<br />PARCEL 4:
<br />tract of land (26), Township Elevenh11l) part
<br />North,f Range Elevens(111 West of Lite 401h and I .M. �lllnll County, tNobraska, end mo
<br />s follow: Quarter (SEI /4) of Section Twenty
<br />re particularly described
<br />Deginn(ng at a point on the east Ilse of said Northeast Six Hundredths (277.00) feel south a th rh
<br />Le northeast corner said Nulcaat
<br />Quarter (NEl /4), said point being Two Hundred Seventy Seven and Eighty
<br />all" ul,cltr the oust line of Bald Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4), a distance of Two ThousandNThree Hiund od Sixty Sevenliand Eighty
<br />Two lludredthe (2.387.02) feet to lire northeast corner of said Southeast
<br />running southerly, along and upon the east line of said Southeast quarter (SE1 /9); thence deflecting left 0Six H0" and
<br />Forty Five and Eighty Eight hundredths (2,045.88) feet to lire southeast corner ofEBald)�Southeast distance of Two Thousand thence Hundred
<br />Thousand 90'17'35"
<br />Six Hundred Forty running
<br />Six Tenths (2,044 80) feetot Litelhsouthwest corner of said Quarter , 4); stan deflecting
<br />deflecting right 89.52'52" and runnin northerly, along and upon the west line of said Southeast (SE, art a SEI/ rte of Two
<br />neat line of enld Northeast gg Southeast quarter (SE1 /4); thence
<br />Quarter (N 1/4). a distance of Five Thousand Six and Seventy Three Hundredths (5,008 73)afeet tlto
<br />a point, said point beingq Two Hundred Ninety One and Ninety Four Hundredths (291.94) feet south of the northwest corner of
<br />said Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4); thence deflecting right 89 108'08" and running easterly, a distance of Two Th ousand Six Hundred
<br />Thirty Four and One Hundredth (2,834.01) feet to the point of beginning
<br />PARCEL 5:
<br />A tract of ]nnd anmprl11) n port of Lho Nurthoost Qunrlcr (NEl /4 and all of Lice SouLhonet
<br />olio Toirnaltlp Eleven (11) Norllc, ltnngo Ten (lo) Rest of tl►a 01.}I I'.}t., I(nll Cocl[rl
<br />olloxR: qunrtor (SCl/4) of Section Thirty
<br />I1eRlnning nl 111t norl.hrnaL corner of sold NnrlhrnRl Y, Nebraska, and more particularly described as
<br />of Pal(' Nol't11enRL Quarter (M. ;1/4), distance Quarter (N1:1 4
<br />to n n ti of aLe Thousand Five Ilun`IrcdeFourtecn and Fifty Five IllndredLhe (1,fi14.5G feet
<br />point of curvature; thence runn(ng soul.hwentcrl nlnrcgg y. Dive nnd upon the north lino
<br />fcol., of wllfah, the in1Un1 tn"gotcl of °old curve coirlebleR w tl1 lhr. prtvl 10 n daOrrll,c" course, n dtRt .1, o, Flfl,
<br />Y nnd upon t.ho urn of n curve Lo the left irhoso radius le
<br />'1'hl•ty SCPti1 lluulrcdillR i0.a7
<br />drnrrlbed courRC) ( ) furl (lu)g chord dlsl.nuct• 102.01
<br />to n point of Lnngency; I.hcnc�c ' 57.511', lung chord deflecting left 10.17'G(1" from lfle prevliocal"]
<br />final Langenl of the previously describe" curve, en!" prolonRnf•iurl dcflecLlnR Irft 10 "17'GO" front Lho chord or claar.rlbed curvo, n d1RLnnc e of 7'wu llunclrrd [?Ighf.y fI'breclnnd S vcnLr.rnyllnl ircdlhRl 211,3'17Lhe uclf.hwentewly prulongnllon of the
<br />running nnnlhrr Moldy, long nnd upwl Lite nt•c of a curve to Lite 09111 'Those redht9 is 494.74 feel, of whletr th
<br />of Rnld curve coi ►Irldr.R with Lhc prevlouRly described courxe, n dtRl.nncr 0f 1'no Ilundred Elghly '!'bete mid Ninety a 111x, prrrkngc ly
<br />( ) feet to n point of curvnl.urc; thence
<br />( ?_IUt.U4) fr.cl tun c initial lnngent
<br />( R chord dlRlnnur = 21111.00',
<br />n peril of lungcnc:y; l.hencc nn.jull we�terly, nlong nr,d�npun lhr: wcelcriy prulungnliu►) of Lhc Irani lnn n
<br />Ions r -hard "oflrcl fu , , tly Four Hundredths
<br />of Five tb 11 curve, Rnid prolongal.iull dcflccLiuh right ht 10 "' 0, 1' IIRht 10 ";.0' :1(1" from the, prevluuRiy drflarlbrd c0urflr.)
<br />of Fivc ilundred Sr.vrnty nnd rig hl g g ` 90., fr0tth the chord n( Lite to
<br />Rnid point. hr.lcq y Four llundredths (570.0.1 g 11t of lice prcv(or[nly
<br />Two lhtndrtt I'a►•ty Three and Sevtnl.y Pout' Iluudredl►19 (243.74) feet Raulh11ofyth }aRnortth`wrnitcnrncr o
<br />Nurlhr.nsl Quat•ter (NI:1 1 l frct (o n point on Lilo weal I,na of Rnld n dlRlnnen.
<br />/ ); hornet west 11inq left OU "l:t'l5" and runnin�t Ruulllcrly, along and rIp northC,wtt9ltallllC ulEe�l
<br />Norl.hennt Qnnt•ter NEE
<br />Ilan <Irr.dtlfl �,I(127.UG)l }fr.eLrLu Llrtr. R�lllllweflL ct oc>>ctr of asst l SSFi 11r�1RL Qunr ter f Hold
<br />nnci Fh r. r
<br />ilp•q ?'�I;," nnd rcnvlilrq cnRtcrl n dIslnnce of Five 7'housnnd Twenty Seven
<br />1'houRnlld Six hundred Forl.y Fouranikd N }nc'1y11EighLi111►Rout Lllote2of snicl Southenst
<br />Qctnrter (SF1/4); thence dcflcclhlR left OU•U7'U5° nerd rwuuinl; u(rlhcrl 1 °f r L o a SEI /4); lhenrr. dr.flectinq left
<br />currier (SE1 /4), n dlslnlcrc of Two 'fhousnnd S1z Ihtnded Thirty Nine 4anld)Nl�el lluudllPgROULhenALEcorn )ernof11Rnit11 S0uLhenF t.
<br />corner of r 31 Norlheaet (2unrlrr (NPI /4)• Lllcntr. dcClcclln Icfl OU "10'06" and running nu[1119. l
<br />ensf. IlnO of sold NOrlhonst Qunrlor N},( 4 a port Lite r cast Iluc of enicl Soutlacnst
<br />gg nning (2,0 1 erly, feet 9 the uulhr llc
<br />perlrlt of beginning ( /�) distance of 'i'trn •1'holhsnnd Six Hunched Fort y, alttrrl; nr►d u oll ties
<br />Y E,gllt (2,040.00) feet to the
<br />