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0042603332 <br />200305'705 <br />accele rat iolmasoccurredrein states provided n Sectior99, by causinghe act ionor proceed intp be <br />dismissedtith a rulingthat,in Lender 'ludgmentprecludet3orfeitureof the Propertpr othermaterial <br />impairmerdf Lender'snteresin thePropertpr rig htsundeithisSecuritInstrumentrheproceedef any <br />awardorclaimfor damagetlthatareattributabltD theimpairmerof Lender'snterestn the Propertyare <br />hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender. <br />All Miscellaneofroceedl!hatarenotappliedo restoratioar repaiiof the Propertphallbeapplied <br />in the order provided for in Section 2. <br />12. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extensiormf the timefor <br />pay menbr mod ificatioof amortizatioaf the sumssecuredy thisSecuritlnstrumerilrantedby Lender <br />to Borroweior anySuccessdrr Interesbf Borroweshallnotoperatto releastheliabilityof Borrower <br />oranySuccessoirsinteresmf BorrowerLendeshalhotberequiredbcommengeroceedingEgainsgny <br />Successdm Interesbf Borrowerorto refusdo extendimefor paymer trotherwiseiodifyamortization <br />of thesumssecuredythisSecuritlnstrumertiy reasoaf anydemanatnaddbytheoriginaBorrowelor <br />any Successors Interesbf BorrowerAny forbearancby Lenderin exercisinginy right or remedy <br />includingvvithoutlimitation�ender 'sacceptanaod paymenttrom third personMntitiemrSuccessohs <br />Interesbf Borroweiorin amounttessthantheamounthendue ,shallnotbea waive rof orprecludthe <br />exercise of any right or remedy. <br />13. Joint and Several Liability; Co- signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. Borrowe cove nantasnd <br />agreeahatBorrower 'sobligationsand liability shall be joint and severalHoweverany Borrowerwho <br />co- sig nth isSecurittnstrumertlutdoesnotexecuttheNote (a "co - signer "Xa)isco- signin #iisSecurity <br />Instrumerdnlyto mortgag(grantandconveyheco- signer'isiteresM thePropertpndedhetermsof this <br />Securit�nstrumeni< ) is not personallgbligatedlo paythesumssecuredythisSecurit�nstrumentjnd <br />(c) agreesthat Lenderand any other Borrowercan agreeto extend,modify, forbearor make any <br />accommodatioaeth regardo thetermsof this Security nstrumenbr the Notewithouttheco- signer's <br />consent. <br />Subjeclotheprovisionef Section 8,anySuccessdn Interesbf BorrowewhoassumeBorrower's <br />obligationsinderthis Securitylnstrumentn writing, and is approvedby Lender,shall obtain all of <br />Borrower'srights and benefitsunderthis SecuritylnstrumentBorrowershall not be releasedrom <br />Borrower' s, bligationandliabilityunderthisSecurit�nstrumenynlesE .enderagree$o suchrelease, <br />writing .Thecovenantandagreemenb# thisSecurity nstrumerdhalbind (exceptTsprovidedn Section <br />20) and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender. <br />14. Loan Charges. Lendermay chargeBorrowerfeesfor service!Performedn connectiowith <br />Borrower'sdefaultlor the purposEDf protectin4-ender'snterestn the Propertyend rightsunderthis <br />Securityinstrumentricluding�ut not limitedto, attorneysfeespropertynspectioandvaluatiorfeesln <br />regardo anyotherfeestheabsencef expresauthorityin thisSecuritytnstrumertb chargaa specifidee <br />to Borroweshallnotbeconstruedsa pro hibitiormnthecharging)f suctfee.Lendemaynotchargdees <br />that are expressly prohibited by this Security Instrument or by Applicable Law. <br />If the Loanis subjecto a law whichsetsmaximunioanchargesandthatlaw is finallyinterpretedo <br />thattheinteresbr otherloanchargesollecteebr to be collectedh connectiowith the Loan exceedhe <br />permittedmits, then�a) anysucHoanchargehalbereducetiytheamoun t:iecessat9 reducithecharge <br />to thepermittedimit; and (b) any sumsalreadpollectedrom Borrowewhichexceedepermittedimits <br />will berefundedb BorrowerLendemaychooseo makethisrefundby reducingheprincipabwedunder <br />the Noteor by makinga directpaymento Borrowerlf a refundreduceprincipaithereductiorwill be <br />treatedis a partialprepaymervhithoutany prepaymerdharge(whetheior not a prepaymerdhargds <br />providedorundedheNote )Borrower'acceptancd anysuclrefundnadEbydirecpaymertb Borrower <br />will constitute a waiver of any right of action Borrower might have arising out of such overcharge. <br />15. Notices. All noticeigivenby Borroweror Lendein connectiowiththisSecuritlnstrumerThust <br />be in writing.Any noticeto Borrowein connectiowith this Securit ytnstrumerdhal The deemedb have <br />beengivento Borrowerwhenmailedby first classmailor whenactuallydeliveredo Borrower'siotice <br />addresrf sentby othermeansNoticeto anyone Borroweshallconstituteioticeto all Borrowersinless <br />Applicablel-aw expresslyequiremtherwiseThe noticeaddress;hallbe the PropertyAddressunless <br />Borrowerhasdesignated substitutooticeaddresby noticeto LenderBorrowershallpromptlynotify <br />Lendeiof Borrower'rhangef addres4f LendespecifieaprocedurbDr reportinffiorrower'shangef <br />addressthenBorrowershallonly reporta changwf addres throughthatspecifiegbrocedure. <br />Initials J/ <br />(M-6(NE) (0005) Page 10 of 15 Form 3028 1/01 <br />OD <br />