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200304941 <br />PARCEL 5: <br />A tract of land comprising a Part of the Northwest quarter NR1 /4) <br />(30), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) Heal a the `0th P.M.arid ll:o f the Southwest <br />ollovrs: Querter (S1i1/4) of Section Thirt <br />y, Nebraska, and more particular) <br />Beginning at a point on the east line of said Northwest y described n <br />Four Hundredths Point on feet south of the northeast corner of said Northwest <br />and upon the east line of said Northwest Quarter (id No , said point being Two Hundred Fort <br />and Thousand east line Seven nncl Five Hundredths (5,02 4) and the feet to cast line Of <br />castt corNRl 4 y Three and mcent; <br />thence deflecting right 00-31'10" and running westerly,) long and enponi fire nsnld Southwest Quarter ruanin souther) <br />Quarter SRI 4 y along <br />a distance of Two Ttiousnnd Sit Hundred Sixty Two and Fort corner of said Souti( eat )' n distance o <br />Southwest quarter (Sill 4 ; o line of said Soutltrccel Quarter Swl /q <br />Southwest Quarter STf! 4 , y Two tundredths (2,002.42) feet to the southwest corner �ofI/4 <br />thence deflecting right 09. 34']5" and running feet tc <br />the southwest corn(r of said Northwest[ Two Thousand Siz Hundred Forty iverandrE� along and u on <br />upon the west line of said Northwest Quarter (Np►] /4); thence defier_ting right 00 Eighty •Eight hundredths (2,045.08 of sate <br />Hundredths (2,307.02) feet to a Quarter (N t bee a distance of Two 7'llounand Three HundredSixty Seven and Eight' Tnc <br />south of the nortl�wcnt corner ofol n1,dsNlorlloncntbeln running northerly, along and <br />a distance of Two Thousand Six Ifundred Forty N[ne and/ (Ninlr 4); Scvcnly Seven nrrd Fi ht Six licxnciredllrn <br />Qunrl.r_r (NRI /�); lhencc drflccthcg right OU'U1'47" <br />(277.00}y fr•r•t. <br />Eight linndredtha (2,otiB,7B and running easterly, <br />feet to rite point of beginning <br />