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YI <br />W <br />NEBRASKA DEED OF TRUST <br />200305731 <br />THIS DEED OF TRI )ST IS MADE April 1, 2003, BY AND AMONG <br />A. PETER G.KO'ISIOPULOS, TRUSTEE and JANE E. KOTSIOPULOS, TRUSTEE, <br />12 Billerest Drive <br />Kearney, Nebraska 68845 <br />( "Tmatnr "); and <br />B. TEIOMAS J. WATSON, TRUSTEE <br />Attorney at Law <br />P. O. Box 2286 <br />Kearney, Nebraska 68848 <br />( "Trustee "), and <br />C. GEORGE P. KOTSIOPULOS,'I RUSTEE <br />813 Connnodore Place <br />Fort Collins, CO 80525 -3104 <br />( "Beneficiary"). <br />TRANSFER TO TRUSTEE, WITH POWER OF SALE <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, TRI ISTOR IRREVOCABLY TRANSFERS, CONVEYS AND ASSIGNS T'O'IRUS'FEE. IN TRUST, <br />WITII POWER OF SALE, FOR T'HE BENEFIT AND SECURITY OF BENEFICIARY, INDER AND SLIIDECT TO THE TERMS AND <br />CONDITIONS OF THIS DEED OF TRUST, THE REAL PROPERTY. LOCATED IN'IHE COUNTY OF HALO STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br />AND DESCRIBED AS FOLDOW S (The "Propel,") <br />Lots 4 and 5, Black 13, H.G. Clark's Addition to the City ofGauid Island Hall County, Nebraska. <br />TOGETHER WITH all mu. easement, appunenances, hereditnmt, interest in $Joining roads, street and alleys, improvements and <br />building of any kind situated thereon sad all personal property that may be or land, became an Integral part of such building and <br />improvement, and all water ngot. <br />THE PROPERTY and the entire estate and interest conveyed to the Treace arc rcFrrcd to collectively as the "Tm.t Estam ". <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECT BIND: <br />Payment of indebtedno+s in the total principal amount of $54,000.00 with interest Nereotr, as evidencN by Post cenam <br />promissory note of men date (the "Note "), with a mmunty dale of April L 2005, executed by Trosba, which han been <br />delivered and is onct Ne order of Beneficiary, and which by Nis reference is M1ereby made a part hercoE and any eruct <br />all madifimtiorn. exlmsi on s and renewals haeoC and <br />Payment of all sums advanced by Reaction y to pnimn the True Fans, with law. thereon at the tale of TEN percent <br />(I(ro %) per $mum <br />Performance oreach elgaidnenl and covenant ofTrustor herein amtained <br />This Decd of T-A, the Nut. and any mlwr hadoo e s Given to evidence m father secure the payment and performance of any oblipliooa <br />secured hereby on reRncd w oollectivdy us the "Icon butrunte t," <br />111. <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY OF THIS DEED OF TRUST: <br />PAYMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS. Tmstor shall Fay when due the principal of and the dinned art the indebte ium <br />evidenced by the Nola charcvsfi and. all other sums as provided in the Loan losnummt. <br />TAXES. TnnWr shall pay each incallmenr of all taxes and special assessments of every kind now or hmea ter levied <br />.,.alt the '1'rud Edatc or any port theueuf, before delinquency, without entice or demand, and shall provide Beneficiary <br />with evidence of the payment of same. Trostor shall pry all taxes and reneannents which may be levied upon Beneficiary. <br />interest herein or upon Bus Deed of Tuna or die debt secured hereby, without regard to any law that may he enacted <br />imposing payment ofthe whole m any pat thcucofupon he Beneficiary. <br />INSURANCE AND REPAIRS. Trusror shall maintain fire and extended coverage insurance insunng the itnprovOnmt <br />and building w atIhtm, pat of the Trust Estate for AN ANOINT NO LESS 'I RAN THE AMOUNT OF THE LNPAID <br />PRINCIPAL BALANCE OF THE NOTE Such io,. nice, policy shall craw. a standard mortgage clause in favor of <br />Beneficiary and shall not be oancelahle, handmaid, or modifiable without ten (10) days poor wrinen notice to Beneficiary . <br />Traitor shall promptly repair, maintain and rep$ace the Toast Estate or my part thenafso that, except for ordinary wear and <br />tear, he Trust Eaate shall not deteriorate. In no event shall the Tractor commit wash, on or to he Trust Erode. <br />an <br />i <br />T <br />m <br />2 <br />D <br />Z <br />r) <br />_ <br />_ <br />anC <br />O. <br />y <br />CO <br />s <br />N <br />ti <br />Z <br />NEBRASKA DEED OF TRUST <br />200305731 <br />THIS DEED OF TRI )ST IS MADE April 1, 2003, BY AND AMONG <br />A. PETER G.KO'ISIOPULOS, TRUSTEE and JANE E. KOTSIOPULOS, TRUSTEE, <br />12 Billerest Drive <br />Kearney, Nebraska 68845 <br />( "Tmatnr "); and <br />B. TEIOMAS J. WATSON, TRUSTEE <br />Attorney at Law <br />P. O. Box 2286 <br />Kearney, Nebraska 68848 <br />( "Trustee "), and <br />C. GEORGE P. KOTSIOPULOS,'I RUSTEE <br />813 Connnodore Place <br />Fort Collins, CO 80525 -3104 <br />( "Beneficiary"). <br />TRANSFER TO TRUSTEE, WITH POWER OF SALE <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, TRI ISTOR IRREVOCABLY TRANSFERS, CONVEYS AND ASSIGNS T'O'IRUS'FEE. IN TRUST, <br />WITII POWER OF SALE, FOR T'HE BENEFIT AND SECURITY OF BENEFICIARY, INDER AND SLIIDECT TO THE TERMS AND <br />CONDITIONS OF THIS DEED OF TRUST, THE REAL PROPERTY. LOCATED IN'IHE COUNTY OF HALO STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br />AND DESCRIBED AS FOLDOW S (The "Propel,") <br />Lots 4 and 5, Black 13, H.G. Clark's Addition to the City ofGauid Island Hall County, Nebraska. <br />TOGETHER WITH all mu. easement, appunenances, hereditnmt, interest in $Joining roads, street and alleys, improvements and <br />building of any kind situated thereon sad all personal property that may be or land, became an Integral part of such building and <br />improvement, and all water ngot. <br />THE PROPERTY and the entire estate and interest conveyed to the Treace arc rcFrrcd to collectively as the "Tm.t Estam ". <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECT BIND: <br />Payment of indebtedno+s in the total principal amount of $54,000.00 with interest Nereotr, as evidencN by Post cenam <br />promissory note of men date (the "Note "), with a mmunty dale of April L 2005, executed by Trosba, which han been <br />delivered and is onct Ne order of Beneficiary, and which by Nis reference is M1ereby made a part hercoE and any eruct <br />all madifimtiorn. exlmsi on s and renewals haeoC and <br />Payment of all sums advanced by Reaction y to pnimn the True Fans, with law. thereon at the tale of TEN percent <br />(I(ro %) per $mum <br />Performance oreach elgaidnenl and covenant ofTrustor herein amtained <br />This Decd of T-A, the Nut. and any mlwr hadoo e s Given to evidence m father secure the payment and performance of any oblipliooa <br />secured hereby on reRncd w oollectivdy us the "Icon butrunte t," <br />111. <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY OF THIS DEED OF TRUST: <br />PAYMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS. Tmstor shall Fay when due the principal of and the dinned art the indebte ium <br />evidenced by the Nola charcvsfi and. all other sums as provided in the Loan losnummt. <br />TAXES. TnnWr shall pay each incallmenr of all taxes and special assessments of every kind now or hmea ter levied <br />.,.alt the '1'rud Edatc or any port theueuf, before delinquency, without entice or demand, and shall provide Beneficiary <br />with evidence of the payment of same. Trostor shall pry all taxes and reneannents which may be levied upon Beneficiary. <br />interest herein or upon Bus Deed of Tuna or die debt secured hereby, without regard to any law that may he enacted <br />imposing payment ofthe whole m any pat thcucofupon he Beneficiary. <br />INSURANCE AND REPAIRS. Trusror shall maintain fire and extended coverage insurance insunng the itnprovOnmt <br />and building w atIhtm, pat of the Trust Estate for AN ANOINT NO LESS 'I RAN THE AMOUNT OF THE LNPAID <br />PRINCIPAL BALANCE OF THE NOTE Such io,. nice, policy shall craw. a standard mortgage clause in favor of <br />Beneficiary and shall not be oancelahle, handmaid, or modifiable without ten (10) days poor wrinen notice to Beneficiary . <br />Traitor shall promptly repair, maintain and rep$ace the Toast Estate or my part thenafso that, except for ordinary wear and <br />tear, he Trust Eaate shall not deteriorate. In no event shall the Tractor commit wash, on or to he Trust Erode. <br />