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200305706 <br />accountingf the Fu ndsehowing ;reditsanddebitdo the FundsandthepurposttorwhicheacMebitto theFundsrval <br />made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />If theamounbf theFundEheldby Lendegogethewiththefuturemonthiy nstallmentif FundEpayabipriorto <br />theduedatesDf taxesassessmeriMurancpremiumandgrounctents $hallexceedheamountequiredo paysaid <br />taxesassessmenit�urancpremiumandgroundrentsastheyfall due,suchexcesshallbe,at Borrower'sDption, <br />eitherpromptlyrepaicto Borrowepr creditedo Borroweion monthlyinstallmentef Fundslf theamounbf the <br />Fundsheldby Lendeshalhotbesufficiento paytaxesassessmedMurancpremiumandgroun ctentsastheyfall <br />due,Borroweshallpayto Lendeianyamountiecessatq makeupthedeficiencyn oneor morepaymentasLender <br />may require. <br />Uponpaymentn full of all sumssecuredy thisDeedof Trust ,Lendeishallpromptlyrefundto Borroweiany <br />Fundsheldby LenderJf underparagraph7 hereofthe Propertyis soldor the Propert�s otherwis(acquired)y <br />LenderLendeshallapply,no late rthanimmediatelgriorto thesaleof thePropertpr its acquisitioby Lenderany <br />Funds held by Lender at the time of application as a credit against the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />3. Application of Payments. UnlessapplicabltawprovideatherwissallpaymentEeceive tfyLendeundethe <br />Note and paragrapht and2 hereofshallbeappliecby Lenderfirstin paymenbf amountpayabldo Lenderby <br />Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest payable on the Note, and then to the principal of the Note. <br />4. Prior Mortgages and Deeds of Trust; Charges; Liens. Borroweshallperforrrall of Borrower's)bligations <br />underanymortgage4eedof trustor othersecuritpgreememt ith a IienwhichhaspriorityoverthisDeedof Trust, <br />includingBorrower'scovenanttto makepaymentsivhen due. Borrowershall pay or causeto be paid all taxes, <br />assessmergedotherchargedjnesandimpositionattributabltD the P rope rtyrvhichmayattaina priorityoverthis <br />Deed of Trust, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. <br />5. Hazard Insurance. Borroweshallkeepthe improve menteowexisting3rhereafteerectedn the Property <br />insureckgainstossby fire, hazardincludedvithintheterm" extendedove rage OndsuchotherhazardasLender <br />may require and in such amounts and for such periods as Lender may require. <br />The insurancearrierprovidingthe insurancehallbe choserby Borrowersubjecto approvaby Lender; <br />providedkhatsuchapprovadhalhotbeunreasonabothheldAll insurangaoliciesandrenewalt hereothalbein a <br />formacceptabte Lendeandshallincludeastandarchortgagelausin favorof andin aformacceptabte Lender. <br />Lendeshallhavetherightto holdthepoliciesandrenewalt hereof$ubjecto thetermmf anymortgag(deecbf trust <br />or other security agreement with a lien which has priority over this Deed of Trust. <br />In theevenlof loss, Borroweishallgive pro mptnoticeto the insurancearrierandLenderLendermaymake <br />proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. <br />If thePropertys abandonebly Borrowergr if Borrowefailsto respondb Lende with in30 daysfromthedate <br />noticdsmailecbyLendetoBorrowethattheinsurancearrieofferstosettlmclaimforinsurancbenefitst endeis <br />authorizeth colleciandapplytheinsurancproceedat Lender's)ptioneithedo restoratioar repairof the Property <br />or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />6. Preservation and Maintenance of Property; Leaseholds; Condominiums; Planned Unit Developments. <br />BorroweshalkeepthePropertyn goodrepaiiandshalhotcommiWastmrpermiimpairmerdrdeterioraticaf the <br />PropertyindshalbompIMiththeprovisionef anyleasef thisDeecbf Trustisona Ieaseholdf. thisDeecbf Trusts <br />onaunitin a condo miniurora plan neahnitdevelopmerEDprroweshallperformallof Borrower'sDbligationender <br />thedeclaratioor covenantsreating ) r governinghecondominiuror plannedinitdevelopmentheby- Iawsand <br />regulations of the condominium or planned unit development, and constituent documents. <br />7. Protection of Lender's Security. If Borrowefailsto perforrrthecovenantsndagreementmntaineidi this <br />Deecbf Trust or if anyactioror proceedin'r_* commencedhichmateriallyiffectE Lender'snteresin the Property, <br />thenLenderatLender 'sDption;uponnoticeto Borrowerinaymakesuchappearanced3 $burseuchsumsincluding <br />reasonabtgtorneydees ,andtakesuchactiorasis necessatg protectender'sntereslf Lenderequireahortgage <br />insurancasaconditiomf makinglheloansecurebythisDeecbf Trust) 3orroweshaljiaythepremiumsequiredo <br />maintairsuchinsurancei effectuntil suchtimeastherequiremeribr suchinsurancterminateign accordano'eith <br />Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable law. <br />Any amountsiisbursedby Lenderpursuanto thisparagrapfi7, with interesthereonat the Noterate,shall <br />becomadditionandebted neat Borrowesecuredy this Deedof Trust .Unlesd3orroweandLenderagredo other <br />termsof paymentsuchamountehallbe payableiponnoticefrom Lendedo Borrowefrequestingaymenthereof. <br />Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take any action hereunder. <br />8. Inspection. Lendermaymakeor causdo be madereasonablentriesiponandinspectionef the Property, <br />providedhatLendeshaloiveBorrowenoticEpriorto anysuchnspectiospecifyingeasonabbmus &ereforelated <br />to Lender's interest in the Property. <br />0042604215 <br />Initials• <br />(M V -76(NE) (0204) Page 3 of 7 m 3828 <br />