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0042603332 <br />200305705 <br />The remaybeonlyonedesignatembticeaddressndeithisSecurittnstrumergtanyonetime .Any notice <br />to LendeshaI beg ivenbydeIiverinot or by maiIingit by first classnaiIto Lender'saddresstatedierein <br />unless Lender has designated another address by notice to Borrower. Any notice in <br />con nectiowith this Security nstrumerthallnot bed eemedlo havebee rig ivento LenderuntiI actually <br />receivebyLenderlf anynoticaequire6ythisSecurit* nstru merit alsorequi red nderApplicabliLaw, <br />the Applicable Law requirement will satisfy the corresponding requirement under this Security Instrument. <br />16. Governing Law; Severability; Rules of Construction. ThisSecurittnstrumerahalbegoverned <br />by federalaw andthe law of the jurisdictio6n whichthe Propertyis IocatedAll rightsandobligations <br />containedh this Securityinstrumenbresubjecto any requirementmdlimitationsDf Applicabld_aw. <br />Applicabld-awmightexplicitlyor implicitlyallowthepartieto agredDy contracbr it mightbesilentput <br />suchsilence; hall not be construeds a pro hibitioragainsiagreemeridy contractln the eventthatany <br />provisioror Claus ®f this Security nstrumenirtheNoteconflictsN ithApplicablLaw ,suchconflictshall <br />not affectotherprovisions)f this Securitylnstrumenbr the Notewhichcanbe giveneffectwithoutthe <br />conflicting provision. <br />As usedin this Securitylnstrument(a) wordsof the masculinegendershall meanand include <br />correspond ingeuterwordsor wordsof the femininegender(b) wordsin the singularshallmeanand <br />includdhepluralandviceversaand (c)theword" may" givessolediscretiowithoutanyobligatiorlotake <br />any action. <br />17. Borrower's Copy. Borroweshalbegivenonecopyof theNoteandof thisSecuritynstrument. <br />18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As usedin this Sectiont 8, <br />"Interesin the P rope rtyrneansanylegabrbeneficiahteresin the Propertyincludingout not limitedto, <br />thos (beneficiahteresttransferreai abondfordeedpontradbrdeed installmergaleEontracbrescrow <br />agreement, the intent of which is the transfer of title by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser. <br />If all oranypartof the Propertpr any Interesin the P rope rtyssoldortransferre (Jbrif Borroweis <br />nota natu rape rsomndabeneficiahteresih Borrowe's soldortransferreaNithoulLender 'priorwritten <br />consent�endermayrequireimmediatq ►aymentn full of all sumssecure6y this Securityinstrument. <br />However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited byy Appplicable Law. <br />If Lenderexercisethis option,Lendershallgive Borrowemoticeof acceleratiorThe noticeshall <br />providea periodof not lessthan30 daysfrom the datethe noticeis givenin accordanoiaith Sectiorn 5 <br />with inwhichBorrowemustpayallsumssecuredythisSecurit�nstrumentf Borrowefailstopaythese <br />sumspriorto the expiratiorof this period,Lendermay invokeany remediepermitted)y this Security <br />Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. <br />19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. If Borrowermeetscertainconditions, <br />Borroweshallhavetherightto haveenforcemelof this Security nstrumerdiscontinu eat anytimeprior <br />to theearliesbf: (a) five daysbeforesaleof the Propert)pursuanto anypowerof salecontaineih this <br />Security nstrumen( p) suchotherperiodasApplicablikawmightspeciflortheterminatioof Borrower's <br />rightto reinstatear (c) entryof a judgment;nforcinghisSecurity nstrumenfrhoseconditionsarethat <br />Borrower(a)paysLendeiall sumsNhichtherwouldbedueundedhisSecuritttnstrumergndtheNoteas <br />if no acceleratiolwdoccurred(b) curesanydefaultof anyothercovenanter agreement) paysall <br />expenseiscurredn enforcinghisSecurity nstrumeniricludingout not limitedto, reasonabldtorneys' <br />feespropertyinspectioandvaluatiodees gndotherfeesincurredor thepurpos ®f protectin4ender's <br />interestn the PropertpndrightsunderthisSecurityfnstrumen $nd(d) takessuchactionasLender may <br />reasonabl}equirdo assurthatLender'snteresin the PropertpndrightsundedhisSecurity nstrument, <br />and Borrower'mbligatiorto paythesumssecureQty this Security nstrumentihallcontinuainchanged. <br />LendemayrequirdhatBorrowepaysuchreinstateme3 aimsandexpensas oneormoreof thefollowing <br />forms,asselectetiy Lender(a)cash(b) moneyorder(c)certifie(theckf ankcheckireasureri3heclor <br />cash ier 'sheckprovidedtnysuchchecks drawruponaninstitutioiwhosedepositareinsuredby afederal <br />agencyinstrumentalilojr entity;or (d) Electroni (FundsTransferUpon reinstate meby Borrowerthis <br />SecuritylnstrumerAndobligationsecuredierebys hall remainfuIly effectiveasif no acceleratiokod <br />occurredHowever # his right to reinstat (shallnotapplyin the caseof acceleratiounderSectionl8. <br />Initials: <br />4= 6(NE) (0005) Page 11 of 15 Form 3028 1/01 <br />