thereof, including those past due and unpaid, and
<br />apply the same, less costs and expenses of operation and collection including apomeys Ices, upon any
<br />indebtedness secured hereby, all In such order . Beneficiary may determine the entering upon and taking
<br />posse of the Trust Estate, the collector. of such rents, issues sad profits and the apPlir'ation thereof as
<br />ion
<br />aforesaid, shall not cure or waive nt default or ice of default hereunder th invalidate any act done in
<br />response to such default or pursuant W such notice of default and notwithstanding the continuance in
<br />Bereaaion of the Tmrt led to x the collection, viig receipt and application of rents, is on proofs, Trustee n
<br />Beneficiary shall event entitled fa exercise every right provided for in any power the Lean Instruments or by law upon
<br />ovourrenw of any event of default, including the right W exercise the power o[ sole;
<br />2. Commence an action to forcible this Deed of Trust as a mortgage, appoint a receiver, or specifically enforce
<br />any of the covenants hereof.
<br />K. FORECLOSURE BY POWER OF SALE. The I'mines, shall have the power of sale of the Pmpeny and if Beneficiary
<br />desires the property to be sold, Beneficiary shall deliver to frolic. a written declaration of default and demand far sale, and
<br />elmtion to cause Trust.,S interest in the Trust Estate to be sold- Should Beneficiary elect to foreclose by exercise of the
<br />Power of Sale herein contained, Beneficiary shall notify 'I rustle and shall deposit with Trustee this Deed of Trust and the
<br />Note and such receipts and evidence of expenditures made and secured as Trustee may require.
<br />1. upon receipt of such notice from Beneficiary, 'trustee shall rouse W he recorded, pnbllshed and delivered W
<br />Truster such Notice of Default and Notice of Sale as than required by law and by this Deed of Trust Trustee
<br />shall, without demand on I'rastoc after such times as may then he required by law and after recordation of
<br />such Notice of Default and alter Notice of Sale having men given as required by law, sell the Trust Flum at the
<br />time and place of sole fixed by it in such Notice of Sale, either as a whole, or in sepamW lots or parcels or items
<br />as Trustee shall deem expedient, and in such order as it may deem .lne, at public auction to the highest bidder
<br />fur cash in lawful money came United States payable at the time of sale. Trustee shall deliver to such purchaser
<br />or purchasers thereof its gund sad sufficient deed car deeds conveying the properly so sold, but without any
<br />covenant or warranty, express or implied The mcilals in such deed of any miners or fact shall be crndirlm
<br />proof of the nvthfalness thereof. Any person, Including without limitation, Erosion, Trustee or Beneficiary,
<br />may purchase at such sale and Trusmr hereby covenants to warrant and defend the title of such purchaser or
<br />purchasers.
<br />2. As may be permitted by law, after deducting all costs, fees and expenses of Trustee and of this 'I rust,
<br />including costs of evidence of tide in connection with sale, Trustee shall apply the proceeds of sale m payment
<br />of the fallowing item, is the following order:
<br />a. all sums expended under the terms Inner. not then repaid, with accrued interest at TWELVE percent
<br />(12.0 %) per annum;
<br />It. all other sums Then seamed hereby, and
<br />c the remainder, if any, W the person or persons legally entitled thereto
<br />Trustee may in the manner provided by law, postpone sale of all m any portion of the Trust Estate.
<br />'Ihe'fruslee shall he entitled to a far, in addition to actual expenses incurred in the exercise of die power of sale.
<br />In the event the trust Deed is nut reinstated pursuant W Nebraska Statutes, the Trustee shall be entitled to a tee
<br />not to exceed $1,000.00 or 2.50 %ofthe entire unpaid principal and interest , whichever is greater.
<br />