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200345706 <br />9. Condemnation. Theproceedef any awardbrclaimfordamaget ireclorconsequentikh , con nectiowitliY <br />anycondemnatiacrothedakingof thePropertyprpartthereofpr for conveyande lieuof condemnatioa(ehereby <br />assignedndshallbepaidto Lendersubjecto thetermsof anymortgagWeedof trustor othersecuritpgreement <br />with a lien which has priority over this Deed of Trust. <br />10. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extensioef thetimefor paymenbr <br />modificatioaf amortizatioed thesumssecuretlythisDeecbf Truslgrantedby Lendeto anysuccessdrr interesmf <br />Borroweshalhotoperatto releasep anymanned ,heliabilityof theoriginaBorroweendBorrower 'auccessoirs <br />interestLendershallnot be requiredo commencproceeding3gainst3uchsuccessaor refuseto extendimefor <br />paymenlbrotherwiseiodifyamortizatioet thesumsoecuretlythisDeecbf Trustby reasoof anydemandiadd:)y <br />the originalBorrowe rand Borrower 'muccessote interestAny forbearanday Lenderin exercisingrny right or <br />remed)hereundeoXotherwisafforde dby applicablkaw,shalhotbeawaiveiof or precludtheexercisef anysuch <br />right or remedy. <br />11. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Co- signers. The covenantandagreements <br />hereircontainedhalbind, andtherightshereunderhallinureto, therespectivauccessoamdassignef Lendeand <br />Borrower$ubjectotheprovisionef paragrapti6hereofAll cove nantsndagreemeritt Borroweshalbejointand <br />severalAny Borrowerwhoco- signthisDeedof Trust ,butdoesnotexecuttheNote,(a)is co- signinMisDeedof <br />Trustonlytograntandconve�hatBorrower't nteresihthePropertjo Trustee ndedhetermmf thisDeedbf Trust, <br />(b) is not personallyableontheNoteor undedhisDeecbf Trust,and(c) agreethatLendeandanyotherBorrower <br />hereundernayagredo extendlnodify,forbearpr makeanyotheraccommodatiowsth regardo thetermsof this <br />Deedof TrustortheNote withoufthatBorrower' EonserdndwithoutreleasinMatBorroweor modifyinghisDeed <br />of Trust as to that Borrower's interest in the Property. <br />12. Notice. Excepfor any noticerequireahnderapplicab Raw to begivenin anothemanner(a) anynoticeto <br />Borroweprovidedor in thisDeedof Trustshallbegivenby deliveringt or by mailingsuchnoticeby certifiednail <br />addressdd BorroweatthePropertyAddreser atsuchotheraddresasBorrowemaydesignatley noticeto Lender <br />asprovidediereinpnd(b) anynoticeto Lendeshalbegivenby certifiednailto Lender'saddresstatediereirorto <br />suchotheraddresasLendemaydesignatlay noticeto BorroweasprovidedhereinAny noticeprovidedor in this <br />Deed of Trust shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated <br />13. Governing Law; Severability. ThestateandlocallawsapplicabltDthisDeedof Trusts halbethelawsof the <br />jurisdictioin whichtheP rope rtrys locatedTheforegoingentencohal hot Iimittheapplicabilit9f federalawtothis <br />Deedof Trust.ln theeventhatanyprovisiororclauseDf thisDeecbf TrustortheNoteconflict %vithapplicabllsw, <br />suchconflictshallnotaffectotherprovisionof thisDeedof Trustor the Notewhichcanbe give neffectwithoutthe <br />conflicting)rovisionandto thisendtheprovisionef thisDeedof TrustandtheNotearedeclaretb beseverableAs <br />usecherein° costs," expenses (hd "attorneydees'fncludeall sumdo theextentiotprohibitedby applicabltawor <br />limited herein. <br />14. Borrower's Copy. Borroweshalbefurnishedconformedopyof theNoteandof thisDeecbf Trustatthe <br />time of execution or after recordation hereof. <br />15. Rehabilitation Loan Agreement. Borrowershallfulfill all of Borrower'sobligationsinderany home <br />rehabilitatiorifnprovementepair,or otherloan agreemenbhich Borrowerentersinto with Lender.Lender,at <br />Lender 'saptionmayrequirEBorroweto executanddelivedo Lenderin aformacceptabte Lenderpnassignment <br />of anyrights claimeor defensewhichBorrowemayhaveagainspartiesivho supploabor,materialer servicesi <br />connection with improvements made to the Property. <br />16. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. If all or anypartof the Propertpr any <br />interesin it is soldor transferrepbr if a beneficiaihteresln Borroweis soldor transferreelndBorroweis not a <br />naturaperson�vithoutLender' Epriorwrittenconsent, endermay, at its option ,requirdmmediatpaymenin full of <br />all sumssecuredy thisDeedof Trust.H owever thisoptionshallnotbeexercisetly Lendeif exercises prohibited <br />by federal law as of the date of this Deed of Trust. <br />If Lenderexercisetbisoption�endeshallgiveBorrowenoticeDf acceleratioTihenoticeshalorovideaperiod <br />of not lessthan30 daysfrom the datethe noticeis delivereabr mailedwithin which Borrowermustpay all sums <br />securetiy thisDeedof Trust.lf Borrowelailsto paythesesumspriorto the expiratiormf this period Lendermay <br />invoke any remedies permitted by this Deed of Trust without further notice or demand on Borrower. <br />NON- UNIFORKCOVENANTSBorroweendLendefurtheicovenargndagreeasfollows: <br />17. Acceleration; Remedies. Except as provided in paragraph 16 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of any <br />covenant or agreement of Borrower in this Deed of Trust, including Borrower's failure to pay, by the end of 10 <br />calendar days after they are due, any sums secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender prior to acceleration shall give <br />notice to Borrower as provided in paragraph 12 hereof specifying: (1) the breach; (2) the action required to cure <br />such breach; (3) a date, not less than 20 days from the date the notice is mailed to Borrower, by which such <br />breach must be cured; and (4) that failure to cure such breach on or before the date specified in the notice <br />0042604215 <br />Initials: <br />(©- 76(NE) (0204 Page 4 of 7 Form 3828 <br />