<br />200304941
<br />tract of laud camprielrl a part of the Northeast ,Quarter (NE1 /4) and all of the Southeast. Quarter (SE1 /4) of Section, Twenty
<br />Iva (26), Township Eleven �11) North, Range Eleven
<br />B follow: (11) West of the Bill P.M.. Iiall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described
<br />Beginning at a point on the east line of said Northeast Quarter (NEi /4), said point being Two Hundred Seventy Seven and Eighty
<br />Six Hundredths (277.06) feet south of the northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4); thence running southerly, along
<br />and ulmll Lite coat lice of said Northeast Quarter (NEI /4), a distance of Two Thousand
<br />Three Hundred Sixty Seven and Eighty
<br />Two tiudredths (2.367.02) along feet to Like northeast corner of said Southeast, Quarter (SEI /4); Lhence deflecting left 00'08'48" and
<br />running southerly. along and upon the east line of said Southeast
<br />Forty Five and .Eighty Elgl►L Ilundredthe (2,045.88) feet to the southeast corner ofEsaid)�SouWcaet ce of Two Thousand Slx Hundred
<br />rlglrt 90.17'35" acrd running westerly, along and trpoa the sotlth line of Bald Southeast Quarter (SE1 (4); ttletrce deflecting
<br />Thousand Siz hundred Forty Four end Six Tenths (2,644.60) feet to the southwest corner of end Southeast Qu a distance of Tiro
<br />deflecting right 08'52'52" and running northerly, along nd upon the meet line of said Southeast Quarter EI /i) ); thence
<br />neat line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4) a distance of Five Thousand Six and Seventy Three llundredthe (5,006 73)afeet tlto
<br />e point, said point bean Tno Hundred Ninety One and Ninety Four Hundredths (291.94) feet south of the northwest corner of
<br />Bald Northeast Quarter (61/4); thence deflecting right 89.58'08" and running easterly, a distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred
<br />Thirty Four and One Hundredth (2,634.01) feet to the point of beginning
<br />PARCEL 5:
<br />A tract of Innd comprining n pnrt or Lite Northeast Quarter )
<br />30), Townah{p Eleven (1 1) North, nango Ten (10) Rest of file 011t I'.1v1., Ilnll Coultl
<br />ollown• (Nf;l /4 ntrd all of the Southonet Quarter (SEI /4) of See Lion Thirty
<br />y. Nebraska, and luore particularly described as
<br />IJrglnning of Ihr, norl.ltr.nst corurr Of sold Not•LhrneL (lunrlr ;r Nlil 4
<br />of natd ot(i ecu Quarter hellen4), n dl9loncc of Onc 771ousaod Five Ilundred Fourteen end Fifty Five Hundredths (1,614.55) feel
<br />( / It. ndredc rurteen nd Fift along nnrl upon Lhe north set
<br />e n polut of cure hill; Lhence running soul.ltwenterl alolt
<br />fen(., o! which, lhr: lnllinl lnnRmtL of Gatti curve colnclden with lhrt prn the In drawn c course, n dint. lice of FI[t
<br />1'ttlrl.y Scvcu Ilundredl.h9 (60,;17) lest Irllt Y. nud upon Lhe nrr. of n curve Lc Lhe Icfl whose radlun In 102.01
<br />dr,nrrlbr.d cournc) to n point of lnngen(;y; �hencc(Irunninp, tnoul.hnenl.rrly. nienq and upon the flou10'17t 0" proton ntlor
<br />final lnngenL of the previously dencriberl ertrve, snid prn)ongnt.ic/nl)dnflrt Uugolrfldl0, 17150 left
<br />frotn Olhr,' clro Cronl Lhe Elk o and
<br />prcvio(►ni,y
<br /> curve, n c119lnnce of 'lire Ilundred 1?Ighly Three and Seven( ell Ilundredtlln (2113.17) feet to a point of f till I)r Lhcnc
<br />R ► of f.he
<br />(running snue eoilleltle along anti upon Lite are of n txlrvc to Lhe rlghL Tllone rallllt.9 Is 494.74 feet, o! Which, the lo(((ot. t
<br />2 9nid curet. colncldIi with n,o prevlouflly deneribad cournc, n dl9lnnea of 1'no littndred Elg.7 'three and Ninety Four Initial 'tangent (:�Il;l.tl4) feel. ion _
<br />n point of lnngcn�y`Ii.hetltr cl rinntnitrq waetc(r y, nrlollgc ondcl"I'll ^tlue1 nc9lr.r'ly proic"Iti" fro of Lite tO
<br />described curve, nnid pl•tlle)lgnLlOn deficr•Liltg right ]0 ":'(1'30" fl- tile chord wrnfOLite rrprevloualyc dcnerlhr.'1 curve( cnitrne)
<br />of Fivr, Ilundred Srvrnty anti
<br />Eighty Four 1Gtnd red tits (fi7D.04) feel lc n final I ribent of Lite prcvtoun)y
<br />Nor rest. 11"1119 ort Two lfundr't I'urcy leflec anti Seventy Four 11(trrdrrdlhe (243,74) [r.r.t flouUt of lhr. n l- thec"t corner of nnid
<br />polo( on llto weal lino of nnld Norlhra9l cZunrlcr dlelnnrr.
<br />Nrlrthr.nst Qunrtr.r NEL 4 (NEi /4),
<br />( / ); Lhence deflecting left. cl SO' Lh anti runnin southerly, nlong nn(1 upon the ntt9t Ine of snid
<br />Nurl.hennl. (lunrlcr (Nlil/ 4) on<I Lhc nest line of sold Soul.hcn9l Qunrl•cr SFl 4
<br />anti )'ivr: ihtndredtte (,, feel. to Llrr_ flO11Lllwefll cnrrtcr of Hold SouLlrenfla (junr•Ler SE1 4
<br />tl0'4;:'fl;l' nrlcl t•ttltrlirr �' / ). n cl {9Lnrtre of Fly ThOuSni' l Twenty Seven
<br />g entlr.Foi nlonq and upon Lite noullt liuc or snid Southeast Qunr cr (SE1� /4)e11ce st. ii -co
<br />1•t)ot -te rt <l Stn, hundred dell ctili nud Ninety Eight. ihlndredl.11et (2,044.00) fret In Lhe. floul.henfll corner of flnid Souf.hen
<br />q lrft
<br />Quarter (SRI /4) thence de(Icct {nR left 00.07'00" nrtd rurriting uorlherly, aluet nud upon( Lite cast. nee ofllsnldrSoulll nwo
<br />Quarter (SEi l4),� n dlatnnrc of 'i'wo Thousand Six Hundred 1'h(rly Nine and Nine llundredlhs (2,03A.OA st•
<br />corner of r s NoNorthet qunrlcr (Nf t /4) ((►ease deflecting left 00'10'pG" and rut►n{ng northerly, n1onR and upon the
<br />cost. line of sold Northeast. t)unrtor• (NE1 /4), a distance of Two '1'1►ounnn <I Six Hundred Forty Eight, , (2,040,00) 11a fecL to the
<br />Point of beginning
<br />