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200304940 <br />PARCEL 5; <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northwest Quarter (Nfti /4) And all of the Southnea <br />(30), Township Eleven (11) North, Rea e <br />ollow-s: g Ten (10) Meet of the 0th P.M., t Quarter (SWI /4) of Section Thirty <br />,all Couaty, Nebraska, and more particularly described as <br />Beginning at a point on the east line of e <br />Four Hundredths Point on feel south of the northeast Northwest Qua of said Northwest <br />and upon the east line of said Northwest Quarter (Nlfi /4), said point beta <br />Five Thousand Iti►ent Quarter r !; Two Hundred Forty Three and Seventy <br />Twenty Seven and Five ilundredUrs (�,02ry,0 i) feel to tl�e 9ottthensti corner of)'snldarter est soutlierl <br />(Nlfl /4) and the east line of said Sottlhaest <br />thence deflecting right 00'31'10" .Y. along <br />a distance of Two Tliousnnd Six Ilundrecl Sixty Two tend ,Form A Quarter (SR1 f 4), a distance of <br />Southwest Quarter R nd upon Lhc eoui.h 1(nc of anlJ SouthaceL QuArtcr Sftl /4 ; <br />Southwest (Sif1 4 Y Two Hundredths (2,002.42) feet to the eouthac.Quarter ofI sald <br />/4), <br />Quarter SWI 4) thence deflecting right 09'34'15" <br />the southweet corner of said Northwest istancf Two and running northerly, Along and upon the west live of said <br />upon the rest line of acid id Thousand Six hence de Forty Five a.nd Ei ht <br />upon tJllts west line feet to a Quarter (NiTl /4); thence deflecting right 00'08'49 Eight Hundredths (2,045.08 <br />QuArtcr (Nl/l /4), n Jintancc of Tno 7'Jtoueand Three, Hundred Scvcn and EIR!►teCTno <br />eoutlt of the nortliwent corner of °leelJ "Aid Point being . Along and <br />a distance of Two R 'Pao ilundred ficvcnty Seven nrnd Eighty Six llundredlhn (277,00}7 feet. <br />o Thousand Six I1 ndred Forty Nine and Seventy 4EiRht 1undredths (,p4ghL feet to the Point ( / Lhcncc deflecting r•1 ht UU'U1'47" and running easterly, <br />P of beginning <br />